The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 4, 2004--21 Oak Park lit-tSu tiamipti stebtançOhaltonsearch.çom iii Minor midgets get blanked 'in opener Photo by GRAHAM PAINE No, it's mine!. St. Joseph's Shannon McCullagh (centre) tries ta maintain possession as Guardian Angels defenders Jocyln Dietrich (left) and Natasha Samuda attempt ta steal the bail during girls bas- ketball play Manday atternoan. Guardian Angels won 37-17 ta imprave ta 2-1 an the year. But series deficit shouldn 'tfaze 'Hawks too much B3y MURRAY TOWNSEND Spectal to The Champion T hey've been ktnck ed down, but knocking thetu olut c(tud be consider- ahly mote difficuli. Nîtîîsn tîîttr îtidgeis dtilîpeul a lîîîtî 0î deeîsîîîii t Ilie Liîrlîni Eagles tît gaite one oîl tý>i tetills eseonîd round ' l)MIIA selies. buît lavt alt-eady prusel ehiles car liaitlle hack Irnitalet I y 'Tlie Wiîtterlîassý ils isîtei seettndulast dlunttîhe regîtilar seasii s. it a tecrof 6-I1Il4. The Oratigesil îlye r Iieii I irsit tînîtil îîppîîîîeîî --îad a mark tif' I16- 10-2. Antd aller takitig a 2-0l lead iii thie sertes. tlîey jîrihabl\ igureul thai Miltoit ssas diosin fîr Illte cîlurît. Huis es t.ilte W iîîerîass (s guiit ol.1 thie lit anid %vnt the tie t tltree Lcames fir a setisatiiîtal sertes turtaroiîuid. Coîachî Joîhn Ntdaliti 1ILares tlit liad suîîîîetlîîîg iii dot nit the,,I% suis1 itraaintîs Buirlutîgiot. "l'ni lîîpîîîg tItis is jîîst an emttimnal letdoss talter sstttttîttig sueli a bîg sertes againsi Oratiigesille.* Lveîi so, the WNiiiterhassý ks stalled] off by earrytiig thte pilay, atnd tatI ses eral goîîd chatnces in the early gîîîîg. Ihl MiLe 1lanîtal anid JelI Lytnchi sere detiied goals n iih îUttsîandttîg sas-es belore BUIrlîngion seored oîî a rebound on a seemingly harm- less shot lrom the potint, and then popped in another rebound a couple minutes later. Lyneh had a couple gond seoring chances early if the second period. includ- îng a breakaway afler he was sent in alone by Daniel Keams. but nnîhing was geîîing by the Eagles cager in this game -as sev- eral nîber Winterhawkn would learn. Milton counterpari Nie Nevins eamned bis pay laie in the second period witb a series of point blank stops, as well as in the third period wben the Eagles were smelling blond. Two of Burlingion's gîtais were scored in the final minute. Other positives l'or Milton included some niee work on the powerplay gond penalty killing lrîîm Litc Hartwick and sotie 'lie del'ensive plays and fits hy defensenian ion Monk. Mike Vipond and Dary I Lrinke added busile and tenaciti\ up front. The mnain positive is tiat a 7-0 loss cotints Ille salli as I-0 and itsý ol\ the t rst gaine of tlle sertes. "WC lias e Io bc tioire pliystetl ....- tioted Nadaliti. "ani taLe aisas the tîiiddle of the ttce Oi coittl i lence is stili Ilitl. tis vas îtst tîttel itlo e:\iesVe liase a loit of' gutsN gys in tîtat uîressin rots i itn s l dotut gise op tîntîl the endl. [he îtiîor iiiidgets ils ed lSt ntghî i i Miltonîi. %itîh resýuts luit availahle ai pres tirie. The Wiîîierhassks also iotîs gante ilîree Ttîesdas' ai MilliVîîît Spios Centre. Gainîe îîme is 7:45 pîi fotlier AA OMHA playttll ain the itajor hantains ssii;o disposed of first-rouîîd risvaI Aticaster ssith a gaîtie-lîse s eitite s\vin si- ere lîuîtbled 11 -0 liv Butrltîîgtît ti gane one ofI thte seconid roiuntd Sitlay. They liost ganie tsuîi tuîîîglî at Mitonr Sports. Centre. Gaie ttme is 8 vs. Georgetown (40-6-0-1) Game time: 7:30 p.nî. ai Menorial Last meeting: Georgetown won 5-2 Who tu watch: Despite being a bit tîtîn and over-worked at trnes, Mîlton's blueline unit has looked impressive in recent weeks and should lie severely îested by the physîcal and talenî-deep Raider fnrward ranks. The skinny. Expect a highly compei- tive tilt between norili Halton rivaIs who are both sill bantling to secure key playolI spots. Champion's pick: Georgetown by one - -the store wîth somethîng for everyon7e.......N.W...oNEW Games for ail ages......Tools for those odd jobs around the house la M r vd * e . e i *Books, Dolis, Toys for boys and girls of ail ages .... * i * ; e eCollector items, even stuff for pet loyers, and much, much more