2-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 8, 2005 Corolla CE 1.9 L , rio bP Mgùw - AIC AMIFM stn» CD "0 ep 9*1-1 -ry ýp: Pouvr locks and m-irrffl é morli 206* R"S&nmkm !IENNA C 40 Seee Aveu EatMlo 90e7510 ww.mlonoyt.com REAL PEOPLE SELLI NG G R EAT C ARS -'flffnaCaReta Services on-site MILTON TOYOTA Your winter cure. ,Balance àuuë;tft lui livestock facilities Couneil to consider guide/mnes tornorrow By MELANIE HENNESSEV The Champion Halion livestock lacility guidelines aimed ai 'supporting agrîcultural animal operations while addressing, their cîî-exis- tence with rural residenîs will bc consid- ered by regional ciiuncil tomorrow. Halton's planning and public works com- mittee endorsed the guidelines ai ils meet- ing Wednesday, after a presentation by Directiîr of Planning and Transportation Jane Clohecy. She explaîned hcîw the guidelînes would apply, largely based on the provincial min- imum distance separation (MDS> standards between livestock lacilities and îîîher land uses 10 reduce odour conflict. She said in the case ut urban aiea expan- sions and new non-faru uses, MDS would apply. With new or expanded non-faimn uses on exîsting lots and new or expanding livestock operations, MDS would also apply, but a minor variance may be consîd- ered. The provincial standards wouldn'î apply if a farmer is replacing or impruîving bis existing livestock faciltty. For lîvestock conversions, best manage- ment practices -implcmented to reduce odour conflicî between farm and non-farmn neighbours -would be used instead of MDS. "One of the key best management practices is t0 openly communîcate with neighbours'- the guidelines stale. "For example, farmers can explain their farminïg practices to, neighbours, provide informa notification pnior to manure spreading, plant trees along the property mies, etc." A report from Commîssioner of Planning and Public Works Peter Crockert explained "'Me Provincial Policy Statement only requires the application of MDS for new and expandmng livestock facilities, so the livestock guidelmnes offer a higher standard in protecting residential uses from odour impact." Previously, Regional and Burlington Councillor John Taylor recommended the guidelines be amended to include special provisions for faim conversions in rural Burlingion, above the Niagara Escarpment, given the unique mix of faim and non-faimn uses in the area. But, Mr. Crockett's report presented a list of reasons why staff don't support Ibis amendmient, including that an area-specific provision could weaken off iciaI plan poli- cies that support agnecultural viability and the area is under the junisdiction of the Niagara Escarpruent Plan, s0 the Region couldn't impose a special provision. Halton Federaîton of Agriculture President John Opsteen sent a letter te, commînree voiciîîg the federatton's support of the guidelînes. "I feel tbat these guide- lines allow farmiers 10 continue in tbeir business and are flexible to adapt te, chang- îng market conditions sshile stîll respecting our neighbours in the counîtryside"- hi saîd. -The plan also promotes go<id relations in the re,,ion beisseen larm and non-faim cîtîcens and recommends manx %>.av, in ss hich relations cas be improved.' MeIulaiu He'uîîcuiu' (an hi' lu au ed ai