Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Feb 2005, p. 45

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The Canadien Champion, Friday February 11, 2005-29 * - * * * o : jIndex: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 eRentais 170-196 a Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-29.9 Fax: 905-876-2354 Email: cIassified@miItoncanadianchampion.com e Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 * HeIp Wanted 500 Mon. ta Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classffied ads also appear on www.haftonsearch.com: e Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cali: 905-878-5947 Ad submission by mail unisn persur: The Canadian Champion. 191 Main St. E. Miltun. ON L9T 4N9 Deadien: Mon il1 arn., for Tues. publication, Thurs,a. ar for Fri. publication. Special Feature & Holiday deadlines may Payment: We accepn cash. cheque, lriterac, Visa, Masterçard, Americari Express, Business accounts car be opened wîth an approoed credif application avaîlable from yout Sales Cunsultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY Il RUNS f0 ensure the information is correct. Contact your Sales Consultant mîthîn 24-Huns if an error appears. An error in a Fni publicatin must be reportod no later thari Mon. il a.m. BIRTHDAY a-sssisiixsiiirse'aupyil sec baera I fia à sp ana sexe $$$. $150,000. Csll Mastv 0 ses-a7r-tlaa PRIME Miltas loat ian. Mains& OntarioS. f300 sq. fi. Bright stetrant. Ample psrking. 905-864- 7094/4f16-826-6636. REASONABLE Industriel Us$s fo ian tt Hsy 25 & 401, 1,600 - 3,'200 sq. If. Londîsg docks & drive-in. Phvne 1-905-277-9347 an 1-905-275-6834. ANNIVERSARY PHumOlTE pont businss xppeasenity fu, anar 4 million adslt readars sn South Cen- frai Ontarion Book yxsr ad- xertisemenl sn axer 60 Met- rolend cammssity seaispa- pars cifh ana phase oei. Cali txday for infuemation an aieekty curd ad packag- as (infemet listings isclsd- ed) 415-453-1300 eut. 237; ccra.mettaed.cara ~LOANS fil payday. Cail laday-Cash f oday. Cali 905- 876-3333 $SMONEYS$ 100% tf 2sd and 3 d Muflgages. Bad cedftOK. Cal Ontario Wide 1 -5553077T7990 TRAFALGARý.t Apptxa imafety 2,500 ,qB.x Ca mnrcîalndsstriel space. oed tar many unes,- $1500/mth + ufîlîfîns Plense oeil 415-743-5224 -Brand ses 2-lidrm base- or 416-555-5917. ment pt, latchen, neperate m entrance, $900/mth, ail sn- clusive, Close f0 401/J.S.Pkay, Na pets/smoking, Aveit Mat 1sf, Please cali 905-876- 5 ppe sho nf ta im- 2167 pevvn thecr heetth, and nars *DOWNTOWN MILTON moeey chule daig à, cati Large eparlment, 2-lina- 905-575-1505 or vinsi My mais, tndecueafed vas ep- selinite O bitfp://Mrw.im- pliances, pnivatae enfrance. myotec.cosm/ranmy Avaîlale ses. $975/month A Job At Homie $529.27 + bydrx. 905-332-5310_ weekly. mail sa/b, Assem- -MILTON large mail meus- le products or Computer tainad f-ldtm pt. un old mo/b. (416)703-555. 2dbr Milton, gxxd parking, ouf- message www.TheHome- dons bslcxry S800J/mtb j.bc Or wste: Consumer, afîlîtîns. Asaîlalile Match 599B Yonga Street, #259- isI Caîl 905-693-0780 or 222, Toronto, M4Y 1Zd 90598765581(cvii). 