Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Feb 2005, p. 28

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28--The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 8, 2005 "Ask lThe Professionals' c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 r~i Elayne M. Tanner Counselling & Psychotherapy Milton (905) 854-0801 Etayne M. Tanner www.etasolutions.com Q: As a resuli of a parti llness, 1 sufferfron c/ironic pai .t T/he doctors say itai I jus have ta lire with it bit 1 haie ta accepi ihat. Con yaou offer any help? A: Wtîetter as i resui tii iii ilitîrs fiit .ppeaîîs ti hiave (teated, i pasi îliness tir traumna or ex en xx ien tilail, ais. piainabie, clîronic paini les i phsiscai intd eniirnat tcîti The rcsîîiî mu stress atnd atîiieis otîlel tcduse sieep~ lîroet n îîiniîe so tit iel n eAr aîîît iteliiiess "ur soicial liii. ni i lit rîtîîîu. as u ireter kîio\\ ru heu \ou nuil hiaie i tir c dis. Bt tlîrîrîît paini unes nl lirme iornue \ni ik Alt Elm ii Tane &îic As tîiest \\e(tilr rirali it tri io îke ct rîtîlil thi. pain. 'heiî flic taiti s pst \ciiiriic1trauma.îîî hîstd. uîîîerstanint,. il rilîxý hc sufiiiieîi lii siîî( il \i experîeîîeed psschtitheripîîix %iii ire thie tir tîke ru ni thriiugh the precess. Relaxaîtioîr eclîîîiques. nîeîitaîîîîî aîîd/er hs plîciss ire iretlueiîli iers stteessft liiii iiiediaieis aiicvîating paiîl anid in teachîîrg ieus iduas, in, totîirîi ifutuîre pain. 0ur CD. 'Ait Oasisý tsiSereîiî0 six aailabie su îh,îî ils tan benelît ai homne. Our assoiieate C ht is a specialistinl energý iherîpi skilIs c.în aisti efier yena Reiki and aî xery îles. and effectixe technique knîîCn as ZPeînt. Reîkî lias heeîî itin kntii for its efiectîveness in pain nmanagenment anti paîîî reductien and the new ZPeînt nray be even nmore effecti\ e it cenaîn situatlions. Ne malter what technique is chesen. ,oeme people fînd the effeets are very graduai with pain issues. whiie tîthers notice improvement immediateiy. De net accept the pregnesîs that sayx that yen have te unve with it. Ceme te Eiayne Tanner & Associates and take centrel cf yeur life. "HELPING YOU HELP YOURSELF" Treatment of Halitosis (Bad Breath) Last month we tceked at the niest cemmen causes cf halttsis. This mcnth we'ii teck at hem ttî avoid ti and treat it. As i mentîened prevîousiy, volatile suifur conrpounids (VSCs) are produced when bactenia cause celi breakdcwn. This is especiaiiy prenaient je gum dîseaxe. Therefere eliininatioir cf hatitomis invoinex hacteriai redutîcion or remevai. and destruction cf thexe VSCs. Bacteniai removat is heut accompiished hy excellent oral hygiene. This means hrushing at least twice a day and ilossing once a day. This aise means cleaming yeur tongue wîth a brush or a speciai longue cleaner since the greeves at the hack cf the longue tend te easity harbour hacteria. Destruction cf tite VSCs tan he accompished hy a înouthrînse contamning chienine dioxide. Chienine diexîde is tîfien used in Caler purification. it preduces oxygen xs.iîîttî cheîricaiy degrades the VSCs mnd etîmînates tiîe odeur. T[his ix t ceutrasi te typîcai mouthriirses whîch simptv îîîask the odeur. Yeur dentist cana provide more informîation about chttîriîre ditîxîde rnses. Sînce dis nîcatî ix ccniitsnly a1 cause tif tialîtesis i orales sense that \Ne woutd va11 to increase the lesel tif noîlsture iii the îîîouth for ihese cases. This sas be .iccenîplîshetl hy cher'ing sugoariess gu anîîd inî.reasing laid intîke. especiails C lier, lii sortie instances il mtas be ulecessary te tise an arnîlîciai salivra substîiute. Again. ask yîiar deîrtîst tir irygîenîsî for more iîrfonîîation cii tis. We'd he gtad tua heip yeu in ans a possible. _ _ _ _ GREG J. LAWRENCE B. so., D. CH. -rrcmbatq FOOT SPECIALIST / CHIROPODIST W! ~nj~I350 Main St. E., ~ZV'I Milton, Ontario, L9IT i P6 ei'x57C~s.