Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Jan 2005, p. 17

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The Canadien Champion, Friday, Januery 28, 2005-17 +'e 14f 1i t>1 - tram DATELINE on page 16 p.m. For information, cal! Allan Labue at (91)5) 877-344 1. Help for Parents, a Halion par- ent support grtmup, meets in the evening in the basement ai the church at 572(0 New St. in Burlingion. This nan-denornina- tional self-support group belps par- ents ai cbtîdren wbo are in troîuble ai hornîe, ai scbool uor with the law or who are abusive ar takiîîg draps. The group is a nîember oi Association of Paretnt Support Croups ta Ontario. For mare inior- taatiaiî. call 1-80)1)488-5666 or visit wssw.apsgo.ca. Calling New Parents, a t rce pro- gramn for parenîts ancd babies aged 6 îamnîhs andi yotinger. tacets ss tb a public bealih nurse ta discLîss par- entîng andI iniant care. Tlîe group ineets ai the Ontario harly Years Cetntre, 917 Ntptsstng Rl.. lirita 1:3(1 ta 3.:(0 pal. Fcor note itor- mation. cal! (905) 825-600(0,1 ext. 72919. Milton Distrtct Hospital bolcis a breastfeeding clinic is itb a certi- lied lactation cotnsultant iriîm 9:3(0 Ici 11:301 a.nî. For mocre inforartaioni cor ici make an appoîinlmeni. cal! Jean ai (9015> 878-2383, ext. 70130. .The KHî Comncîity ofi the Salvation Army. 100( Nipissiiîg Rd.. suite 3, holds a scrapbooking group (rani 7 ici 9 p.m. Il also holds ils Busy Hands, Creative Minds group, for busy ioddlers and tbetr caregisers with crais, songs, stories and field trips. Il takes place fromn 9:30 ta 1l a.m. For more information, cal! (289) 242-1432. The Women's Centre, 2101-1515 Rebecca Si.. an Oakville holds ils Social Group for Spanish Speaking Women from 12:301 t0 2:30 p.m. To regisier or for mare itnformation, cal! (905) 847-55201. The Militn Seniors' Actiity Cenître, 5(0( Clîilds Dr.. iîclds ils Downsizers Weight Loss Club al 101 a.m. The cos i s $2 for menîbers and $4 fcor nocm aembers. For mocre iniomiaicn. cal! (905) 875-1681. Miltoin Mal! prescrits O)ntario Early Years AduIt and Child Drop-In train 1(0:301 a.tîî. ta 12 p.ia. Aciclis and ebîlciren uii ici six years ol Lige are 55 elcoîne ici the free inicînnal play fiale. he Milîton Fibrîîrnalgia Support Croup lieeds ,î St. Pacils Untitedi Clîurclî ai 2 pai. Forî tmore infiormaicn,î cal! ici Annte alî 90)5) 878-431. Wednesday Feb. 2 'lle Oakvilie Dîsîress Cetntre bcîlcs ils Senior ho Senior N'orning -oflerttîg phcone cal! conîpatîicnsbtp -Iroîti c) ,î.î Ici 12 p.m. aî (905) 849-4541. All cails are conlidential. The Waînen's Cetntre, 210-1515 Rebecca St.. inî Oakvîlle halds ils Abuse Support Croup 'rom 61(1 8 p.m. To register or for more alfoi mation. cal! (905) 847-5520. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre. 5(00 Childs Dr., holds con- tract bridge ai 9:30 arn. The cost is $2 for members and $4 for non- nîembers. It holds its hot lunch programt tram 11:30 arn. ta 12:45 p.m. The cost is $6. which includes a salad. an entre, dessert and a beverage. Reserve at the reception desk or by calling the centre by Monday. Evening clogging takes place at 6:45 p.m. for begînners and at 7:45 p.m. for itîtermediate cloggers. The C(tst is $3.511 for niembers atîd $5.511 li- non îaem- bers. Fcor nmare informatioin. cal! (905) 875-1681. Thursdav Feb. 3 Velsprîng Halton-Peel. a sup- port network for canîcer pattients anîd their I arilies. holds ils drap-iin Graduate Patient Support Group (rata 7 ta 8:30 p.ta. at 2545 Sixtlb Lîne tan(Xtkville. For maore infoarmatitn, cal! (9015 257-1988. A BuddhiNt ieditation and philosophy course entitled 'l'lie Patlî that Fucills Wishes' s field Itoni 7:30 ta 9 p.i. al the Miltonî Sentisi-' Actis t) Cetntre. 5(00 Cbilds Dr. The cost is $101 pet class. Pre-ei cistratian i5 îot required. For nmaie infoirnmation, cal! (9015) 523-9533. Milton District Hospital liolds a breastfeeding clinic ssitb at cerii- lied lacîtato cotnsultant tram 7 ta 9 -see more DATELINE page 18 MILO YOW Own à,ff-I FetrL4~ry200-5 TiM4ýy iLearn ta Make Paint & Pizza Senior's Day Pasta the OId N ig ht! 10% off bisque Italian Way! 6-9PM 7-9PM Cali ahead to Cali ahead ta reserve!. reserve! 6 7 9 idnightdness!1 LadiesNight10% Off Bisque Mom's and Tots LaisNgt Senior's Day Painting if you're stitl 10% off bisque 6PMV - 9PMV 10% off bisque Techniques Clasa paiting at midnighil 7:15-9:15PM 9PIV ?? *Cai ahead to eerve! 13 14 15 -là 17 la 19 Mom's and Tots Pit&Pz 10%offbisueSeniors Day Nighti Vlniis10% off bi squ e 6-9PM Date Night raiesrve' 6PM - 9PM ervl Q0 9-1 22 23 24 25 26 Mom's and Tots Ladies Night Senior's Day Date Night Paint & Pizza 10% off b isq ue 6PM - 9PM 10% off bisque 6PM - 9PM Night! 27 28 1 .J 2 34 Mom's and Tots aibnNghl 10% off bisque Seniors Day Gtaa T e c h i q u s Ç a s s1 0 % o ff b is q u e f ro mn t e . 0l ! 7-9PM __________________ _______ *AJI classes - ackz~er 4é Please cal! ahead ta reserve your seat! .xpPeSioh -324 Cutew ( Sreez L4hit 2 ~~o~fw 90,5 8-77-2224 Open M-F 10AM - 9PM. Sat 1OAM - 6PM, Sun 12-5PM 11111b ~iazed e"%jI 414 K je . o o Q N (/; ~bh z 1 14 vvvvvv.mczz»q= £_ Subject to change without notice Mortawl

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