The Canadian Champion, Tuesday February i 2005 - 25 * - A * * e : : Index: Real Estate 100-135 * Business 140-169~~e Rentais 170-196 * Leisure 200-239 * Community 240-299 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: e Merchandise 300-385 * Auto 400-470 * HeIp Wanted 500-5~ Mon. to Fn. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on * Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cali: 905-878-5947 Ad oufimission b~ mari or n person rhe Cairadiari Otiarneicri 191 Main St E Mîlton ON 95 459 Deadirees- Mon ci dîni Or lues piihlrcatioii Itrors il arn o tir ibtiratior Speciri teatiirn & Hnliday deadirnes may varp Payment: Wr. dccept (asti. tregue Inirerar. Visa ManrerCard Airrerican Express 8 risiri ess occounts air or npeiied wrth dfl appiuued r redit appiccatînui avaitable tronc pour Sales Corsoltani CHECE 0088 AD THE FIRSI DAY P RUNS o ensirre tPe information S correct Contact pou Stes Corrstdraoî vcrrtcio 74 Cours 1 an niror appears di o rininatir OoPtrcdtrOorrrost Pr repoded on tarer Pair Mcii il a m i1estone~ I I I I I - I ~ I ' I BIRTHDAY Ueits ton ranI. Hmp 25 & 401, 1,600 3,200 Sq. 9. Loading dodos & driee n Fhone 1-905-277-9347 or 1 905-275-6834 Faatway Coanero- enfop the sunnesa et traechising. For more information est f 9053315050 mmsotas- CAMPBELLVILLE 1-Stirro apt., separaf e entrance, targe pneate denk, NO SMOKING/PETS $800tmttt irtolades heat, Sp dro parking and faundro anaifable immedmatelp Catt 905-854-1444. Large aparlment, 2-lied- room, redenorateti new ap- pfiaones, pnvafe entrance. Avartabte rmmedcatetp. 5975-montS n Spdro 905- 332-6310 MILTON 1 -lidrm grounti foot pnvate entranne, park- ing 5800/mIti ostities reduti eti, referennes axactabte Feb 151h, naît 905-878- 2614 MILTON 2-54cm, nemf p renonateti, large kctcSen, anti trorngroom, 4pn battc. 5 appt, 3-nar parking, N of Steetes 905-697-6391/1 905-302-3966 MILTON 2 liedroom apt., adaît non smoking $77Otmfli cnnfudrng rAtifies, reterennes, avartable imme diatefp, nat 905878-5072 MILTON, 2-liedroom rate of 5925/mîti avartabf e Apnt lot, I-bedronm rate et 5790/monîti avaifalif e Mardi 151h Att isdusree, aduftfiooe, nodogo. Foeap- paînîment est f 905-699- 1398 or feave message O 905-878-5345 BIRTHDAY * 0u*** 4,$** *1* Happy 9Oth Rirtladay ~ to a spectal Mont on Feb. 4îh * $ * * $ t * s 4' *s,' * I/rat JFtuhx-o îaîth Oua, c * framvoes-fandlpTom&1i-tîn. (<îrolc&I9iJl.Jcnt&l/rtii-c. W * potin 9grandr-ltildrcnandepeti..r-n * & 18 gccot grnndchildnr-n * W loi-v Tsrrnet * ~I '~'*'* **** *** BIRTHDAY i7~ - - -- Itappy 101h Slrlhday TIm Mdelroe apartment Avarfable Mareti lot Domntown Mihon. Raf- erennes Requrreti. No smoking Cati 8am 6pm 905-878-2953. VILLAGE Parc tuoury 2- liedronro Contie 5 Appt., poot, sauna, gpm, gueslipadp ronro. avaitalite Sl600Pmonth rnnfuded CATV anti 1-underground parking No smoking/pals Avarfabte Marnh lot Caf t 905-8785224 Acton Apartmenta 1 - 2 & 3 badrooro apartment avait- able Nom anti for tuture Frîtige & Steve, tauntirp tadfitces, Ne tiogo 519-993- 4374 open 7 dapsdmeek ourse dap approvat DOWNTOWN MILTON MAre/e Tomera 82 Mîttade Dene 162 Bedroom Apîs. Nem apphanneo. Cf ose 10 Domntome Bus stop aI Front Door 905-876 1249 GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Branle Street, South, MlhDn We are nom annepbng appfinasons for Feli isI 3 - 1 bedroors Fait laI 2 - 2 bedroors Mar 15 1 -1 bedroors Mat 15 2 - 2 bedroem For more lnforma8on an~or 10 make an appoînlment, Please catI 905-979-5375 Building Managera Leottard & Penny ACTON, 2-bedmora, araîf- abte January. Bankelor, available Fabroatp lot. One bedroom, aeartabf e Mardi lot 519-853-33090e 519-853-0719 terrent? bedmeem sactes ce Anton $800 anti 5850/montS