32-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 8, 2005 il .10W _______________________ ____________Sills;_____________________________t eacingTeahin fa-f 1 iia1dystJAciInistrator *Full Time Position *Immediate Start Large automotive group in Milton ls lookîng for a bi-lingual (Englîsh/French) Product Analyst/ Administrafor in our Onlîne Technology division. The ideal candidate wiii have Internet and Microsoft product knowledge and fluent in Englîsh and French (writfen and oral) Please email yaur resumne ta: adam.giordone@cox.com or fax attention fa Adam Gardon at 905-875-3047 ReceptionistAdministrative Assistant We oie currently oeekivg an evthuoîantîc indisîdua tc fulfili the position if receptioiviopAdmioiotrative Asist sot wîth in sur organisationi. The ouccesofu candidate muet have s fnîendly and sutgoîng person alits with 1-2 years eoperience, os ponctuai, reliable self-mstieated and tai a solid background in Worc and Excel. Dues rill indcude anowerîng o merîdîuo phone sys- ten, fanîng, fiîog, sorting mail, lyptng, greeiing visitons, aosinting caliers, srderiog supplies. prsîidîng coffee fi clients, maîotaîning receptison kîtcheri area, Pieuse fax pour reoume to 905.693.9220 slsng art h your oaianp eopeclotîono. Thaek pou for applpîng snip qualîfîed applîconto wli be covsocied. No phone colis piese REPRESENTATIVE Entry level position in a fast paced eovinon- ment. Gnowîng Oakeille business wîth oppon- funi for adoancement. Must have strong computer & custamer service okîlîs. Please fax resume ta: 905-844-9548, Attn:Brian BRUC K WO RKS wtth clientsxand suppierx Amnstafteexsuppott Assistance wtth timekeeping/acceunfs/payreîi Mature, energetic, wîllîrg to porticipate in a iariety of tasks wi s minimum 3 peots îelsted eoperience, Interviews Feb 28 - Mon 4. Please send yson resome Ps. coreers@trickwsrîsonlîne.com or 429 Elizabeth Street, Bunlington, ON L7R 2L8 BOT CONSTRUCTION LIMITED tUs as opportaoity on is accoootiog deparimeot for: JUNIU-INTIRMEOIATE CUIRE Job dues & respottsibilities induite inosvemeot on Accoonts Payable, Customer Bîllîngo, and Paynsll. sndivduals mast be computer lterate and preerous con- structios eoperience would heua detiotte usset Pieuse seoit pour esom marsd contîdentral so 59C Hnudai, lat Cautrctigu United 1224 Spees Rd. OakvllI On. LU. 2X4 Eml p"oSIl@beoCntructlou.ca FUIJ. fM Insrance PDA office located in Reuie for Burligton oequires MloPieuse tend mir LICENSED ten resumes to btmili l. Of. Bab. NaIhrd Power Broker 8 &Wu. St. L et noince an asseli M fIIIIIIIIIII Oc, LIT 114 Emuail: No phone cali spese macdoweilo fasi com GREAT OPPORTUNITY New Burfiogtooi vacation club office needo Junior/ Senior Sales Reps. Closems eam 10 $70K plus. No proapecting. Fax: 9054681486 or hrdept@familyvacationcenterscam CUSTOMER SRVICE REPRESENTATIVESISALES ASSOCIATES to play an integral rore in our agenop The Cusione, Service RepresentativesiSales Asenocaies who possess sales ana seraice skis, coupled rith com- mnication ana client service Skils orl I e kep plavers in supporting ann developing ur agency Yo.u wil cor d your success through the sales and service ni personai inec ans or rfe ncrance prnducts Compensation is a cnmb nation oftsa, y plus incenives Reggiremen -ts General Insurance License and/or a Life losurance License Flexible noirs und traael May be sequited. If ou are computer lteate, haie a comnîtmient ano druve Io succîed ans are onterested in bing pari ni thi argesi wholly Canadian ownred nui mne rositer, phase iorward loir tiSane. detaî,ing yoîr business ans sales expeti Ray