10wom7 g ,ia Fr the centre nearesi you colt: 1800-668-9304 I/rl --Hair today, gone... Ernest C. Drury School for the Deaf Principal Diane Mageet joined four other achool saff memnbers and a Haiton Reglonal Police officer In shedding their locks for the Canadien Red Cross tsunami relef fund Thursday. A total of $12,000 was col- iectad between staff and atudents at bath the Ernest C. Drury School for the Deaf and E.C. Drury Hlgh School through thîs event and othar activi- tdes. Above, Ms Magee finds the Iighter aide of having her head shaved, but looks a littie apprehen- sive (left centre) just as the head shavers got going. Beiow ieft, she ruba her new shorter iocks. Photos by GRAHAM PAINE Georg ew isrc Chita e.o & amn ,eSho Nurture Challen Eon *D 0 Discern U I OPEN HOUSEI REGISTRATION j Wednesday, January 26*h j9:00 arn - 3:00 prn & 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm -An independent elementary school -Excellent academic program *Quality Christian Education *Protessionai, certied, and dedicated Christian teachers *Extra-curricuiar activities I Visit us at: www.gdcs.org 905-87-422 The Canadian Champion, Tsesdny, Jnnunry 25, 2005-7 The risk increanes with age.i cosa to wormen who are 50 years ot oge or aver. Make your appointment today.I The mutual fund with a proven history of growth. TD .aad Ble Ci E. tyF 1 yea 13.6 TD Canadian Blue Chip Equity Fund: Aiming for strong Iong-term growth. The TD Canadian Blue Chip Equity Fund' is mianaged for seroîng grxwth wiih a iuderate level ot risk over the mlecilil to long tel-il]. fi otters expiosule 10 the equiiy mnarkei bx insiisiii iisdusii v cadinig comipanies wvith siroflg iauseenin and solid pertorisance. We cati hellp vou miake ais irxtortssd invs sng decisios that's righx toi- you. To t sud oui about our se ide ranee of' RSP itsvesttssent optionis irsciudiîsg the TD Caixadias Blue Chip Equîîy Fursd, vîsit a Mutuai Funds Represersiative' an your nearesi TD Canada Trust branch before March 1, 2005. Or give us a cati. Discover how we cani help you reach your RSP invevîmene goals. Caîl us today at 1-800-788-0588 or visit www.tdcanadatrust.com D [M Canada Trust Avaiabie ailrough TO Canada Trust branc TO Waterhouse- and independent deair hes, Mutual Funds [E Waterbeuse TD Mutnal Funds are manoged by ID Asset Management lac. (IDAM) a whally-nwned ssbsidiary of The Taiantnniîe Bank. Available thrnagh ID levesirnent Services lac. (principal distaibatari, TD Waterhaase Canada Inc. (Member CIPF) and independent deniers. 1. Commissions, traiiing commissions, management fees and expenses ail may be associated with matol faad iavestrveats. Please rend tise prospectns, which cantains detaiied innestment infarmatin and is avaîlabie frum ynsr denier, befare ixvestng. The indicated rates of reltam are tihe histaricai annuni campnsnded tatai returas ns of December 31, 2004 incinding changes la uait vaine nnd reinvestment uf ail distributions ond do ast take ints accasat sales, redemptina, distributin nr npflnnni chargea sr incarne taxes payable by nny sait haider that wnsid have redsced reiuns. Maniai hands are ast gnnraateed or iassred, their vaines change freqnenfly nd post performance mny nat be repented. 2. Maniai Fsnds Representntives with ID lasestrveat Servicies lac., service und support ID Maniai Fsnd accasats. 3. ID Wnterhnnse Cnoda Irîc. (71D Waterhnsse") is v snbsidinry ah Tise Toronto-Dominin ank. (Member CIPE) *rd-mnrk of The Toront-Dominion tank. ID Asset Management lac. is n iicensed user. 1~