Pneate partis Oas Seat. Aeacfalit e mme- dcatetp. Caf f Lie Deef t, John- son Assoccates Reattor 905877-5160 COMFORTABLE base ment studio, separate en- tranne, patlringclaandtptsat eftitettcrepface Centraf Geergetome, quiet. Non onceken S695tmonth Caf t 416 873-7526/416-695 2225 eut 9225 GEORGETOWN 1-beti- mers basement, near Mat t Axactabte Marne lot. S600tmonth clii cIres, t mac parking innfxdecl Caf f 905 877 1549 GEORGETOWN 2 beti coors tegat basement apt Feliroarp tsI Non omeker ne pets, references tirsLtaot Watk o GO 905 973 4708 GEORGETOWN 2-beti roors aîranmenc aoactabte Mardi lut otîtîtres inctudeti Ooet area stose f000 Sta cr00 No pets ptease Cati 410 522 3td2 416 606 7537 GEORGETOWN 2 beti roors aparlmeor utîti ties/faundrp rentodeti Aeact alite crsmedcateip Cait 905 299-0311 GEORGETOWN 2-bed roem apt., park lîke se9ing, S9strtmoeth pf as Spdro Laundry & parlong reduti- ed (905)4572989t(905)459 -6561 GEORGETOWN 2-lied- room main ftoor San- roomddenkppard/Sard moodtbidgedslone & park- ing Near GO. NO-pets. MarcS lot. 5975/montS e- damne. 1-705-799-2586 GEORGETOWN spanesas, 2-Sedroom apartment, dose 10 Hige Onkool. Ap- pliannes, great nerghlioum Ne pets/smoking S98OtmtS af t ont usiee Avarfalif e Fe- liroary lot. 905-873-1174 HILLSBURGH 2 berinooro apartment Vintonan buitti- ceg, nan fomiok, 5655/montS pfas utîtîtres Aearfabf e immedcatefp No smokingdpeto. Frrstdast Retereenes. Easp nomm aIe te Georgetomn Caf t Biff 519858-0971 HUTTONVILLE 1-lied- rooro, new, liright, protes sconaf nustom tinisheri basemest Separate en- Panne, faundrp, parking, na- bte, adn, nde, prjeate nounsp f rang Suifs srngf e pemoe Car needed, no smok ingtpeto. Unique, muot see SS7SdmtS 905-455 1992 NEWLY resenateti t lied- ronro aparbeent on Maron St, Mîtton Close te domn- ban $10901 moetk Utîf t- Ses induded Catt 519-699 5494 NEWLY reriooated 3 lied roem apaoment on Martre St, Mîtton Ciese o dome tewn 51090/ montfi USir lies inctudeti CuIt 519 699- 5454 NEWLY renovateti 3 lied reem apurtment on Magie St, Mc9on Cfose te tiewn- tome. 51090/ montE. USîr fies rnnfuded. Caf f 519 699- 5454 ROCKWOOD 2 liedroem prreate entranne. fndge/stoee, nabf e TV, taun- dry parking No pets/smok- a ceg Utîfîtres rentuded 5850,montfl 5198582230. ROCKWOOD, lirrgSl 1 bedreero Sasement aparl- ment, suitalite fer t peroon Aoartalite Feliroarp lot Close te att amenrees aed Conservation Park Proate entrance. no omokinqupets. 0575,month otîtrîces calite rentudeti 519 956 9854 t,. Foe~ MILTON 2 liedroors coodo aparimeor 4 appîrances 2 parking spaces 01200 montE att coctosîxe Avactobie rmmedcatetp 000 875 288k MILTON 5-o ens 3 Soi rooro Couses for sale & reet 1810 sq t 0319,000 6 51650 meetti - atîfîtres. Cati Jotin 547274-4500. SUPER Ma9amy semi Avarfalile Apnf lot f ontudes C/A, att appliannes, gas FF, garage, 1500 sq 9. 3-lied- roomo, 3 battis. 51500/montS. Caf t Camie 905-878-8101. no smokrngtpets. 51300/rats e utiliSes. Aeait abte Fabroarp lot. Cati 905-693-9510. OAKVILLE- 3 Seticoom tometiouses avartalite trs- mediatef p tScough Maînti. 4 appliannes. Hopedaf e Matf aIea Lakestiore Mavage ment 905-876-3330 Hwy 25/S Sideroati. Avait aSIe immedrateto 5400/monts utcfOes indati- eti 9058783632 MILTON basement for rent Broote St area 5525/mîti, uoe of kdnCen, omn bath- reers, & tauedry fancîrtres Catf 9058765151 M. BRONTE t bedroom n/en te fuxuro tomnSouse 0e take. Shareti bats, 6/dies, parking etn Tenant muot Se fange dog friendfp. $700. in- clusive. Refemenes 905 617-8347 Craft Show Qunilifted Exhibitoos Wanted t. -crics tri ecaticoriteccOn tfsfcaoaCcxm Puduircicasi Cs.tciiicriiitff Srprrcntr(urrctrn SccsckliicVtceccdAreou (i-t iront,. ititritirO if lxiii r. cH c/lIS 