,~ I 4-The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, Febwuary 8, 2005 line Ô n I7 Employment Opportunity Planning and Development Department Building, Inspector Position Sumnmary The Planning and Development Department requires an individuel to f111 the position of Building Inspector. This position will be responsible for field inspections of >nOw building construction to ensure ompliance to the Ontario Building Code, Municipal By-laws and other applicable acts andi standards, area surveillance and other duties as assigned. Education and Experience Applicants should have a College Diploma in Cii Engineering Technology and eligibility for mem- bership in a related professional association. Detailed knowledge of Parts 2,3,9,10 & il and worklng knowledge of Parts 6,7 & 8 of the Ontario Building Code are required. The ideal candi- date will have four years of inspection or construction management experlence or f ive years municipal experience plus relevant MMAH qualifications. The succesaful candidate will have the ablllty t0 deal effectively and courteously wltti thte public, possess gond report wrtting, documenta- tion and record keeplng sils, as well as a strong customer service orientation. Must possess a valid G' Ontario driver's licence. Salary Range: $49,963 to $58,781 plus an excellent benefit package. lnterested applicants should submit a resume by February 18, 2005 f0: Tomn of Milton Depatment of Corporate Services 4à Brown St. Milton, Ontario L9T 5H2 Attention: Coordlnator, Human Resources lnt accordance with the Freedom of Information and Privacy legislation, applicant information la collected under heauthorlty of the Municipal Act and will ha used strlly for candidate selecio. Notlce of Proposeci By-Law Outdoor SolId Fuel Combustion Appliances The Administration ahd Planning Commuttes of Council will ha considering a proposed by-law to regulate outdoor solid fuel combustion appliances due to, public nuisance. Outdoor solid fuel com- bustion eppllances bum a solid fuel such as wood and are used to heat a main structure but are iocated outaide of the structure or in an exterior structure sintilar f0 a garden shedi. The heat f rom the unit le then plped into the main structure. ibis proposed by-law does not pertain bo such Rtems as chimieneas or other open air burnlng., The by-lew, if passed, wouid require outdoor solki fuel combustin eppllences to ha iocated at len 1W0 metres from aide and re-ar, yard property boundarles and et lest 130 metres f rom front yar boundarles. The Administration and Planning Commltteé, meeting wll ha held on Monday, Februaiy 21, 2004 et 7:30 p.m. ln te Council Chambers, et Town Haî 43 Brown Street. Please send wr*ten comn-, amt on the proposed by-law f0 troymcha*milton.ca or to the Town ClerYcs DIvison, Town of ~ito, 43 Brow Street LITSH". Shouid you wish to peak to luisa Issue please contact 905- 878-725 ext 2131.- Deadline fo reglstatlng as a delegation in wrlting le February 21 et 10:00 a.m. The proposedi by-law is avallable for viewlng on line et wmiton.ca, or et the Town Clerk's Division, Town of Milton, 43 Brown Street. Shouid you have any questions regarding thîs proposai please contact (905) 878-7252 ext. 2132, or troy.fncharg@mifton.ca.; Photos by GRAHAM PAINE P-Sudsy situation Nlne-yeer-old Cralg Finlan soope up fat hrlie car aS deri helps wlth the hon@ Seturday. Il» two teok arivmnlaoe e b mild weather over lh. weekend te wah «MaY wlnttir's gril and grime, as Cod many others *t th$s Steale. Avenue Spot Frise Car Wash The Region bas applied to the Province for $1.4 million in funding to ensure the expansion of existing local tobacco control programs and the development of a Halton comprehensive tobacco strategy. The health department submitted appli- cations in four funding categories -poli- cy promotion and enforcement, worksite innovations, innovative smoking interven- tion programs and youth action alliance. If approved. the moncy would be used for things like hiring additional inspection staff, expanding tobacco cessation services and providing health promotion activities that highlight the association between oral health and tobacco use. The funds would come from the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. A report from Medical Officer of Health Dr. Bob Nosal said the ministry "is responding not only to the overwhelming evidence of the health risks associated wiîh tobacco use, but also to recent surveys which clearly indicate public support for increased spending on tobacco control pro- grams." Staff will report back t0 counicil once the funding level is confirmed. Funds sought to expand tobacco control programs