Johntson, CFP, CLU Ray Johnson & Associates Inc. (The Co-operotors> 211 Gselph Street Georgetown, Ontaris L7G 5B5 rayjohnison@cooperatorsca The Co-operotors l$ excitanIo ae named one of the 50 best employais ter work for In Canada in 2004f Maeo e aeSl soiie wanted for leoLarge Retal Opticaî Showroom dea îl cniae ilhaie good communication 7 klsadaflair for faohion. Training Mll be poierfalsales experience as osset. Mlasse drop off resume In persan ait Hakim Optical 2335 Trafalgar Road Affin: Shineen I ~Requred n erge own Prctce for Monday evenîn gs. Plaefax resume foi: 905-877400. _jI ý DINING SERVICES SuNmýjSE ' COORDINATOR EcIcLti\, Solnrise of Burlmngton As rhe hands-on supin isin oef dirsîng serroce actiernies, ceeu wiii be respcrnsible for ail aspects rof the lunchs-n and Jin0n aria. Miminiuem cmi) yiars' chef/cciek mnagement it(peicnce. 'sOt enfer a ciomperitivi cosmpensatioîn package. For consideratjon, please subii your resumne bv Feb 9/05 arc www.sunrisesenhorliving.com Oakville Senior Citizens Residence REQUIRES IMMEDIATELY: P.S.W.'s - P-T! Casual PSW cettificate & a positive & sappontive altitude 10 resîdenîs Diningroomn Supervisor ' P-T Dietary Aides - P-T! Casual Cook il Casual Esperteoce in food service enaîrsomeot & atiiitp 15 contrîbute toeoffective & counlesas service f5 seniors Fax resumne: 905"27-8047 Milion Pizza Hut Now Hlring F/T & P/T Cook Position & F/T Prep Cook Muat be avaîlable nîghta and weekends. Apply Ins persors wtth resume toi: 550 Ontario St. NOW HIRING S Part-limne and Fui i-lime UNE COOKS - SERVERS DISHWASHERS - BARTENDERS Apply in peroi to SHOELESS JOES L 367 Guelph Street. Georgetown 7 u nbw Mlto ýelaon efoim: va ECE's ta loin our greaf team. Posifions are avoulable wif h ail age group. Please torward resume with age group preference ta: 905-451-8416 Welove admiss you, ~J~y~Granda!I Fra~ aan tie~ Ie~SaitYou don't Iknw hwmuchappreciatel ail f yur elpajisupport. Thnsfor everythingl WnyI Actual SizeMiU! DEADUINE for submlselon la Thufreday, Febeua.y 10 ut ¶ :0Opm. Pubiali delte la Friday Febreary ltht., 2005 Nante:I Address:I City: ____________ ___ Prov.:I Postal Code:I Phone:_________________I MESSAGEI It's so elsy you'iI want to Bond on. to elveyonel Excellent Part-lime Job Opportunity With the YMCA Before & After Schaol Progranos *Prograns provide cari torS 512 geai ois G reat eoperîeoce for those oaoitîng 10 ariend heuchîrs Collge t i gs are 10 peu rs ot age or older, haie some caperierîce workîrg oîith chridren ie- lunch fini sopervîsor. Brownie, Guide or Scout ieader sports coaci. » ECE chils & ysith or Oic Disioma Appircants ailcone,' *Training proorded Plesse send resaime te: Lyîin Gîtti ton Edwards Famity YIC 500 Driry La ne Burtingten. tntario, U7R 2X2 Fax 05-333-1767 Emait: Lynn-gottiNymea.ca 'y Wc tccii occr k,5,ý WINGS UP Now hîresg pasritme Osiers & Cooks cii truin), Mîst se ciilso10 cork eoeeîngc, and pan- ria weekeedc. Appty in perses tei 228 Main St. E Miten VOU relax we dlean, ne- hiable &l fast. You jst sit bacs & enjoy pour fire tîme. Cal 905-878- 3024. LAST CHANCE, Don't Delay'"ét c iOiLý Let the. know how yen ileally fret... Life gets so, busy sametimes that we forget ta tell the special people in Our Hfe how muait they mean ta us. Titis Vlentlne',s Dey, drop toos special ortes a Love tJrs mnd reminc therm how muci- yu claire. Cost Io $12.00 4tWq2'*alti AUl ValentlneI»p " Ta place a Vaiediii bgoae îM04* nr tarmi and mail li or 'iàWne h P.O. Box 248, 191 Main St Ltffod ON fl*T OR E-mail: c"eo miltoncan WWl OR Cai 9058711-0# 1 OR Fax: 0601- We're hmaore iiila