55nq ia U~~ &L.LéN * -MILTON. 2-Seîlrxomn 2sd flont of hanse sn daows- lama Miltas. GreaI fnt me- ture cosple, shered dnch, Parking tataone anly. Avait- elle Match 1sf. Cal tan ap- plicatian $900/menBs sSili- fies ssclsded. 905-878- 9577 day. -UPPER tantr of dsplex sn nid Miltas. Hîgb ceîiîsgs, huga hitches, appliascas & parking. 5550/mas/b + sSili- bas. Annulle immediafniy. 905-575-0935ý 'Aclon Apartiments 1 & 2 liadroann aparhmnnent avait- abia Nus and Ian future. Fsidge & Staxe, laundry tacilies, Na dags 519-853- 4374 open 7 days/weh semae day eppranal. *DOWNTOWN MILTON Millida Tasars 52 Millsidn Drive. 1&2 Bedroors Apts. Close ta Dessfacs. Bs sftop et Front Dean 905-876- 1249 sras.reata.ca *GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Bronte Stee, South, Milton We are now accepting applications for: - 1 bdrms analortPM,' an appointmnnent, Please cai 905-878-5375 Building Managers Leonard & Penny 1-DEUHUONM apartmiest Damatoras Georgetoma sn hitsc bilding. CaBsedral ceilisg, iOnS lialcosy, beat, AiC, psrking isciadnd. No smoking. Hydra entra. First/lasf. $795/mant h. Axailahin Match 1sf, Cal 905-577-5495 alter 5:00pm. 1-BEDROOM liasemaent, brîght, single la- male/capla.$500/mnth st- banie indauded, Credif checki, hirsbst. Axaîlabie Feliray 2Mb .Peshiegi saparata as- trascn/iassdry. 905-873- 0663. 2-BEDROOM liasament apartmn eaîalalile fat hîghty tespeenhile persan. $700/manth. No smxkîsg/pef s. Ratarences teqsired. Caîl 905-873- 3142/415-252 34f10. 905-873-a60 sewto rasa- nated 2-liedreenn apf., per- vaIn lassdry, 2-car parking. Nx pets/smoking. $BSOlmanth plan. Firshfns. Gonrgetoma. ACTON 2-lierrne duple, Match 1 sf, ftimlent, $500/mth pes ulilies No pets. Cai 905-454-4559 or 415-552 f715. ACTON large 3-lindtn apatmesf, $850/masth plan. Aise a f-lindranm apatmant, $550/manth plat. Call 5-853-5080 or 51 9-853-5352 ACTON, f liedroors, axal- abde Match tf. Aise 2- bedroxmn, axaaial Match lt. Cali 5195853-3309 or 519-853-0719. APARTMENTS 2-bedroom suites rn Acon S800 and 5550/month. Prvate yards. Oas Seat. Avaîlable imme- dîataly. Cal[ Lîz Dovil. John- son Assooîalxs Realtor 9055877-5165, -MIL[ON 1 yeat sec tussbame in olda Miltas, Sl400/mth citb ail ap- plissns iscludari, axailelila asylîma. Cali 905-299- 2929. -MILTON 3-liednanm Ixainhumes, garage. $t250/mxnth. Fînst/Last. Axailabie îmmediafely and Apsil tsf.. Csll Daxa 95 578-5444. MILTON lrg 3-bodrn toms bosa, sîcely dncorated, close f0 Milton Mal, axal- alile Apîl 1ut. 51350/m/b + utilisies. Cal 905-693-0780. *NEARLY sec 3-bdrm txcsbxme in Milton, 5 ap- pliasces. Axailalile Mat f. Sf 450/mth o stîlîfies. Richard Hierman, Reae 905-878-7777 *NEW forashanse lot test in Millin 3-lidan, bsnisbnd liasament, $l50Olmfh + auSiles. 905-208-2127 BEAUTiFUL nancalixe towshxsse (Milton), 3 years neai, open concept, 3 lied- ranoms, 2.5 battis, S ap- plînces, sic, gas FP, pro- leusixsally lisishnd base- ment, dase lo GO/ schoodsl Hwyi $1400/mu. uhîben. 