st Real Estate SPORTS 'Sin hats Pae 22sCfll COMMUNITY Page 8 t~~~ (P 7.GR a'e aMan 97 ,DEN UREGolf f0 lisi toilayl 90-7620 & Ob90-878-7p METROLANO COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER VOL. 145 NO. 91 CM7lTUESDAY, JANUARY 25,2005 $1.00 (GST incluided) 44 PAGES 'UsYing Communic-ation to BuildBetter Communtie.ý Dog credited with saving elderly woman's life By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion An 80-year-old womnan has ber Jack Russell Terrier, Ringo, to thank after the dog alerted neigh- bours and the woman was found - just in time - lying uncon- scious in a wooded area on a frigid day last week. Drury Park neighbour Rita Ward -who lives on Ledwiih Drive -said she knew someîhing was wrong wben she saw a barking Rîngo heading home alone the afiemoon of January 17, lremblîng in the cold and dragging bis leasb bebind him. She knew the dog's elderly owner Elizabeth Spinks -neyer let tbe dog wan- der alonte. And tbe dog was walking oddly on ihree legs as if il bad been in tbe cold for a very long lime. Dog waited on porch Afier a momenî's besilation -since Ringo îsnît known for bis friendliness Ms Ward said she bundled up and headed four doors down 10 Ms Spinks bouse wbere Rîngo was wvaiîing on tbe porcb. -Well, a bile*s beiler iban a deaîb il- sbe*s losi,- Ms Ward recalled tbinking. Ms Spinks' busband. Reg, answered the door, and Ms Ward saîd sbe asked bîm wbere bis wife mas. He replied sbe was walking tbe dog. bol reacied wiib alarm wben bit saw Ringo atone. Ms Ward called anoiber neigbbour and lbey began bo look for Ms Spinks. -We found ber in tbe \moods passed oui. she said. -Her eyes m cnt open and glazed oser. 1 mas petilied. She mas rnoaning. s0 mxe knev, sbte mas lis iii,. An ambulance macallied. and Ms Spinks, wsas laken lto tbe bospilal. Elizabeth Spinka gives her Jack Russell terrier Ringo a big hug while she refleots on her recent ordeal. The dog went for help after Me Spinks teil to the ground. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE A drop in her blond pressure was what caused her 10 pass oui, Mr. Spinks said, adding his wife doesn'i remember any- tbing from the lime she lot consciousness t0 when she arrived ai the hospital. , He (Ringo) really saved her flfe because il was s0 cold, she could've froze,' he said. AI press lime. M. Spinks said bis wife's blood pressure was back t0 normal, and he was glad 10 have her home from the hospi- tl laie last week- and apparenily be was- nit tbe only one. M. Spinks said Ringo didn'î do anyihing excepi lie on iheir bed while Ms Spinks was gone, apparently waîiing for her reîum. Mr. Spinks saîd bi tihinks Ringo siayed wîib bis wjfe for about 20 minutes, mosi likely lickmng ber and wondering why she wasn'i geîîîng up, before bit headed back 10 his house. Daughîer-in-law Sandra Spinks said eigbî-year old Ringo bas always been incredibly loyal 10 Ms Spinks. -He's devoied 10 her and her only. We caîl him tbe killer dog, be's s0 high- sirung,- she quipped. ' Dociors told ber ibere was no way Ms Spinks would've survived il Rîngo hadn'î goilen belp when bit did. she said. "Il was preîîy frigbiening.* Stephanie Thien.sen c an he reaehed at sthi's.sei(at7iltoiiiaiadiatiuhatipioi,(om. Inside Comment ...........6 Dateline .......12-13,19 Champion Country . .14-20 Classified ........24-27 GORRUOIS AUTO WEEKEND Owned and Op.rated by qNMwZ ý i SPEC IAI. Strtng at FEuTamo TOYOTA VEHICU * (ompetîtlse dait weekis and mû nh1 rats r t24 Hour Roadside Assistance a nýhe in (anada per day * Customner pick-up and returs. "R..» Dy kmmCw wmi 90OK. FREElà PMi 25 ARn MUS Pru REITAàL 410 Stomies Ave. Milton Initie mim@e !oyal) 96-875-3771