- ,5 A3rs --e [kL 'I(905) 878-6479 905-878-2341 1 A Princess Anne Or., DIANE Man EMonOasL94N J Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4W4 WOLSENHOLME e-ail dianew@m s oCanadianhampiou com Greg J. Lawrence (905) 702-1611 B. Sc., D. Ch. Member ai the Ontario Society af Chiropadists FLYERS: YOU EITHER LOVE THEM OR and The Ontario Coliege of Chirapodists HATE THEM.. Q. WhY do mv feet ache ai %aork?1 What can hie done? U ER R HEF C S A. Your abîiIiî te use yeur teet safely, with case anl tîoitenr, is vital if \ou are te reiin a r aluibte and pmodiciire ssiirker.Fc1 ..-. We can deine your target market withîîs Herseer,ia larrie nuniber et iserkers are es\poee eo injuries due Milton or our roral areas. and send flyers ont to those tei protenged perieds ot sindin, and walkiie ter example. a hotues you wish to offeti voor service. persils s'. tiîî picks îrrders in at e arehease rinay i al up te 1 5 miles, Fc ..Ti nasta oucndsrbl sltl i n as S hrrsr shiti. .seilier s erler ri fic-e saine narelieuse inai heFbc..Tt asta o a iîrbîea itea re(ILIiied tir siarIIc 1t1iOe Iiliil for ai citSe six i,tsIs alrsg 1.000( isers, ol _io o cai.h of fic tie 7,71 home mxc siii 'tos ire tisîr tIJceptili. Ioi Inli oi flic 'aincit s pcs ofi deliset il) ,Itiiiieir itititriel. isr hr ' rer-TUsi. i eeeiÇ h k. (ip. kits, in Fuel 3... Ai O,î iit 0'iiiîý 'S44 pet- til0Iosand. )Ou Cali itrîi pin irc fire nit topitil , Ini a iii r rIn tri tcî,ct I tiallIrit ieOriitiit1is Ini IirrIr 10Irtiti One ireatlinn io tri ploîsslse \ out coipatt rît ouiJ Ilîaîkettîsg .rea at Zi Ilii aî tlo in iroiiet is an ma ,iitt , ýýi inti censi tluit is se-\, aflerdabie foi- any busitness. deteen redît, e ire irriceseit îîîrî h.\ lite lur et esîreirî Fact 4... Accot dîîg tii tise Kubas Report marketing asti spite. ,\liiîîitci anti-latiptie iaIs di redatIe Ille inii.îîeîîte iri tesearchr study. oser 84ý/ ofi housebolds stîtveyed iii reprie inure,ýIheý rc ot uceýsd fr ver on.Nilitotn ftnd fly er tîiftorsations sources useful is making Rtsk [fitrrs irîr neitiraniil (ît i exîreitl tir back îîîsrî o flie ehb iiîcude: Longe îerîeds tr i antding aîîîi ' îkîîtype of' buying decisionîs. shees Cern, tîhestîs a îri revlr tiiars. Peritais ire gre.îîesî Iîsk Fact 5... Over 70c;( ni our readets preler to have ix structaral ahnerîiihty ofi the titi and irîtrr ex\Iteîitt. stîcli as fiyers delivered every 'Foesday or Friday itsserîed înto a lai lent. excessive pronsatîtîn efipnallîlî. Is cîîîsîderîîrg risk The Canadian Chamspionu. (acicirs. il is Imol(rtanti ti remnîeîiher titai a sîtîgie rîsk tatir ussaily dîtes tut iead lii iniary. A cîîîîhînaîîîîî tfri rsk faciors is Fact 6... If yoo want to enjoy the sanse response to usu.îIIs îîîsîrved, your advertising miessage that our nonserous reguiar Probiems such as iîeei, kec or hack pain often requîre a îiîîroagh fiyer distribution costonuers receive, thea eal me. i ex aluatien by the Chiropodist tîl determne the snderlyîng tactors can heip yeu put together a programi that wiii work causîng the pain. Tisese types cf prohiems olten reqaîre a besi for your business or service. comrbrinatn ocf treatînrenîs whîch may inciade: a change in foetwear, icîng tue alfecîed area. strappîng, onthotics, onthopedic Cail your Milton Champion Sales Representative feoitwear, medicatîoîî. exercîses. Diane Wolstenholme at 905-878-2341 ext. 224 XHalton His cXSpeech Centre "Your Caring Partners..." Northview Centre, 211 Giuelph St., Suite 5, Georgetown (905) 873-8400.