905-336-3773 Oaknille-2, 3&4 liedtxsm tuashuses axailalile im- mediaely Bsmsugb Apsil 4 appliasces. Hspedaie Mal area. Lakeshote 1 Management, 905-876- 3336 CAMPBELIVILLE lamily laniusg lot Lîxe-In Caregx- an lur B & 5 yr olda. Lîght hxusekeepîng and meal preparatîn requirad. $5- Sf 0/bn. 44btslcank, cal Cary @ 905.554.2005 on aimait: infx@faaeciach.com. rxam liachelaretta apart- ment. Axailalile immediafe- ly$795/mxnBs indlusive No pets/smoking. t-paring. Call 4f1B-716-7547. GEORGETOWN 2-bnd- ranm apatmant axailahle March 1sf, utiisies încluded. Quiet arna dlose f000O Sta- tion. Ns pets please. Cai 416-522-3f102/4165-606- 7537. GEORGETOWN spacous, 2-lindrooxm apartment, close f0 Hîgh Sohool. Ap- pliances, grisai naighliaurs. ai inclusion. Axailahie Fa- liruary 1sf. 905-873-1 174. GEORGETOWN, f Sth Sîdnrxad. Large liachelar apemnaent, 2nd tant, 2-ap- plianons. $700 /maeBs plus atilîties. Axaîlelile imme- diatly. 905-873-4413. LARGE 2-lindraam, very sicalisemnent apethneel, nain laandry, separate n- france. $900/mastb in- dadas atililies. No smxh- ingipefs. 905-575-4985. MILTON. 1 liedraunn hase- ment apartment. Axailahla March It. Laundrylcalt. Nxni-smaknt. $750/mxnBs. FirstlLast. 905-467-1855 NEWLY reanxafed t lied- rnann apartmenf an Marlin St. MiBon. Close fo dlown- toma $100/ masBs. Ubli- tins isdludnd. Coul 519-699- 9494 -SUPER Msflamy nemi. Axailelila Apeil tsft. Includes C/A, ait appliances, ges FP, garage, 15001 sq. ft 3-lied- mrds, 3 bafhs. SîSOoymonBs. Caîl Carole 905-87898B01. 4-BEDROOM buse tu rent in Acton, quiet naighliaur- baxd neur Lahe. 5-ap- piances, nan-smxhnrs, no pets. Firstesl/rnfnrnncen. $t,3SOlmasBs plan stilSes. Availante immediaey. Call 519-853-5251. ABERFOYLE ares. Main liant of country asIate 24005t ranch liungalo. 4 blins ravng tmord, di- nisgrxxm, lemîly mars, kdtchee, lauedy. Sitsated an f0 actes trans, pend, playhause. CIANso, sand lismisng ste, 4 cet ge- rage, epplienons indluded. $1 700/mth + uBilies Mer/tsft 519-B21-9331, 519-654-8403. ABERFOVIE ares. Neraty resnated 1 Sossqt base- ment apathsnt an country estaifo In t Spacieas 2 lindranm wîtb C air/xac, lasndy, 2 car garage & wxodliumîng stuxa, ap- pliances soli $995/mtb asilites. Axaîlabla Apnil lut 5f19-521-9331, 519-654- 840310o xîec Brun. Paolo & OlIM. Casai. (nee Mlddlebrook) are pleased f0, annuce the sale amnial ut their baby girl Abbygal Lieurs Ann. She deoided f0 mahe ber debat un Jas. 26th 2005, the day before ber parents big mone intu their new bouse. Special thanku f0 Dr. Cnetic ana Bsn nursing staff ai MDH ton their amazing suppot and Sparks - Jasit and Kelly (nee Pesnwel) et Millin are pleased f0 ansmunce Bsn birth ni Bneir sn Jackson Wade weigsîng 7llis 15 ozs et Millin Disticot Houpdtal un Felinuary 2nd @ B:37 PM. Proad litst Ume grendpar- ents are Clint & Lorraine Spaths ut Millio and BBs limne for Morges & Eileen Penwell ai MiltueulOakville. Jacks- sen s aise welcursed by many aunts, anclen and cou- snsn. A nesy speonia Bnk yu ta Dr. Hanter, Dr. Raja- ningham, Dr. Gilbest ana Bsn nursing staff at MDH ter making Bsss a wondentul experience. BEDROOMN SUITE white -POOL fentes + accesse- doulbled bned liead srd es. NalUsnd. Buy/SeaS ï, nd tablas si/b drasers, Siafe tables f000 in- dresser sîth mîrrxr & 6 stalled. 