orts - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February i 2005-23 sIeblanc@haltonsearch.com j:t p The Brampion Capîtals may noi have ihe bexi îeam. huî îhey do have ihe besi coach. Ai leaxi ihais ihe case ihîs season. as Mitions Rancly Nox',tk nas recenily named ihe 21t(t4/115 Wesiern Conlerence Coutch ot ihe Year anîl tor gîttuit iea sou. t akîne ix eî itie tien hiseineiti îtn ettîng Capuiats usi mix eî a N eu agît. Niix ak tielpeit îtîem xxiii tîtîti iii itieti taxi sex eîi ganies aiiil lias intîx ect itîcîîî up tîtur places iii itie siaiiiliiigs uit s seasoil n iîlî a 22 IX 4 t ectîrîl. Biampiiuiî heai ponerbouse Oakxitte ixx ce itiis seasîîîî ,tiîd up tînitt ihîs luasi neekenîl n'as chat- * j ~Minor atom Winterhawks advance Above, Winterhawk 'AA' minor atom Jack Goncz collicles with a Caledon player while (et left) Milton captain Tyler Ganly and goaltender Mack Mindenhail celebrate the team's 2-O shutout wln in the fifth and deciding game 0f firet- round OMHA play at Milton Sports Centre Saturday afternoon. Joshua Bensusan sank both goals in the clincher, while Drew McMilIen, Colin Maltby and Adam Poirier scored two days carlier in Caledon for a 3-O win that forced the do-or- die tilt back et home. The minor atoms will now battie Flamborough. For more rep playoff action, see page 24. Photos by GRAHAM PAINE IceHawks reclaim into fourth By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion So ihe IceHan k~ coutil lxix e honie ce adx anio'e atici ait Hopes ni snaggîng lina c xii .î gaine ai Nleinoiial Ai ena t or fît si i ound lit ay againsi Burt ingion looked raiher hteak usi a neek agi). But ihree xiraighî n ns highhghied hy a 4 t deci sion ai H~ Arena hax e prnj tourih. and pin the pres tenging for tihih spoi. The guys have reatty boiighi min ihe sysirin. nid Id suy u5e xc tîiu.illy tîvet acliieveil a tuile ihis year." sud Nîîx ak. Fîîr tus pan. ihe second-year Capîîatx hetîcti boss teets lies dîîîîe a gmîod job assessing itie îîeeîlx uC boih lits otleîîse aiiil deteîîse. Aiîd i 's liai il iii argue tgaiiisi Bi aiiîpîîiiî heîîîg îîîîc ut lie liard er n iii kîîîg ieaiiis iii ihe cîîîît ci eîîcc. 'VVe 're tîtti itie intîsi iateiîîed club, hîti ne etînie iii plaN. aildeci Nîîx ,tk. 'We're tietîleit iii itie rîghî dîrecîtutîx . amuit n îîh ahuitti a dîîeeîî y îîîîîîg gui s back îîexi set suit itieres cemlainty îîîîîre roiiiiî tuir improx enieni. Cougars Should ihe IceHan ks upsei Georgeion n Friday nighi n regular season enduîg plaN. Burlingion n Il lias e iii nii ix ihree reinaînîng gaines iii tirder ii reclairn tiiîinlî or take mu ot iliîee stioiilit Mîlion corne up shoil. The IceHaxi ks n ould n iii a tiebreaker by nue ni iticir i 2 seites xxiii ox ci n M B ingion. M n R gardtess nI wtîîî gels . q me tee aux aiiiage. ihi ~ p 'oacli compeiiîise iii Wesîern Conlereîîcc p mît aciîoii, wîih îhree ot tht. gaines beineen Mîtion and Burt ngîon ihis season dcc idcd hy a singît. ~ aîîd inn nI itîem goîng iii ovenîme M tutu pîîsheîl ix currcni n n sircak iii gatiies by îiuidtsîanc îng towtv A texx shakyinomcnis h~o,îlîe Tom Sir isx'ilte 8-5 Friday ai Memori il Y cicdi s iii // tu-t', i trI ut. i unit permît goals mil liait i h incîlitt nI plis eî s ix iih mîttit pitini etîtîns including ixxîî goals tînt ~tti assisi each truin nîtircir Randy Novak Chris Bain anît Breti Ruihînson whii s lii ihe tmp Il iiines n hîs taxi six ouiings. ClInt. nî~tîî i mIter ai Biampion Memorial Auna liii lcrHawks hîîîîg iîiugh itîrnugh an ex eiiin" long seesaix clash io eclîpse the 'nus Cipiiils 413 J îsuîîî l)îîp un liroxiteil ihe heroics n 1h 3 3) liii io pI ty. depîîsîîîng ail absoînie iîiikîî min iht. iîîp rîghî conier. lii a mueh sti irpri shon iiîg ihan lied eîîd ilie neek n'îîh. Fenion iumeît hack hree doien shois iii îîuidîî- ILLI et Caplials sianei Das'id ~l~J Wilson lîîglîlighîing lus lions xxiih an increclîbli upsîcle down pad savi' n ihe dyin~ momunîs of play. The wînnîng neek pîîshed Milion b 29 17 t i Wîîlî jusi ittue game rernaining. ihe lceHaxs'ks xii iîed wiih iheir li)97/9t( preil- eccssOrs tor ihe tewesî goals allîîwed (127) iii a single season. Thai s largely ihe resuli iii fixe shuionîs antI a siring (il liipstded x'îcîorîî's againsi ilti' Wesi 's basemeni dxx etters Lasi xx eek 's xx ns caine n îîlî a shorieîieîl tiiieîtp. as Adurn Piteggî ~mit Maiî Price cumniinue iii ihtîrse iiiinîîî injuries aîîîl Jesse Jcnish n as calted up iii ihe lîeDogs. Besi uit sex en tirsi nittînît ptay againsi Btirtingioii nitI tikeIN stan a ncek hum Friîiay vNovak named West's top