42fr (Sorti sot - - HEENAN - Michael and HIlarp are trnriffeti te announce Ihe eanty arnvat et Cern daaghter, Olinia Grace, wecgE- ceg tif bs Cee, on Denamben 17,2004 aI 2 O7pm Preud fcrst Sme grantiparents are Af ex & Drana Heenan et Brampten anti Shanon Bcngfey 0f Comwatt Speecat tEanks te Dr Brennan and Cer fears at MeMaster Hos pîtat, and tEe NtCU team at St JosepE s Hespitaf n Ha mitron Loi $Foum* FOUNI3 cal neotereti fliC maie munir pote orange once 8 orange for arnund 1e8 epe oery fruendtp Founti at Appt ebp Lîne belmeen 3r4 sutieroati & dOl Caîf 9ev e/p O 905-69 730 NANNY Fut Ome tee n tee Seplemba 2005 Non orsokar nota ergnlopals Ca 905-693-8930 rn CARE. Oaafity nfnddcare ton poar nlncfdren 19 meettis teS yeans siene 1989. Caf f <905>878-7552 or aiea as aI narebometffagedaycare nom GU~TAR LESSONS Pnnate gactan tessene avait aSt e froro an eapenenceet, protesoronaf instroctor No regîstratron tee, reaseeabf e rates Rrnk (905) 875-4601. GUITAR LESSONS Take fessons aI my hnroe or f mît f tcaeef te peurs, ce Ifre ight scîxafren. Catf Dan @ 905-854 5875 2 breakfast bar sI s Wr et & mresght Ion, beaght aI Fier Ose $100 fer SetS Caff Minfref f e O 905-876 0124 2000 usatitotti cookbooks, pfease e-maîf photo- caoh@hetenall.ooer tee detait s. 310 BRANO new Sowftex Oit, witfc new ce enfoccment package strit n lioo. ceg ex- tension ted squat anacfl ment cectudeti, $2500 Cati 905 699 8287 FIREWOOD Ires tonal de tinery, seasoneti 2 peara Catt 905 30t 3771 100K. Hodrep & baseliatt nord nottentron for sate. Featonng nords tram pasI 10 peesent Cait for appoint- meet. Rap 905-693-9119. XLARGE neyer useti dog CraIe parti $24890 self for $7590080. CaO 905-878- 5410 A Drncng Room, Ckertp- mooti, doulit e pedestat table, 8 eSarro, bufiet, Sutnh, tiovetaît nonstron- bon New o5tt n boxes. Cool 511,000 Sacrifice $2600 905 507-5459 A Krng Pittomtep Matrreso Set. New n ptanbn Coot $1600 sett for 5450 905- 5875459 860, Amaecng liargaîn, gueecr erthopedic prttowtop set nec ce plastic, warranty 5150905-567-4542 mit f de- treer Bedroom Cherrpwooti, Sea eSeot dreoser, 2 eigtifstando. Dovetuit Con- stroneon Neoer openeti Cool $8.000 Sanrifine $1980. 905-587-4542 CARPET t have severat 10130 prds of new Starrn- master & 100% nylon car- pet Witf do tixiegmors 6 SaIt for $289 todudea non- pet, pati & instatiabon (30 partis) Steve, 905-633- 8192 POOL tables + annasso- ries. NewrtJsed. Bay/5e8. State tables tram $1000 n statteti. 905-616-5159. wmm.billrard-set-xine.noon. 1992 Chexy Lamina Soro, 9004 nondîtron, pemer windows, power fonko, nus- sene AM/FM, air, 192,000ttrms, $1200 ao ce 090. PIs naît Gesîge or Samantha @ 905-878 6524 1991 OeOa 60, geod ainter nar E lested/Cegitied New bralreotmaffter, gas- tank & batrerp. $1425 905 877 3539 1996 Ford Tauras Wagon 7 seater, tuf p toaded, AcC, croise, ABS etn. $1.700 ner t/ced Caf t 905-877-1549 1997 Pontrac Sunfîre, 2 door sedan, standard, gooti nondîtron, us ce sut e 220,O00kms. $1200 f 905)877-2082 1999 Nissan Pathîreder Chnikoot, 4a4, 4-donr, aute, airCO 130,OOOkms Cegi tiedie-testeti, Socettent Cee dîtron 513.300 Fies Cati Daoe aI 005-873 6601 41$ t- 1993 Nissan Pathireder Auto dati toadeti Musc sett foot licence S4 000 oSe 416-274 1431 Sondap test xrew Garynottot coq ers.lifanklien-<c vol OBIYERWAIiER Mîke & Mats Seafood 6 Pasta. Fndap & Sala dap enesingo Ca 5478281487 FR11 Fart BIne 0db Bock I ~ derks Wr Iran Tues I I dap dapo & TSumdap I lennorgol Zes 9058752910 PARi-fime waOreso. Dupo anti osme weekeeds Appt p n pemon Bumpero Res- taurant 175 Main St E. 9056938247 TIJTOR Eopenenned teacloeWng 0590 nke home Grades 5 a suti enfop rente eaoe nat Ma ag et 905-878 9997 Classtfied Hours ta Fnday ara ta 5 pm