905-65159. drasers, armoire, om- ww.liatd-sero cem pinta. Pinase cal 905-875- A Dis ng Rxem, Chery 3425. cxod doule pedant al -BLACK les/ber coh & table, 8 chairs, lisfat, *1990 Chevy Astrx Vas, loxaseat, 2 end talles/cul- bsfch, dovetail constrac- white, gxsd condition, tee fable surS black lacquertinon. New st11 in lianes. emnissian fested $500. an is mîsnored tops, $500,00. Cost $11.000. Sacrifice Cal 905-575-5410. $2,600. 905567-9459 Be/boom sel cr0h asmoire, 2001 Pxnhuc Aztec. AWD, cood-greexcasb wîth A King Pillowlop Maitvss 4-cbevi disc ABS. beateci brocs tos. S500,00 905- Sel. New rn plastic. Cost vea/ber seats, A/C CO. Air 878-6690. $1600, ssii Ion $450. 905- mranressîtable. 2 sets of - 567-9459 rms,'vrs. 53,OOOhms *FULL sîzv "Dominion" $16900, Cal 905 O77 uprîght piano, nvvds turig, 62 $150. ns besl ofl+r Cali 647-299-6654 See our Valentine's Day messages on pg 33 Craft Show Qualified Exhibitors SWanted TrnieIfseee Centre OshawaCsnic Audeanai ep - flo &NS. 1î-13,200. Ou. 4i , 52". RichmonedHill sperts Cent Brnekli Vrped Amea Mn 5-6, 20(M & ot 2122W5 J.1. t1-17.'005 For more information cati 905-426-4676 ext.22Z or visit www.theheartofcountry.com '-STAY aI home MniCYW, etesive an- panience bas P/T space avaîlle, Hawthorne Vil- lage. Cal 505-975-9302. PULL TIME Dapcare aval- ala. Reasonalile ratas. J.M. Denyns arna. Steelisg immediatey. Cai 505-554- 5555. EXPERIENCED Childcare aix/bet. Availabta- avenîng lislysîflîsg & saeesds. Aino tuforng pnmsty grades. Cal 905-875-2137 *1 yeas old. mire cooned inather couch ara chair wîth some deooraxve stads. eaid $2,500 askîrg 01,250 OBO. Cali 905- 078 0410ý PSYCHICI Redns-Tarot-Car Palmislry PasI P nanet-Fulure 37 Yeara EgrtB5CB unoe isemsauga Boad arna 90555850 BED, Amaiing bargain, qunnn artbupedic pillorafup set, sew se plasti, aiarranty Sf50 905-567-4042 ssil de- mier. Bedroom Cberrywnnd, lina, chest, dresse, 2 regblstands. Davetai on- struction. Nener upened Cent $8B000. Sensitice $1,900. 905-567-4042 BOOST pans immune sys- terr Bsn naturel wa. Vinsf My websîtn @ http ://www. immu no- tec.cueramsey un cai 905- B75-18B0B. CARPET 1 liane neyera f,000 yrds. et new Stain- maister & 100% nylon car- pet. Witt do lsengream & hall tor $389. lndades car- pet, pad & installation (30 perds) Steve, 905-633- 8192 FREE Estimates. Dat wuli- lily cliairs, tîred lxxking woad linîshes? Fields Cus- tom Woodl Retsnsshîng and Fumîture Repeirs. 9-9,905- 632-90M0. Hot Tub Coners - One seei special $2BB 00. lient qaality, delîxnred lx your dam. Cetl 1-866-652- 6837 NEW Vear Salai Custom aphulstening, sexe sp ta 501/ off decoaralbnics, plus NO 0Sf' Sofas Irure $7BB, chairs tramn $245. Fietlds Fumibare and Pas- ins CaI dadly, 9-9pm. 905- 6B32-9090. STAIRLIFTS- Pxrch tilts, etuxtors, Sooters, shed- chairs, heepdtal lieds, Bapi Sell Cal SIte Crons 905- 847-5504 CASH pe d tar antiques anal collecilts, chine, fig- urnes, îewelBery, lsmdsurn, coins, etc. 905-878-31 45 ceil: 905-876-7950.

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