4-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 1, 2005 J~~y r7c' 1 !vr~ ic.5 wAu.ppp~ ~ O oecORAOR ACC80eSa,8 January Paint &Home Decorating SAL EEnds SALEFebruary 5th Great Finishes ~4GUlti-Matte Washable Fiat, Eggshell, Pearl and Semi-Gloss www.boquuuiomsdmhLm ceU Mon-Wed 7-6 Sat. 9-5:30 Thurs-Fri 7-8 Sun. Clased M 1L10NwQ MAIN STREET EAST & THOMPSON ROAD SOUTH CPR GRADE SEPARATIONS CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STUDY NOTICE 0F STUDY COMMENCEMENT The Canadi an Pacifîc Steeles Ave. Railway <CPR) has two level crossings wfthin iw.0 the urban area of Milton. TOWN 0F MILTON One is located on Main / ý Street East, immediately SUY uý east of Ontari o Street. C/e AREA The other is located onManS.E Thornpson Road South, -- south of Main Street East. These levai Rd ' 0 CP crossings presen - d.CP impact the operaflon o both roadways and thme surroundlng road o network. Grade separations are 0 warranted ait botho locations based on rail D erry Rd. and road traifi c volumes.1 Theretore, the Town of Milton la comrnencing a study of Main Street Est & Thompson Road South CPR Grade Separations, in accordance witb the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Cîass EA) proces. wbicb is approved under tbe Ontario Environrnental Assessment Acf. McCormtck Rankin Corporation bas been refained le asaist in carrying ouf the sfudy. The study areas for bofb crossings are sbown below. In 2001, the Town complefed an Environmenfal Study Report recommending tbe widening 0f Tbompson Road to 4 lanes trom Derry Road 10 Steeles Avenue. Construction is currently planned for 2008 and 2009. As a grade separafion as now warranted, the Town is considering cornbining tbese projecîs. During the study, tl la proposed f0 bold two public information centres: the firsf in Spring 2005 to review the collection of background information, the problem being addresaed and the alternatives; and, the second lafer in 2005 10 review the preferred alternative and associated mifigation measures. Notices of the public information centres will be sent to properfy owners within the study ares and any others who -request f0 be added f0 the sfudy mailing list. If you would like 10 be added to the afudy mnailing liai to receive notices of the public information centres, please contact one of the following: 4 -1oeal noliticians helieve new Hi*ghway LA waste of money The autuire of a neshighsay beîween Fort Erie and Burlington, bordering Milton. is hack bo square one as the Otntario govemmnent is kecping a campaign pr-omise to put the mid-peninsula corridor through a fll environrnental assessment (EA). But tbis rnove garnered little local support from both Milton Mayor Gord Krant, andi Halton MPP Ted Chudleigh. who voiced concernis on the millions of' dollars the assessment will cost. Mr. Krantz said instead of' spending millions on the EA, the money sbould be put toward building the actual road. "If the Province has their mind made up, why go through an exercise such as an assessment?" he asked. "If this is what they're going 10 do, gel on with il." Mr. Chudleigh also deemed the EA unneccessary, noting he thought the assessment done by the previous Conservative govemment covered ail the essential parts. -Those who are against it (the corrndor) didn't like the focused environmental assessinent that we did,- he saîd. He lablled the new study as "a waste of taxpayers' dollars" and said spending tens ot millions of1 dollars on somnething that's already been doue ast doesn't make sense. "Putting this off another three to five years is nt)t solving the gridlock," he saîd. While Mr. Chudleigh said he has a big concem with Ibis use of public money he ni)ted as long as the potential Hwy. 6 route f'or the corridor is included as one of the options in the assessment, he's OK with it. The govemment bas published a notice asking for public comment on the "Niagara 10 GTA Environmental Assessment (EA) Terma of Reference."' Il says tbe assessmenî will "define transportation problems aud opportunities, witbin the Niagara to GTA area; assess current aud future transportation needa; and examine a full range of reasonable solutions." Danna O'Brien, spokesperson for Transportation Minister Harinder Takhar, SseS EA on page 10 oi F itness Opportunities Annual, 90-day or 30 day fitness memberships We*gt/cardiofitnes, cyde,ot m* Wmming «ralW-ndsivwb Aquafit damse Fitness Pay-as-you-go Registered Just add watei1 assessments fitness dlasses fitness programs Enjoy aquafit &personal and weight/cardio sudi as Pilates dlasses or training centre or Yoga Ienqth swlrnming Me. Leslie Scott McCorrnick Rankin Corporation 2655 North Sheridan Way Mississauga, ON, L5K 2P8 Phone: (905) 823-8500 Fax: (905) 823-8503 e-mail: lscott@rnrc.ca Ma. Cathy Robertson, P.Eng., PTOE Manager, Infrastructure Engineering Services Deparirnent Town of Milfon 43 Brown Sftreet Milton, ON, L9T 5H2 Phone: (905) 878-7252 exf.251 6 Fax: (905) 876-5029 e-mail: cathy.robertsnnifton.ca j This Notice, firet issued on January 28, 2005. Ted Chudlelgh 0Onlinee M i~miltles 194 Main stý E., I)tjwîilowti Milt(jit - 905-876-492-2 Benjarnin