22-The Canadien Champion Tueaday February 8 2005 weuneart (J' 'i~) SU/eel!warI AT *A COUUT~' IIU Furntt~ure, Home Accent>e & GIft~ Valentlnee Glft Idea. ~E4lMee ~ 5tatlotiary ~Jeweliery ~ Flueh AnImal. ~ Home Accent. fi ~ Lot.. More -I-Il. 266 Mahi ~# E., Gsria~e 5quare MîlLon * 905-878-1070 wW~~.acountiymlIe com i-rom row.5?uiIaf stac~ ow-Norf~ i~to Ctn~ ~aton an~pa w ,.T ,Sevcan ia, Jane 190 Main St. E. ~kon (9051 693.0878 -4 ~~~~~~~1 LOVE ISINTHEAIR ~>~S'r Ç*ft v9~> Our bouquet of a dozen heart-shaped flower balloons s a beautiful alternative to long stem roses and they lasi forever! $6500 delivery fr Classic Bouquet - One 18" mylar balloon mixed with a Dozen printed latex w/treatment, Candy weight & message on a heart-shaped card $400o delivery 327 Bronte St. S. Unit 3 White Oaks Plaza 905-8754426 Open Monday, Feb. 14 (Valentine's Day) 10-5 www.jusfforyouballoons At l-lgrbal On@, w~ LOVE to holp !JOU mach !Jour w~ight ~~gg goal! Ju~t aRk Traco~j! ~h&~ down 117 Ibg. and 124 inehg~ in onl!J 36 wook~! ~ NUTRITIONI~T APPROVU?. ail natural "Aflor a lifotima of waight probioma. ite aa~j to follow barbai bawd program~ wondar fui lu axparianea tha fraadom of finaIly baing eomfortabla with myealf. I ~ LOVE 2-7 ibm. a woak. FW WONDFRFULI I eouldn't hava dona il wthout tha guidanea and aupport of tha gang ~ ~UPPORT with ona-on-ona eoun~aIIing aI IWRBAL 014F. Thay hava taught ma ao mueh about how lu liva a haalthy. activa lifastyla. ~ NO INJECTIONQ. no pra-packagad food~ f0 s~tarving. nu s~woating. -~ NOKIDDING! i , g f j *~ Cali for ~jour FRFF. NO OBLICATION conRultationi 385 Main ~t. - ~ 00K? 10 !~ubwa!j The Qfr~ that really works for you! www liorbal- i nom v