Champion Country, Tuesday, February 8, 2005-1 7 ifampion li.vuî, * IISt SI Eight-year-old Nina Trask (aboya) competes in the doughnut eating contest - and eventually won it - during Sunday's annual LowvilIe Winter Games carni- val, which features a variety of entertainment and activities. Top left, Susan Gike helpa i O-year-old daughter Kim get ready for some outdoor skating. Bottom leSt, 1O-year-old Eric Kys wipes out on his sled. Photos by BARRIE ERSKINE rT FREE SALT! (Five 801b. bags) FREEI1NSTAý#LLATIO When you buy a Culligan Water Softener (a $200 value) ~4dLRL~ 53MAIN 51z EAbT, MILTON (905) 878*2474