Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Feb 2005, p. 26

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26 - The Canadian Champton, Toesday Febroacy 1, 2005 ___________________ ~t~orI~ng Ir, Mwnotlèm - ' - CareerTruinIn~ Gaoeet-s Guws Careers OÈ~à~s latiard l'Oy,îo Aoainsî Loved lather ot Donald <Margaret) Black ock and Bruce Ijoannel Blacklonk Loning Cîooddad I Brever Sosan Dianna Kevîn) Harch Dien lhmanda don Mark Dreaf Papa ol naura Man and Pebarca Dear Orotner r f Facile IDorornyt Blankîncli nI Guelpo Aloîn Anarnyl Blachioca cI Burbogron. 5-inn fred Rrchordson nI Goalph and Inn lare ted. LînnO olazel aod Mîtaren Blankionir Dear Brother n arn ni 5-rîda Slanlrlonk ni Dueipli Fnends miii Be receinea aI ne 5-ail Cusrance Funeral Home & Chapel 2Bk Nonfolk Bt GoelpB. Fndap <24 & 7 dpm) Poneral somme mîli be held ai Eden Mîlîs Presbytenan ChurnB. Batorday. Jarruary 29, 20GB, at tfam Intenneet Eden Milis Ce meterp memnoal cOstrbutions te Eden Mîlis Presbyte cao Church <Restoratîns Ford), c/o J Ramsay, Treas orer R.R 4, Rockmood NOS 2KG or The Elliott Home Do Tito Adminîsirator, 170 Meinaite Si, Doelpb, ON. NiE dY3 woold be appreciated )Wall-Cusîanca GiS 522-0051, s~ wdllcusîaoce com) Featheretene, Peter Peaceiolip ai hîs residence n Mîhon, iollowing a long Il~ neso wdti Myxoihenia Graurs. Peter Feaihersione, son of Giace and Ste taie Sheldon FeaSteistone. Seloved husband ai Sea. Losrng tatiter ot Debbie and ber bas- banni Mrke Hytle, Kagry and hec hxsband Ken Gail bcaiSt, Todd and bis wîie Sandy. Peter airîl be misseni bp bis grasdchuldcen Thomas, Emilp, Jaymes and Mitchell Predeceasect by bis osier Anse and brother- n tax George Yorh Family and inenda visdani ai Ste McKecoie-Kocher FaneraI Home ttd Main Bt. Mîlton SGB-575-4d52. The toneral seisce atîl Be beld n Ste binerai home chapel on Taesdap, FeBnaary tsi 20GB ai 11:00 arn. lniemteni b 10110w ai ihe Milton boergreen Cemeiary As expressions ai spmpaStp, memonal do- nations 10 Ste Galiville Tratalgar Memonal Hoagital FoandaSon woald Be appreciaied. Kempiler, Evolyn Ai Ste Mîton District Hospital on Wednesdap, Jasaary 2Sib 20GB. Enetyn Kempter, beloved wiie ot the laie Richard Kemplier. Losing moiher oi Sarbaca and Jobs McGibboe. Badly misseni by ber gcandcbildcen Nicole ami Math Caraphel and Robeit McGibBon. Dear greai grandmoSter oi Tnsden Richard Carapheli. Famîly and inendo orsieni ai Ste McKecsîe-Kocber Fanerai Home 114 Main Bt. MiScat 905-878-4452 The binerai sersice was beld n Ste bineraI home chapel on Baiardap, Jana- ary 25St 2005. Inteimeni iollowed ai Ste Milion Ever green Cemeierp. As expressions ot sympaStp, memo- net doea5xes b Ste Canadian Cancer Booeip woald Be appreciaied. \ Schell>~bsrleflha - -.. -- Ai Ste Pool Inn Village ix Dabsille on Taesdap, Jaoaaiy 25St 2005 ChnsSna Bcheib, Beloveni wde oi Ste laie William Bcheib Losint moSter ot Jean Helen Sambara, ChnsSna Scachen ami William Bcheb Predeceased Bp a son Daurd axd B Brothens and casiera, Chnshna mil Be missed Bp ber 7 graxidaixldren ami 7 gceai grandchil dren. A service oi remembrance wiil Be held on Baturdap, Febnaary BSt 2005 at200 pra ai Ste ihngdom Hall ot Ste Jehoeah's Witnesses 8305 Boston Charch Rxad (Third LIse N.