Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Feb 2005, p. 9

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The Canadian Champion, Tue Players' audience busts a collective gut during cqiaug 'ugî ojý ivaggte s tiettmng 1#1'arrwea If its truc ihai laugiýhtei- s the hesi niedi- cine. ibose in a.teîkhuce aii Frtdav nighi's performance b> the Milton Players Theatre Group wiii be feeling 5cry bealihy îndeed. The Militon Seniors' Actis iîy Centre seerned in (langer of erupiing as the Players performed tbeïr openîng nighî if Maggie's Getting Married, by C.înadîan playwriglbî Nomi Foxîer. Il mnux fhave been music to the cars of dîrector Pat McManus. Maggie's Geîîing Marnied f olfows the Duncan tamîly the nîgbi hefère Maggîe's xsedding and explores tbe feelings -botb good and bad -of the bride andf groom as weli as tbe mother, faîbeî andI sîsier-ol ifie- bride. Veronica Hernandez and Shar on Stevens, who play the bride aund tfie sister- of-the-bride respecîivelv. are boih iesx- corners to Milion. The ibeatre group lias aiii acicd qutie a bit tif' nexi bloodtti ,f. v, bic b seens bis chv atfded a treslîiess ti the ithcti coipanv 's i eceni productioits. 'The acioi s bive great cheiosir>. tnd lise discovered l'ni noix a Bttati Ilicke\ lan. Mr. Hickevy plaî>s Ruissell MacMxillan, tbe grooni-to-be. In soutie hifarimx us ips. Russeli finds bîmxell pla> ing an affable, fîarmfess ebaracier reminiscet tif lus role in ibe previons PI ayers' show,. The Fourstîne. For some reason. be remînded me of Hugb Grant, wbo .ilxays îilays the samne bumbling. lovable cbaracter. no mai- ter what the movie. Players veleran Getiff Foîrd is ctînvîncing as Maggie's faîher. Tom. who ximply wants bis daughier to be bappy. 1 imagine any father in the audience would be able 10 relaie to bis characier as he inadvertently put doubts in bis daugbîer's mmnd while asking. "But are you sure be's the one?*' The production also stars the side-spliî- iing anties of Roberio Batcbhin as the older sister's boyfriend, and Cathy Imus as Maggie's mont, Cass Duincan. In betixeen the jokes, deeper issues are examined including religion, famîly loyal- ty, and the varions stages marriages go througb. Ai one point. Tom. afier observing bis daughiers' relationsbips wîth eacb of their pariners, axks bis wife wheîher their Summer camp fair on Sunday Parents and kids can gel an early look ai ail the summirer fun available for 2005 ai Sunday's Toronto Star Summer Camp and Education Fair. The day-long eveni takes place ai tbe International Centre on Airpont Road and will feature more than 45 exhibîtors everytbing from swîmmiiîg anîd sports camps to those focusing on ants aiic explo- ration. 1tlixfinme consumîng l'or parents Io source oui the hest sunîmer experient.e fotr their son or daughter:' saîd sboxs direcior Judy Rtixbko. "There's an aina.'iig ranîge of activîties ott here. Thiîs lair pros ides parents xxiib a tiîe-s.t iîîg oppontunîiy tî explore a ricb selectiou tir prograîns ai otie lime." The sumrmer camp topent bouse is f ree. For more information. caîf (9015) 8 15-(K)017 or 1-800-265-3673, ext. 304. 'if1iiiit.« lias t.it.cfui She replies iietir i elatîonsbip moire reseibles at 'nttc lîtîle grass lire' ihan ibeir datighters' foresi fîre romiances. 'Lei 's btîpe il spreacfs t the fbtuse' is bis cbeeky response. Alibougb the play is conîical -aîd welf- perfornied. i ili s wonfîi meniioning ihat some petople -lîke me -miglît bc disappoiîeuf in the amouini uit sexual con- tent. lits nuui unutîsalfoIsr ifîis point It arise xxben 1 resiew ibis ialenied group's offer- ings. Nomially. 1 put iii a one-setîtetîce dis- dlamer as ait alen ifiai some people intghî be offended. But ibis show xxas differeni front itose prex cmxi> rex iexved becauxe tif the stepped-up sexitaf content ihus 1 tbînk il deserves mtore discussion. From the num- ber tifchurches n Mîilton. 1 presumne tbeie are others in lowin xxho, like mie, hoki t0 itradiiioiial values'. Actually, ihey don 'i even have Io be Christians --- osi woruf religions hold fast Io the sanciîy of ses xx ibmi the cuunfines of marriage. S thi bk uls oiily fair thai pieoptle reaf- ize ibis shcîsx fS l'If s1"esct.îl jokes. ofieii abhout tîne-îîîgfî stands -soie allctded iii. soiie ti eo and everyîfiig iii beisseen. If ihai's ytîur cup ofilea, you'll eîîJothie performance. If not. youî'll likely feave with a bad îasie in youî nîtînîi once the laugbîer bas xubsided. Tickets foîr the remaiîiig perfoîrmanîces Thursday. Frîday lsbow cinlyl and Saturday (dinner theaiie) cati be purcfîased ai Delaccînris ai tbe etîrer tif Mainî aiîd Matin sireets or by calling (9(05) 875- 01629. Tickets cotîs $15 for sbîîw înly per- formances. both of whiîch sia i 8 p.m- aînd $35 (tir the dîîîner ilteair. perform- atnce, wbtcft siants ai 7 p.m. tday, February 8, 2005-9 "The LÙil11e itself immune to the necessity for advertising sooner or later finds itself immune to business."~ Derbry Brown iOPEN during our We're currently renovating our Zellers store and parking lot at the Milton Mail and are stili open during regular hours Makers, Grn-ills and Frying Pans AIL Plastic Drawer Carts AU.KIs A Great Sellection PreviouSlyo Hum sit o n Reduced Fashions BodinRboe&Wàoow Eadudw *wOM CownKstm unmos PL a t o wekl ins . s..vai seias Ontario Stree.t IMîlton Mail I r 55 Ontario Street South, Milton, Ontario Store hours: Monday to Friday A . a.m.-9 p.m. Saturday ......8 a.m.-7 p.m. Sunday ......10 a.m.-6 p.m. a 'p i

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