The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 1, 2005-11 tiquatots Saturday morning's Aquatots at Milton Leisure Centre continues to be a popular program for toddlers (six months to three years> and their parents. The program offers a gentie orientation to the water, with an introduction to floating and bob- bing through a fun-filled one hour class. Photos by GRAHAM PAINE Clockwise trom above, two-year-old Jackson Power takes a break from swim- ming with father Randy, and then gets a reassuring hug from dad, before going back to his teething ways with a pool toy. Goldie Laurignano has as much fun as her son Matthew, 20 months, in the whirlpool. Mamnie Smith helps 20-month-old son Tyler during the floating portion of the class. Rose Donegan teaches daughter Abigail, 2, how to float. - -At