Dateline rom DAI ELNE onpage 33 tit'cmnh1c Viva1 dii.shi and roiniii suintls tior atînus i Si. Unas iteid Church, 123 Main Si_ ai 8 pin. Iickeîs ciisi $30) or aduits and $24 foi- scuuîciîs andc studenis. l ,ice-s cii (905) 878-4732. The. Milton Scniiirs Acîis'iis ce.ntre. 500 Chiiids Di., hotds contract bridge ai 1l) arn. and euchre ai 1:-30 p.rn. lis Cyber- Cafe is held trom 1 to 4 p.m. The cosi l'or cach activiiy is $2 for members and $4 for nuin-members. ht hiiids ils Campbellville Evening Euchre Party ai tihe Lions Hall in CamphcIlls le ai 7:30) pin The costi s $3. For more iiîtirnaiin. cati (905> 875-168!1. Friday Feb. Il - 12 Milton Mail hosts the Spring and Sommer Sports Registration Weekend. siariing ai 6 p.m. Friday with local sporis organizations set up ihroughouî the maIl. For more information, cal (90) 878-3900. The Milton District Hospital Gifi Shop holds its Sweetheart Sale outside the shop fromt 9 a.m. io noon. Parking is free wiih a minimum $5 purchase. Saturday Feb. 12 Halion Region Museum Foundation presenits Hearthside, a night of dinner and jazz featuring George Grosman and Swing Noir, from 6 to 11: 30 p.m. il iakes place ai the museum, ai the foot of the Gien Eden ski hilîs. The costi s $45 each. which includes dinner. To order tickets, caîl (905) 875-2200, ext. 21. The Haiton Environmental Network (HEN) holds ils firsi ever Conférence on the Environment from 9:30 diii. 10 4 p.m. in the auditorium ai the Halion Regional Centre, 1151 Bronie Rd. Registration staris ai 8 a.m. and cosîs $10 for adulîs and $5 for students, unwaged, seniors and low- income. Register in advance by cailing (905) 849-5501 or by c-mailing info@the- The Milton Public Library holds iti Family Storytime ai Milton Mail in the centre court, near the food court, ai 10:30 s.m. Mountsberg Wildlife Centre holds ils Owl Prowl event at 6:30 p.m. with a slide oîr Puppet show, a visit with live owls and a waik througb the woods 10 hoot for owls. Admission costa $12 for aduits and $8 for kida aged 14 and under. To order tickets, call (905) 854-2276. The Salvation Army, 100 Nipissing Rd., unit 3, holds a yoga workout from 9:30 t0 10:45 arn. and a book club from 11 i m. to noon. For more information, calI (289) 242-1432. The Women's Centre, 210-1515 Rebecca St., in Oakville holda ils Anger Workshop, teaching bow to proceas anger in a sale and productive manner, from 1 to 4 p.m. The cosi is $10. To register or for more information, cai (905) 847-5520. ,Euchre takes place ai 7:30 p.m. ait the Homnby Co-operative Nursery School. Everyone is welcomne. Monday Feb. 14 Weilspring Halion-Peel, a support net- work for cancer patients and their tamilies, holda ils drop-in Lymphoma Support Group from, 7 te0 8:30 p.m. ai 2545 Sixth Line in Oakville. For more information, caîl (905) 257-1988. The Milton Seniors' Aciiiy Centre. 500 Childs Dr., hoids ils Valentine's Day Tea. Come wearing yoîîr favourite Valeniine's bai. Tickets cost $8. ht also holds its Cyber- Café trom i 10 4 p.m. The costi s $2 (or members and $4 for non-members. For more information on these acîiviîies, cal (905) 875-1681. I-t%1 fdit The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 8, 2005-35 1I~ ! ci tii. uw'~ u4% SILLINSEuLNCL We make it afc ta-Zble "M0 'OC ADVANTAGES OF 't'D ARPT EAS "SH .ORT TERM" 112 /3 MTHS RED CARPET le Enjoy driving a new CSH PRIC vehicle every couple of years. 17le Ford guarantees the 73 buy back prico. le Minimize financial LIAi [0 1,rr ~U commitment. IIw - - ~ - PURCHASE PLANS AMZ *Ail prices Plus freight (Focus $950, Taurus là Ranger $995, F-150 $1085) + ail applicable taxes. No Admin Fee. RCL -36 months, 20,000 kms per year. No security deposit with purchase of Wear Care. Limited time offer. See dealer for details. Rebates included. FORD LINCOLN 655 MAIN STREET EAST. MILTON A Tradition of Value & Trust since 1967 SALES~~ ~ ~~ a ESN EVC AT OLSNCTR1 W CrAIQ.H PRICE Il 92 r ) c