Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Feb 2005, p. 30

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30-The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, February 8, 2005 In Loavng Memq ~of I Serv-ice Re-preseaitat«i/ Low-Rise Holusing , 1-tt i-.- Fonely taved andi deeplym HosltOfnty hees I ns Obtn my darting n% %ss Dmwyour -lcu nw 'ri Sad be> tre, 1 seH aMtt Unrd senna day wetI be sid Love Joyce. W 1 ea d, ne c aotret elercacb an chai 8m decorav taa 3LA7 Yeather coach & woad-greea w brc tp0500.0. 05 POL atea vc andcair- Sithse be f r$1000 i. $1ta00.ea.05-8185 BAC Oîntoa oo, Cherry- woode, 2dfabl eei ftable 8chais blalqe, lio Ne ath aive Coo 011,000 Sacric $2.800p.558 $580.95 APOOL taleoso aesao Sel. Nec/sd ivplsi m $1000 table fro $50005-r 587 945.9061559 wwweevllarh-pericep.com.a AeDoig oor Cherry- tae, 8char, dresser., nihstandoa. onsîlco attion. Ner apl i oese. Cool $8.,000. Sacrifice $1.00 05-fo 580205 nor I go, aby side CARPET i have several 1,000 yrds. af sew Staîn- mmiter & 100vv nelmn car- pet. Wiil do livingroan & hall tor $380. Inclades car- pet, pad & installation (30 yardai Steve, 905-e33- 8192 MOVING SALE Sota $400, Pull-oat Love- seat $150, 5-abat Eanca- tive Desk, Credeoza, Wal- nul Sheleîng with Dooms, Bar Stoota, Mîcrocave Stand ana more.(90S( 854- 4016 1990 Cheay Astre Cao, white, gona condition, emission teated $800. asis. Oeil 905-878-0410. 1902 Honda Accord EX. Full load. New tires. Sereiced trsen 240,OOOlems. Ready ta go. Only $4,395. Georgetown Honda Whoiesaie 05-873- 1818. 1993 Honda Cîvr Si. S- apeva, 2-door. Cruîae/tîilt Power rosi. Great wîvter car. 240,OOOkma. Only $3,295. Georgetown Hoa- da 5-holesale 900 873- 1818 1995 Cougar. As is Seat allen! Please caii 519-853- 8749 2001 Fonitîac Aztec. AWO, 4-wheel ditc ABS. heated leather seats NOC, Ct. Air mattressilable. 2 sets af rima/tires. 03,OOOkms. $16,900. Cali 900 877- 6362. 1993 Pathfiader 52V. 4xv4, aatomatîr, Lvaaad, t82,OOOkms. Cali 416-274- 1431 Lms fcense $3,0 certified. Good conditbon. BLUE HERON WOODWORKS WINTER BLOWOUT SALE SATURDAY. FEBRRUARY 12h 9am-4pm 11998 Winston Chuliantjl Olnd., Georgetown, t 112 MR1iles N. of MayW d Otitfln Di. Gmorgeton NE EADYTM FINISH HANDRAFTEO PUIJPTIRE Qveen Sieigh bat, aroîre drossets, vardiobea. night ta- bies. TV arirten tV/ideo cabivets, aeacvv senches, drysink, waahstand. desksa Salch & buCfets. carner cabinets, cuîîo cabinet, pavtry meli> cabinets, conCee and end tabies, bomkcasea, Sola tables, haveait ale china cabinets, CD lovers blanket box, 000 cabinet, TV stand, piant stands' magazine tacha, magazine tables. nitrairs acdu acu much Bring a TRUCK and tlite Rl with yoa! Orders Welcame. Fluent English. abatract and S crimiva sea ch I 2yen s eyperence. Please cai 905-791-3223 *A minimuma (il 5 yers r.elrsice i lcîw-rise tuier sle seriiur *Mainî duett- witl bthe ilrerpair oif cdees tine ori uîe-, tac lcdîîvg boit ahi lîmtîrîd Ici: [irySsall taît c( arpeniry, tIaîohîing, h aulîig et. *a tistici ipi uiiderstatduisg oftt he reclsiirints anîd cegsilaticîito tiihe T,înt 'v'accaî'cy Co irpirtionl a giîcd cotmmand oîf Englîsh. hula tirai anvd sontîro *the ahilitq Ici intrrac, ni ai positive m,îarr sath himtsrs andi *a v,îtid Onitaioi dciver-, lit rase anîd Itis rler otis ls 'à ci Q Please forward restitues 1er H;;~ Iunsan Resources â w Monarch Corporation 2025 'theppard Avensue t-ast, Suite 120f Totronto, Ontanio 2IV Monarch Emait: resumes Ceaý onarchgroup. net by Taylor WoodroW t-ac 416-642-0015 Theveprience sari bore. Metroland PrintIng, Pubi shing & O stributing os seeking a dynam c individual for the pasition of WEBMASTER Qualifications: *College diploma or an approved equivalent combination of education, training and esperience. *Must possess two (2) lo three 131 experience peoeiding website design and administration support. *Escellent working knawledge of Microsoft Word. Microsoft Escel, Adobe Photoshop, HTML, Illuotralor, Quark, Windows. *Gaod knowledge of Web technologies, peatocols, and foots încludîng, Vîsual Source Sale, MS Proiect, Vîsio, Dreamweaeer, Flash Responsibilitiee: * Receiving, revîewîng (content, gramr, suitability) and pastisg of websîte