12-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 1, 2005 Who Does lt... Teachers seeking change ni i b il [O 5.i i Robert Noble Ltd. SEPTIC TANK PUMPINC F H F I H P I I &Raan Sa O E 1 S On I Rai O (519) 853-0500 Acton Answering Service 905-878-6869 F0 BOX 773, ROCKWOOD Who Does Il... I:,u * Nova Business Seivices (905) 691-8229 novabusirtessservicescâ7svmppîicp. ca BoekkeepîegandTauPrepa.aînenSersnues * Acenaninnp'Bonblneepnng *Gnmennment Remnnan~es * Accointa RecenaabIeAc~a~aîs RecorneInniions Payabe F nancial Anaiemenîs * lnnnncnng aid Mnniiily Mnntn EnSTean Ena Siaiemenis Pepanannon * Eaynoln ncladnnig Ta a ana ROC s Perannan Tai Preparaînon * Recnnçiiaînnna Tino îlng oas as Poaoloneanoa inaaylaaus n ~-~Mif ton Import Car Centre USED CAR SALE Vw Golf Jella, Gos & Diesel, TDi 5 Speed *. & Automatie & SiaUon Wagons. Specializing in ail impoii vehicies Volkswagens . Fiel iniection & Diesels GERHARD & RUDY (905) 878-5330 583 Main Street E., Milton e -, e ~e * a e e,- s K- s e - g - Wntb aimant tOi pears nI eapennence and a camplemeni ni mure than 3000 emplogees Saint Elizabeth Heaith Cane ns a Canadian eut tan praînt urganneainun ihai encula ai deinaennng quaiitsn hume cure ihrunghuut Ontanna Communuty RNs and RPNs <Aduit & Paediatric Proqrams> Medîcal/Surgical Paediatric * Palliative Care Oppurtunînnes available nu the Georgetamu. Mîltan, Antan, Oakvniie aad Burinngton areas Early mnrning Atterunun, Euennng, Nnght & Weekend Shîba avanlabie We aller Competîtîve pay rates - Flexible snheduinng - Oruap tienetit und peinnun plan 24 saur clînîcal ana managennai auppun Entensine pand urnennainan - Pand mileage Educatian bursannen A naumpunane team enanran ment- Sabsndnzed RNAO/RPNAO memberahîr SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES WILL RECEIVE A $1.000 SIGN-DN BONUS Please lurmard s-unr resame ta Chrîstîne Rubens. Sereine Deliners- Centre Manager. Saint Elizabeth Health Cure, 20 Haghsun St S. Ste 908, Hamîttun, ON L8N 2.41 Fax t 800.940.8553 Sa i nia 'E Uinunb e t h empluyment@sannieiizabeth.num 'g. Childrens Chaice Childcare ne î.a F/T ECE & F/T Schaol Aged Assist. Supervisor Y 905-849-4769 -as 905-849-7456 ciniairaci sîtîce Aug i t, Ltii4 saitt prep iuine s used unr a multitude iii reasons. tom preparing lessiatis foi eiass and ihe assessmetii/es ai tiatinnîn nil studenis inn îiieeiîîie ss iii idinnini siraininti '1 lie icaciiens iii Italînin ss iii unît seule liii le-s tinnîn uic ~itî> i innîntîtes mui n eekiv prepiraîli nia i iîoe tuai ()tiass a ('arletinti teaciiers lias e bac) liii vears. sain) Ms Weiîibcigei. Eniher ihe binaîni stan-, inn take nntîî pii5i inn iii set initisi v tii tue teaclîci s stan inn n îthdt ana sers c s tnp tan tînt' binarti Atided iSis Ninhie. 't-lalioii binai ti caîninini iiîiîik iii usd1 as an edtîcatiiniiai leatler n hi le t ta uvules secînînti rate n tnrkîng cînînditîtîns Inîr îny menîbershi1a Ms Weiiaheigei said Fhursdays tunîmutmn n as suah eti 5 i sites iti speak inn teacliers. 