22-The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 4. 2005 Haydar cornes through with key points in wins Photo by GEORGE BESHIRI Easy fellas Milton's Elgin Reid (left) - a sophomore defenceman with the OHL Ottawa 67s - stares down Brampton Battalion assistant captain Brock McPherson as officiais separate them dur- ing some rough play n Brampton Sunday atternoon. Reid was in the thick of things with fine minutes in penalties during a seesaw battie that eventually savi his visiting squad sink two late goals for a 6-4 victory. The two teama hook up again tonight in Ottawa. Factors into three straight game winners for AHL Admirais Just eau hlm the difference maker. Heading into last night's home-ice show- down wiîh Cincinnati. Darren Haydar had facîored mb three game wluners in as mauy contesis for the AI-IL Milwaukee Admirais. Muions 25-ycar-old righî wiîîger began thjs mini sîreak Saîurday night with a sec- oud-period posserplay deposit that gave hîs West Division-teading team a 3-2 decision over Grand Rapids. From there, he assisted on wînners in back to-back road vîctories against St. John's ibis past week Firsi he set Up Sirnon Gamache early in the Lhird in Monday's 5-2 triumph. and the tollo~siug evening he tîgured în a laie wiu- uer hv Dan Hamhuis thai gave Milwaukee a 4-3 n in. He also sank second and third- penod equalizers that night for his bîggesî single game oulput in receut weeks. .7~ le COACHES NEEDED h on/y takes a couple 0/ hours a week and the rewards 0,-e prive /ess. P/case he/p out hv indkating on your ehi/ds/orrn as we// as Jili- ing ouI a coaches forrn aval/ah/e at the regisîration dates above. Milton Youth Soccer Club offers the only youth soccer program in Milton fully sanctioned and insured by the Ontarlo Soccer Association and the Peel Halton Soccer League I e ~ 7 Milton Youth Soccer Club wiII Donate $1.OO/child registered to the Tsunami Relief Fund through the Canadian Red Cross REFEREES A Wan a Haydar sits second in team scoring with 21 goals an(l 24 assisis in 45 games. With about two months lefttogointhe regular season. he stands a strong chance of surpa.ss- ing the 29-goal mark set during bis AHL Rookie of the Year > campaigu two seasons ago. As ot lasi uighi. Milwaukee had a six-poii~t lead over Chicago n the dîsi- Darren sion and was challeng- Haydar ing for top spot overal I in the league. Haydar aud bis defeuding Calder Cup champion Admirais visît Hutuston tonight. Fans eau catch the local NHL hopeful in action close tut home n early Apol. when Miîwaukee visits Hamiltons Copps Coliseum for a îwo-game stint againsi the Bulldogs. Hilliers show strongly on the ski siopes Meaghan and Blake Hîllier provided a credihle one-two puuch on the slopes n Mansfteld Siiudav. Among the 14 tut l~ vear old girls. Meagban placed second ssuh a comhined titue tif 84.41> secuinils. while Blake liii ished filth n ibe box s disision ssith a 78.74-second sîtous iflg. '1 heir cff uns eombined ss îth a flîunh plaie ellîui-i hx Daniel Von Cube 0f neiî hs Moflai helped ihe Milion fleights Wbiîc Teinu upsiage ihe liosis 192 186. lu tuber .ietiiîtt Sundax. Mi lion s Megbin Gre;is es c uintiiîued j su ong seison su iîb tlie tastest sîîîgle rLin for ilte gît s a 23.14 seeoîîd perl ot matîce. Fnl ortuitaiels'. she didu'î place oseraîl ,ind bei Mackeueic Roekîes feli I i)~ 181) iii Blue Mouiuiain ai Horsesboe Valley. a B