information, and develapîng (or cailectîng) sf supportîng graphica, phafographa and artwark. * Creatîng and maîntainîng a consistent Web site architectural structure: ca ordînatîng with Web site depariments andt content edîtara. Please forward resumnes to: info@701 .com The Halton Regionaf Police Service (HRPS) os decicacvd co provdng proactivo, reacîve andi prevoniasive polîcîng s-racegieo chai enhance te qoalay of /ite in cte growing communicieo of Oakotfle, Burhington, Miton and Haiton Hila, cn 2 region cnac feacorvo Bronte Creeh Provincial Park andi oeveral conservaion areas Freedlom of Information Analyst rn cOis challeaging raie, yai i ll procesu accesu requoscu chat have 00e made voder cthe Municipal Froodom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act IMFIPPA)I n addition to v degree or dîplomna yoa have a minimum of 1 yoar o> hands-on eprîonco resovrchvg requoscu, veplyîng exemptions, and yrepdring docîston letiors and appeais percaîstog co iormation requosca mdo oder MFIPPA legîslation Succesu in chîs colo domando scrsng researct, anaiesîs and orgvnîzaciondl capabiltiis, naportor wrîccon and verbal communication skîlis, yod profîctency in MS WNord and Excel avnd tho Internet. Compiecton ofi a courue in pubic iaw is honelîcia Ploaso sonit yar resumoe, quocing Campetition #05-C-62, by 4:00 fl.m., February 18, 2005, co: Heman flevaurce Services, Balle. Reuienul Police Service, 1151 Broute ad, RU. flac 2700, Dakoille, ON LN 5C7. Fax: 905-825-5105. No phono catis. ploase The Haicon Regionai Police Service os commiccei t o cte prîncîplea of egual opporuniy Wo chank ail appiiavca, hoviever, oniy candidaces seleccod for an incerview ouill be contacted wwv. hrpu .on .ca L A grB 0 Y Could you hmv a Future with Lazboy We are growng quicly and me'e m eeking taleofed, esporiencod FULL TIME SALES CONSULTANTS wit a history sn sellîog Home Fumishingo or other high bcket Items ait rtail. We ollon a generoas Commission Program, Company Benehtl Plan, Protessional Training, Opportonities lac Adeancemont and a chance 10 worh in a unique store opecially dosigned toi sel the incredîble Lazboy lie. Openings currently in Brampton, Suilinglon, Stoney Creeli and Mississauga - locations coming sans in Etobicolin andi Dakville. Yau mvill need reliabe tTslsporlaton, excellent com- munication sils, a cleoire to0 leam and a scitedale that pernoits you 10 worh on weekeedo and some evenîngs. (lualifleti applicants wiII be consfidereti for our Sales Management Development Pmogoam. We are nom taiking applicattons by phono eall Citadli ait 905-789-5800 - mites prurnpted 10 enter an eoien- sien -dia 150. thon #6-151 tai respsnd tai sevecal questions. CHEFMANAGER Required by progressive company offering competitive benefits. Must be energetic and enthusstie, wetl versed in quantity food production af fine din- ing, minimal 3 years experience. Pleas- vend revine tut kit resune@Iîtnîiiail. rvm Member~4 Maig orint. andea C arnd ordnato Mui'av v een1h4s evc rhge Min yskn bc ea g vEAS eriec Ma Poater Kenrl Manaer ETabhed amiale Club 6 01rSeel.g F:905 b45-3 D6-mprler oorieclb.om 90-85-23 ext.201 C orint E TRA...l oo n BvrgeTa EXsthaeepR.c ih4 trsric rhg C MinU IE 5 er od&bVeA LUexerE I We are a companty like no other! We are a highly recognized brand retailer that lias bcen greîwing steadily and e..infidently foîr mors <han 20> vears, Due tii ilsr ciintcc grtii.t the oIti iiring op prrîtinits have loren citcd fotr tiC itres ia Southwestern Ontario. MANAGERS ASSOCIATE MANAGERS ASSISTANT MANAGERS VISUAL CO-ORDINATORS SERVICE ASSOCIATES You are a dynamic, results-oriented individual with a passion for fashion.You have related job eaperience in the recail sales industry, and demonstrate strong management potential, We are also looking for CASHIERS STOCK PERSONS We are holding an OPEN HOUSE on Wednesday February 9, 2005, from 10 arn. to 6 p.m. at The Holiday Inn (Trîllîum Room), tocated at 601 Scottsdale Drive, Guelph, Ontario. We invite you to drop by and bring your résumé' &AI SA pa mere Salon E S DYNAMIC HAIRSTYLIST WANTED 'c ,jte% c r ~ e xpv/ ence '~ i Fýýan i ' eaî le '- Tel j,- lmMetroland

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