- www.haltonspeech.com Q: I immïgrated Io Canada about 2 years ago and have not been able to get a job in iny chosen profession because people find it difficuit to understand what I amn saying. English is my second language and I find lit difficuit ta say some of thte sounds. Is there anything I can do to, improve my accent? A: When English hias heen learned as a second language. particuiariy as an adui. accurate pronunciation of ail thec sounds cari be difficuit. There arc a number of sounds that mont other languages do not have or may flot distinguish between. For example. mnany languages do flot use a "h sound. If you iind yourseif saying sank you or tank you for thank you. or have dtfticuity with other sounds. then accent improvement may bc sirrething you shouid constder. If you find that friends and coiteagues are saytng Ilpardon?' or "'Could you say that agatn ?, especiaily on thec telephoîte. pronunicatios tnay be a prohiemr. This in tunt can make tl illicuit f'or promotion at xsork or perhaps hoid you back front applitng l'or that 'perlect' job. Accent improverncnî programs are avatiahie. One such prograrn is the Conipton P-ESL Prograin whtch is designed t0 ttnproxe youir prontunicatton of English as a second language. This programi îs now availahie ai the. Haiton Htiis Speech Cetttre. If you have any questions, please conitact the Centre at 905-873-8400. Q: My Huuband and I are separating and we isau/d like ta seule aur issues without haning ta go ta court. Jr ihere a may me con do t/tai mît/tout thie exprense af geting o laiêyer? A: Nes, if you aîîd vour husbaud realsC %ani te wol oui cour marital issues amicahiy t would 'uggest you irs niediation. Wiiti the heip cf a trained metiiaîtir. mhe nsay or nray net be a lawyer. you and your hushand cai st dtîx'. tîrether and explore your issues and cone up xvîth your este ideas tii resolve theni. You get te decîde your tîme soltutions in a way that is net cniy less expensive l'or you but teases you and your husband stili able le talk te, each other. This us especîaliy imtportat if yîiu have eildren as sou nut be ible ttî stilt cîsnsnuficaîe .\,heu it comes iii raisiiig the chilthren. Any issue cao be otediaîed if the parties are wdîing te Cork at it. Ycîu cao deal Cv ith tone issue oîr otans issuesI tis panicutariy effecîtive in dealing mx ilh chtîtt ceîîîns, sucit as C iere ihey are gtiog te tise. thlese elle bcle d hiet.îh entitti and high tension fuir the panties anîd liii beiti able te mmcrk, lut a rescîluîîîîn cao Ic,îd tî very estiensîve legîl bis anti i.ourt orchcred assessmntîs. llie Fieldsîone Centre titi Fatiiiis Las'. Cîiuuseiliii anti Meehiation is a unique service .îm ilable lt liîlîîîî. The tiedsitsite panners. tes self, a laissýer aiid] îraîîned itteditiîr aîîd Elay ne Tanner. t regi stered xoii, ii n tuier toid faitsls Iiîrapîsi r ii heip separaliii tir dîvtîrt in tîttîples lesseitn boti [lie eîncîîonai and fînaîîciai burdeit tif a mataîî,l Iîreikhu. Il s ou ittiuid tuke ts kitir' mitre about îîîedî,îîîeî tait nie I tm ouid he happy te aitsrser velir qîuestions. Dr. Marik Cmoec Marilyn J. Samuels, LL.B. lI~U ~ Lawyer 11084 Fifth Line, Milton Tooth Tak P.958444 Towne Dental Group Ph 0-8444 Mark Croas Milton Mail - 55 Ontario St. Fax: 905-854-5211 B.Se. D.D.S. (905) 876-11 88 Marilyn J. Samuels

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