'We have a preti> sseii îîîftnnaîeti meîaabersliîp ami inbvmotisiy ni sîîpîmmnrns ilie directinnia nere gining.' sue saîd Ms Weiîiincîgcî sanul a mccii une n iii lie hinartl anti -i cmiii. iliainni ns set liii tebi mary 21. il ilicies an inipasse. eniheî Jîaoy cani appiv unr a tain hinaiti relînnîl Vsiîla a sirike s nue iii iiaiîd. a sirike c an legai y take lilace i (n day-, iitct . t iî,îî tinnesîn t iticain a sirîke ns nies niable. btîî Ms Wciîiiaeîger esîniaineni tuai a s arieiy iii tactît s. stîcli as a n iii k inn raie campaigin. ai e aiways jinissible. ah depeîîds inn ihe bin.iitl: she atitled. Home Depot employee fined in connection to 2003 accident PROFESSIGNAL S SPECIALTT SERVICES cînnîrars inn the (iccupaîiintiai Health anti Salctv Act. A pokespcrsuiii n iii the (dniarîo Mînnsîrv iii t.abnnur said tue stitacra noir a 41 car nîlcl Mississauga mati usas simck ,înni pîtîtîcti bs a tnnrklîiî n the incîcient [lie empinnyce nas lîneti STilitil plus a 25 uer ceint i t urhr~ e Help make the best 2 aining HEN ujw inter niunity 'si,îîîs Cininni mo ire cireai ni nia îk n n' lac work ai and tinmîsi mii hast uni ss cailici miii niailis. Vs bs puni mcmi inul b. w ils e lins n mien lic lînlinea Regîn ni t lenitin l)cpiitnnncnn' prasi mini tue I enînil Vs-si lîlissicil \ciis ns make Ncissork lins nlnciojîn.d n nec an miter ,mciis înpnnr n to ~ hie Vs lînici \, inn e f ilanîn Les ci sut n. min ,it ci cci rein n nîmnien ni lest i mal mime n i laîl ~u il a m. iii inn ha i Inn n mien. ulisn,5ni île III ~ ~n> lanni nul nînnîmani oins aine iiî,ii enîn an. s. and iticianles ~îî an as s inn cas e s mon snnî,n. tiiese tips .mn iaeip clinintiate ihai n.anic i pintaini s\ ittîrnaite ihîs sa inter. Recena c i tai i iisiiit~. iii s[im.a. î,îi es ents. and use ibe lrec a issus unr sk îîîîîg n r sn iiaaiiiiiian tint ,î lrec Vs inter Actîse (abini Peser Kit, ciii n9(lSn 525 blilli) nîr a su n n n .regiino.iiaitinii.inia ca/licalili An cmplovee of the Home Depot narehouse ona Industrial Dns e pleatled guiIt~ Wednesday tii a healtin and sateta violation ai ter an incident iii Marc n. 2<~) 3 lett a -iipervisiir n tii critine ai inturies The Whithy resinlent pleaileil guiliN ai ()ntariii Ciiun mi Justice lin Burlingtiita iii tn (n charges liir lai ling tii ssrk lin th n hn rqpmnî HEN conferenc The Halton Envronmental Network JIEN> will h t3rst annual Conterence on the Environment Februars The theme of the conference s Group Pinsser: Sust the Enanironruent through Group Participation. said co-ordirtator Stephen Dartkowich. Keynote apeaker Dr. Joey Edwardh of Comn Des elopment Halton will retieci on the power of net ing anti the need 10 build bonds belmeen environnient social justice groups. Three aftemooiî ssorkshiips ssii locus on urban s the impact ml quarrying and crushing stone used tii cîntacrete for cîanstrucîiiîta. rîîads atîd bnîlc'es and the i tance ot dean air md asater Running mmm 9:31) a.n p m . the es cnt ss Il hi. heid ai Haltoti Rcmniîîîî Aoidiiinr 1151 Bronie Rd n ()aks tue. Regîsiratîiiîn begins 'it il Ads'anceît regisîrat jota cati hi.' dîme bv caiiing 1>95 5501 or by e mail ai into@ îbe-lnen.tîeî lite ctanti cosis $10 for adulîs artd $5 for students and senior mncludea a lunch. Tru~star7~ J'UR b/o AiE Nutrition & Fîtness Cente 575 Ontarîo Street (The corner 0f Derry Rd. WATCH FOR. Dur Post It Note on the Fn Page in today's issue ot. Correction The caîlîne cil an ans antI entenaîn nient photo n FridaN s Champioti ciintained incuirreet information The caîlîtie acconîpanxing a phoîîî iii members of the Mîlînîn Seniors' Actîvirs Centre Kîtchen Band siaîed that the group usas part ofihe Women Who Sîng chorus perform ance. asîneta n tact i was a separaie shoss aitogether Thc Chim1iiiiîi regrets thîs error. as ascii as ans încîînsenîence ni mas base caased. 3~Z~ Professional bog Grooming ~ 905-875-Toji (8245) ~ 438 Kingsleigh crt 'N rs I.. Nashville North ~as ai immeolate Sillon lOi a s o mI resume i Seisor b 530 GnlV Tnn: \T a a': Ca;. 9054020777 Tai 905-702-1240