2-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 1, 2005 Agriculture groups hoping for greenbelt delav ,)Uy 1/lut more tie is iieeded 1 1oslainaî e'e By MELANIE HENNESSEY Thle Champon n n;o dtos iaiiiiiic li'~i "More timne is needecl to get the details right. uIl Province Io eayIl ploposed green-elî legislation, We would recommend an additional year to moriîe lime lor. consultation and re\ i%î get the science and consultation with each Local larnîcule Bellt '\iîîîsepîescningil boîh organieationis. Iandowner co pet. prescrite(d al I is of i ecoîiniiindaimins on flic greenhelt Io Ille .... ................................ Grcater Tout oi Arca omi 'dcMaviiîs' Alliance ai Ille BR NR Ramiada lInn Jainiin 21. The plan aimis tii eteatle il pc mCI- ilinti IIIi( id tu le Golden l-orsesliîe i-esioiî. o, athino 111rouicli Halioti. lu îî otilîl iiiipi cin,- about 1.8million actes froi Nia-aia FalIls iii Peici-bot oui the Niapara 7seat pieni Plani and l Ridgc Moruiaine Mi. \ndtieîî told the iay ots oiiiîp, iihidhi lic Indes Milioti Conserviation Plan and alsii pi olct iiatiial abuititiui leatitreS. CO\ Nlý,ayoii Gord ilrant/ andI Halil HuIs Mayor Rick Boninette, that ici li ct i il quilii e 1 lloIici Io oi ulcn oniiii ilit lipi catioins mi cieatiti a reenbeit. "[ach landoiie ici dsei- i es ii be cîitutcd." lie saicl. 'More lime is iieeded iii pet thie details t glut We wî iild i eeiîtrnmid an addi- liinal year Ioi get the science andl conisultationi ii healcî liundmn il et cotnipleteI." Wliile Mi. rt ii said lie lias nîo plîbleun îî tIi the lep(islaiiioi heîtp ilelayed. lie n it* iipimistic ihlai Ille proin lce iiiiild leel Ilie Saine îî i n i îîîîîp h iltkS nIl '1is il tilrOLI(h." Mi, Auid enS said tlc Ie la i s .lsi ieeiled ii -et tlie Sclince tiplît iii iiapîîîîil),Ie piectihelt 'le ptreibeli hiles neccl ii liilims seciilific lîticiplesasit iiteif il tIi sii iani clii iiiieiiiail leatUrS, ii e hsatil. "AI picSeii. iiaiiy ofîlh l es appcar Ioi be dfiami usliri poiitical Scitence. Ami c phiiai lio ils 1111 si el Iose iaclî 1i1ncliiii r esplaiiiti iy tlle hules ilic plaiced iii a pat'uicU it[i sot. Ile expressec otierns oii tlîe impact tîte piletîelil eiiild havec uit lailni ccîîîity. iiotinp cviý tIartii iii ]lts aiea expecis bis plilper- IV iaic ii hie Ciii ii hall' il Ilc preetîhelt lecoislation plges thrloupcýh, iî lich c'iîilc lcad iii batikripte'i andI lamicrs loirin their landc. 'If lauinlandc us frccnhclted, it (iihiasccl faritlandc iVaic mitioiringî systeni 1iîISt be ni placce" hc saici. "Fanncrs muist lic ciînîîîcisatcîl t'or îlîeîr lîîss in f air market vialte îîh their h arttlaii as tlieir bîîr- riuwing capacity andc pension planis n Ill bc rcducec.' M'r. Aiilrew s alsti saif al loical, provinuctaI and Caiiadi;în foodîc supply visioîn tîccîls Io bc îlcvelipc iii eisurc lamni viahilty. "If larmicr arc iviablc, landI nl'c kcpt picci." lic tid. 'Tlie recin nendaîiiîon us l'or cach Laumi eotimiîciy oîr scîîr 10 put hiir- viard whlat us needcîh for that cîîmmîîltv Io be viablc." He added that an adjudicationt sysuemn also needs tii bc put in place l'or niatters such ai biîundary science. "The adjuidicator, need to be knîîwledgcable agroniiisus and farmcers," Mr. Andrews saîd. He wcnt on iii urgc the counuryside mayors to be strong i implemenuitîp their oîfficia plans tii keep thc countryside grecen. Mr. Krantz iaid he thînks in bt'ingîng torward the greenhelt plan. the Proîvince is telling munîcîpalîîîes that they haven't admiîîis- tered their official plans well. which he noted just inut truc in Halton. see PROTECTION on page 9 Littie Hands Talking TEACH YOUR BABY TO SIGIN! Learn how to commuicate with your hearing baby before she can speak Research bas shown that wbeii you use sign language wxth your pre-verbal baby, your child ivill: " Speak earlier " Be Iess frustrated " Have a higher IQ " Develop a deeper parental bond " Workîhops offered aI the Milton Senior Centre and the Milton Leisure Centre * Only a two-session conîrnitimenu " Special reducefi rate for addiîional tamnily niemnbers and caregivers Get started today! Contact: Leslie Lang, Certified KinderSigns Instructor phone: 905.876.2547 email: littlehandstalking@cogeco.ca