> MîSon Arrangements enirasimi 10 Ste MaKersie-Kocher Fanerai Home 114 Main Bt MiSon 005-878-4452 Soitis, Kathleen (nee Woodgatel Baddenip on Thorsdap. Janaarp 27th 20GB KaStleen BmîSt, devoteni wîie ol Ste laie SîlI Bmdh Selosea daaghier ol Ste laie Mary and John Woodgaie. Kîiken- np, lreland. Lneîng sîsier ard sîsier-în-law oi Mary and ihe laie Thomas flemep. Sriip and Masceen 5-00agate. Cecelia ard Coiman Fearon tire laie Maohem Woodgaro. Sngîd ana Sîli Grant Michael and Paula Woodgate 1011 oi Canada) Tire laie John ana Kaiby 5-oodgate Marg and Tony Bmîtb Phyllîs Roso ard Au- drap Bmîib laIt oi Englard) Badly mîssea Bp mary rienes. rephemo and grand nienes ana rephews <inn patron oi non Darne AOs ard me Darne Commonmry Fammly an irennis osiied ar tpe McKersîe Kocher Fo- floral Home 114 Mon Bt Mirton 905 879 445200 Bon dny The Mass of CBrstîan Bocal mas celebrated at Holy Hosary CaStolîc Churnp f39 Mamn Bt Mitron or Monday Janoary 3tst 2005 Internent inllomed at Mii- roc Energreen Cemeiery An eopresoions ot sympathy memonal donations tome Milton Distnct Hospital Four daOon, tire Hunongion Bnciety or 5-e Caradran Cancer Bnoaeiy woast Be appreciateri To .11 Oh. euatomer% ut 11> (anada Tru~ that I haie had the pleananre o. aceve. I would like t. aay a gnous blg thamk o ou 1er making mi retteegeent ne eaJe>ahIe. Rene flic familv af the loir Viola CIer-ely expresses apprecicatian to Des Hai. Dr. Tam, and the nurses and staff ai Afiitaan District Haspital for their rare and thou*Wulneati. lnlxcixgmemxryxl Cinr lxraniiful hrxaaeî.cyrd daxghier xlix leD ns se xnddcnl serre yearx age axeh. loi, 1998. Onr lieeris seul ache euh xadnean axd suent iears asti always flou. Noiadaygoeebyihaeu'e arr ont reminded of heu' lnving ond kinai non Cen, net only irans lime te these aeennd >'O0 85 niell, We oins >mur enthnaieanm for living and enjnying life in ihe (nîleat. Sometimes. we deeam nrhai mwht îave bren lad yon niill bren here. Ne anc wiil nier knout nihai h meani Cea lese yean. "love Va Alwa>rs" Dad& Mon URIoVILL~ DEAVEK WKI~ULAIIUN DEPARTMENT 0 romanS>' Innkîog for a A CONTRACT DRIVER to delîver bondies tri Gar Carriers. MusI bit reliablt mith own vair and vabd driver lîctnsa To suboit pour bid phase contact: Scott ColtrelI, ai xcottreII@oakvilIebeaner.com Fax: 905-337-5557 Phone: 905-845-9742, ext. 211 DELIVERY DRIVER Construction rentai company requires F/T permanent: Delivery Truck Driver (Class DZ) Delivery Trocli Dnver <Clasa AZ) Yard Fonixilft Operator(15,GOGlbs plus) Day shilt, with weekends off. Medical/dental pension, profil shaning. Most sopply corrent drivers abstract. Please forward resumes 10: 1383 Coreormil Rd, OakvIIIs, ON L6J 4Z5 or Fax: 905-844-5122 - - Landlaw Educatton Seexicen DRI VERS STILL NEEDED Free Training Sch~oI Bus Drîve~s Wanted