8-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Febmuary 8, 2005 487Limuer.4 x, 878-2881 ~Grenada-bound teens eagerly await trip MD students to help rebuild hurricane- ravaged country By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion It was whIle in Japan trying to fig- ure out his life that Milton District High Sehool teacher Geoif Orton had an epiphany -but flot before sonne painstaking self examination. -Wbai svas 1 doing wiîb my lifeA' was among the questions be asked bimself durîug lasi year's trip. "Il >lîle> 'AasiAl going as 1 tbougbî il should'* he said. explaining lic tbhî.h ol lArself as a sort (AI world explorer packed fiîll (Af experieuces bul didu'l kuow bon,% 10 malke ise of that in the classroom. That's wbeA the realizaîton camie. -I figured out I had tbe wbole thîng backwards. Rather tban hi iiging the n'orld inb the class- room, I ueeded lii hring tbe classroomn int the world.' he saîd. So wbeu a parent fansiliar wilb the devastaîlon in Grenada resulîing from a hurriane presented the idea of a sîndent bumanitarian trip, Mr. Orton jumped aI the opportuuiîy. He uow senses a newfound purpose lu lîfe and teacbîug, and bas 33 sîndenîs -from grades nine 10 12 -and six staff' members wbo've jumped orn board. The trip will take place from Marcb 12 t0 26. The group will he belping the people of Grenada rebuild and repair afler Seplember's Hurricane Ivan, wbicb wreaked destruction. Grenada's economy depends on tourium and the spice industry -botb largely affected hy tbe hurr- cane. M. Orton said the group sbould he able te, huild about Il homes lu the town of Corintb lu the îwo weeks lbey'll be there. Mantamy Homes bas agreed te, partner witb the group 10 provide the necessary expertise te, make the projeet pos- sible. Grade 12 student Asbley Clenici. 17, said she feels good knowing sbe's going 10 help people firsi baud. înstead of simply gîving money. Alîbougb she doesu't bave any experience building. other studeuts do. and they'll receive trainiing. she saîd. "It's going Io be a good leamning experience." Ashlev said. addiug aI ibis point, she bas no reservat>ons about the trip and is purely excited. Partof the leamiug experieuce nilI be "rougb- ing il". Asbley explained the girls n il be stayiug iu the basenient (Af a church. wbile the boys stay Fromn laft Milton Distic HIg School students Logan Koeth, Alex Bmennan, Aamo Fair, Dvd Mr. Orton said he's hQping the media alten- "lsa project that reaches out 10 ail students.- Banld, Brlttan Rusell and Ryal lion the project bas gamnered will soon lumn the be said. Hodglns show off somn of tlhe tide. So fa, stories have appeared in the Mr. Orion visited Girenada last month to gel a tools #".'l be uslng on their. Toronto Star, and the group hopes 10 gel on better grasp of what the island needs, and met upcoming trip to Grenade. CBC radio. Exposure on TV is also a possihili- with contacts including the principal of the Photo by GRAHAM PAINE t.scbool the group hopes 10 adopt and a local pas- aI an equally un-luxurlous compounid. Mr. Orlon explained tha this isu't simply a trip for tbe studenîs. Il's a projeet. 'Me young people bave been leamning about Grenada iu class. and are eacb doing Iheir share of fundraising- încluding approaching major corporations. Tbat's ne of the largest challenges tbe group bas faced, Mr. Ortou saîd. They've sel a lofîy goal -$120.000. Most of tbe fuuds will go îoward building supplies. wbîle some -about $15.000- will go to resources for a high sebool Ibey've adopled in Grenada. Each studeut bias to pay $1.500> for bis or bier travelling cosîs. but baîf of the motîey each stu- dent raîses ssill go loisard tbeir expeuses -an added incetlîe. Mr. Orion saîd. But tbe money isut Ibere yet. So far. thev'xe managed 10 raîse $ 1500f> 10 $20.000. -We have probably half-a-dozen media con- tacts," Mn. Orlon said. He added he had no idea so many studeuts would jump onboard. origtnally tbinking he migbt gel a handful involved. He said he îbinks many adulîs self young people short. Tbey really do want 10 do their pari 10 change the world, be said. -Why sbould you or I sit on our backsîdes and watt for CEOs and politicians 10 improve the world -why not do il ourselses'1 Someîbîng eIsc Mr. Orton said be realied is that "so mucb of' tbe bigb scbool curriculum caters tA) academic people. This trip, he saîd. is something the aserage C- plus student can gel insols'ed in and ledl good about. lu l'ac. he saîd il's the studenîs hiAs e neyer shone in scbool who seemn 10 be raisiug the mosI money and tbrios îg thenisels es Auto flie project. tor who'll work with tbem. Il was a trip he won*t soon forget. he said. "I was blown away. 1 travel al] over the world -I've done the backpacking lhing 10 Indouesia and Thailand. And Ibis îs the f-irst lime I've been touched emoîionally.*' Donations cau be mailed 10 Milton District High School ai 396 Williams Ave., Milton, L9T 2G4. As a registered chanity tax receipîs vilIl be issued tor any financial donations over $25. Food. medîcal and building supplies are also being collected. A lisi of needed building sup- plies is iucluded (An the group's Web site at wss ssA.midhsbelpsgreniada.or. For more information, caîl GeolI Of)on .11 (905) 878-2839 or e-mail him al Geoff@amdbslhelps.grenada.rg. .Si'p/iiîîi' 1/i (Ati'A A it i ' ie iailii'I ilt il/iA A'i>'A tiitiii AAAAA/iJiA/iiiifAAAi ont. L YCQ.%.GECQ Cogeco Cable Channel 14 Programing Schedule - Tuesday, Februaîy 8 - Monday, February 14, 2005 fluly Local Television Y" ~ ~ ~ ~ www.cogeco.ca 'A~" ' NORTH HALTON STUDIO M,' M A A .- ' - 11 SA ',ý AA A Laurier Plaza XAAý C.. A»'A AAA A -A A'A M, A A , 500 Laurier Avenue 8 30Ç km , ' Milon, ON L9T 4R3 0AAM,ç " ,AAAAA 905-78-9306 LIVE KIACup Curling - Daily 1:30pm & Thur-Set 7pm. Final Game: Sunday 1:3Opm