Cail 905-877.4448 Ldîdlda 990 ogna oppntfunily Company Meehans Industrial, ona ni tire ares n iasiesi~ growîng manhanîcai contractons, han an immedi aie fou-urne npanîng r tire Mîlior oreo for AZ Driver with Ntachinrr~ Moving Ercprrirnce & MiGra rigtets 00e ara naekîrg a hîgbiy mntîoatad indînîduai mur Sonaileot drînîng. nîggîng. and maniranîcaf shîfia miro mîil gel tire lob dora safaîy. etiîcîeoily. ana le on nor hîghIy acnamplîsired iesm 00e oSer nom petîtîsa wages aîîd a nompreirensîne benafîts pro gram Please fao oxax rmame, mnotnding ail îeaining abat yen hase cempteîed tam 905-8~5-0hl92 NOWHIRING enîarn~rrq- ..ericoO'ogtarr - nO'ietr n , e 'r ' - .' , i - - ., t i ,î .1 n a. Faim mme A PaO Ose Sinreoont & etodocrmns soit or ami arille 5taienlî Wetnxnsn Sanie r irersan o, ai resona asor iran OsNOiaoinxrrlm aI lire aorm Mmilcr Pr sns-act..oor5 Fia ses-nox rosa English a Internationally oegin aifO O (t t-)))) I r AT oo< cOLISO AI~ ffereO il S~oridor C eçe. 1:0<0 go: 007CJ FeL 23ro 210 2665 veoirgs/ weerieods To Regisier for on Open House on FeL lor Col! or for more mb 888-2*6512 ruaI, <t' t - AVON District Sales Manager IMississauga and Burlington arearal //z S (0/ m7'uhd~,POt/ <Dp/m/t/T'! Z nm'/O/nT /7 -/i wû //5 0076//P/O ~ /07 /7/07,7/o le thts teadership posîtmne, yna mitI be chatlenged 50 baud, traie and inspire a teant ni indepeedent Sales Representalixes te accelerate groesth e yonr district. * Ability te netwnrk, empomer, inspire aed maximize the potentiel ni a cnmaitted Sales tean, * At least 2 îeaes et Sales and/ne Netwnrk Marketing experience, * Entrepreneurîat spirit, dynamism and antnnnmg. * Excellent communication and peenentation skitls, Gail Bamlets Avon Canada toc, 5500 Trans-Canada Hwy. Pointe Claire, Oc H9R 100 Fax: <5141 630-8396 www.avon.ca manefacGxering facility locateti in lng.reoll. Onsteolo. ~ ~ ix a soorîti-clans axtomotive Tises <BMfSozalci joint ventere ctenrently prodeces the CJnevroIet Iqeainnox for tise Moitis Amerlcan manteS. AG CAMI, we salie pride In our values, oui production processes and philosophies, anti ose state-of-tise-ari 1 7 miSion square foot facîhty. We currently 500k self- motîvateti anti results-oclented... MAINTENANCE AREA LEADERS WEL DING & PAINT DEPARTMENTS Onu miii supemîse apprnnîmarniy JO k led tradas prou 4 cg fenho cal toppori to proO~cr on Yon wîll alto ansînt mîtir tPe imyfemenrarior ni marfenarce ana engreenng acf or et Onu cane rhrea ru fine yearn euper e ce ocluri ng funo pea n c a supers tory or leaderno p rote preferahly n a unronîzea dutomotine facîlîry TPe minimum cd ar or ai reqo rament n a tk lIna frada dan godron or a nagraa/oiploma o a raiatad tachnîcal iîeld Prefacance o Il Sa g ne ro thone w rO an ecg ceai ng negrea arn noper coca w rh robofîns and PLCt FACILITIES MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT Onu wîfl pronîde maînrenarna upporf for buildînyn, grourds ana fac litres rcluoing tPe upplp don ditftihutiot ni utilitiet for ail areat, admînînter praneorarîna maintenance arn appropniafe taroica cortrants Onu wîll alto tiparnita thîllen fraden employaas, on rha floor, wîtP a hîgO anal ni parnooal irferanrior dm000 our eogîraerîng, maînranance Pomerhoune, don production taam Onu Pana a skîlled crade nasigra ted teconinal fînla don ar laanr 00e year ni enperîenne n a laaoernoîp or nupemînnry toi arca systema Sotb potinons regoîra auparienca ility ro effecrioalp manage multiple issue- r a fanf panna mach ennîrnnmanr Strorg interpe on noîrd prnblnm nnloîog ao4 luagameor ahîlîtian are hep Comprebannîne knomleoge ni rh M W Agreameor mouiri Be nonsidarea a ntrong aster thana potinons rotate rpcea shiitt arn o AREA LEADERS Wa norcanriy have openîrgs o nor Assembly. Weldîng. Paint. and Materiat Handuing Departments Expenienna n thase areas moufd Be a daiînîte aster Yon banc tisree ta fixe years production experlence, witis two years n a supereisory or Ieadership rote, praferaBly o automonîne Your so0nd lodgament ana solîri probfam snloîog napairîlîrias arable ynu to eiientrnely manage multiple issues o a fasr-panad mnrk enoîrno ment Exparienna n a manufanrurîng ernîrnomeor monlo ha nonsîderen a srrnng aster and a clagrea or Oryloma n a relaran fiatri moulri ha ideal Ar CAMI, me b rer an attitude mhîch nurtirat change don opporrs aIl amplnyees r împronîog rheîr îokt dcci annîrnomeor for cortmruo,~ imyrnoamnor Wa racognîza amplopees atour mosr vaLable retourna arn milI pronîde me soppon mat atînms nor peopie ro contnîhuta o a mor naren, empomerea, ana pan patine way Wa nue, an afniacrine sdldry ana a comprahensîna nanafîrs package aoc are lSD 4001 ana SD 9002 certifan Pot coofîneorial orsînerarîno, pleasa tend pour resoma ano nouer terrer quoting tise position titte in tise subjeat me n Human Resources, CAMt Automotixe toc., 300 lngersott Street. F0. Box 1005. togersoti. Ontarlo N5C 4A6 Fax: 519-425-3401 e-mail: careerscami0cami.ca * CA M I tira t,.i t'r' mi ~ env,,', t.. crtrctc-.r 515 NUTRITION HOUSE OVESHEAD n Georgelown CRANE ELECTIIICIAN 5-e ara nom hîrîog for a Parmaoenf Port Tîma Cor grouvîng compas>' Oas position dapu aveoinga maakanos an immedîste openîn> for 5-a ara ionkîog for somance rsocabîa 900 lai an nuertreani crane B GOni- abla 10 <Oic nor Iaam <coaleaga 0f cuirîfion ana ciao wîtfm fine pears eoperî- raturai suppiameors ragoîroni ictGrSGtad appîn oone aI capentîn>, fr00- nacra pleasa sobmît resome o Nutrilion House bia-sonof o> aod opa ring 280 Gualpf Sireef Georgeromo Maîkarpiane Mail oneroeaa iOdnSItial Dr contant Karen Nmnirolis aI 519-585-0566 ctacea 5-e ntinr tG~ koînPolîs74@irntmBît nom cages a nnmpany vGa- nie a great avonkin> enni- tonnent and a 0>00> FRONTIER TREE SERVICE nnnjs fer ne rgnr 04:0- Jaf Pao fOut 'Gnome 10 :5 hîrîng fora Fao (955) 575-3315 GROUNDSMEN POSITION Alon Humas ~, nB~n .0r5 n ~ Sesoomcen Manager Dr,'prs -Gnon -B~,,irno DresinrCrnaeh Cali (905)854-5389 Saisi Lid., __________________________________________ Mitron, Ont.

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