8--The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 21, 2005 HIGH CHOOL REPOR ,"MUSTANG MESSENGER", Belinda Alzner Ashley Clertci Julia Pyper M4ILTON DISTRICT HlMR SCIIOOL A homemade t-shirt covered iu glitter fabrtc paint reads "Toonies for Tsunamis!". This image portrays the mood aIl over MD recenîly, as everyone is ssorking liard f0 fundraise for the Tsunami disaster. Maun different strate- gtes have been used so ihat Mtlton District could maise as Imuch mouey as possible. There have been change dîrives, parking lot tolîs. and a siudy sheet raffle for the exans rtf yonr choice! This bas been a very popular way f0 con- tribute since esery studeun could use sonte good revîcîs notes. The leachers arc also L'etîiîî12 1ifi gir nt lic futîdraising actioni. Ranher ibatind sîreets they fhave a day-off up for grabs. The vsNitrer ss Il receive the day off whbIle the vice-prinicipal, or the prtncipal Mr. Jotnes htm- self covers tftetr class. While the prtzes arc certainly a perk. much otf the money raised over ibis past week bas been siniply sînderit contrt- butions. MD students genuitîely waîrî to do îhetr part so the devastaîlon in Asia and begintt he healing process. Hovsever. futrdratsing meîhods asîde a ltffe conîpetition neyer hurt alotrg the Asay. Miltotn District and Ertnest C' Drury have challenigcd onre antrofer f0 sec ss ivAi scîtool cao raise the mosi for the Tsunami reltef. Unforiunraiely it doesn't appear ai ibis point thai MD wsilI be taking home the fundraistug blue ribbou. Noneîheless beiween ithe îwo sehools ihousands have been raised. so grean work fron boih sehools! The fundraising bas been car-ryiug on vigorously, alîhougb many-a-sîudent eau be seen wandering the halls looking a litile sleepy. As the semesier draws f0 a close studenîs have been puîiing fogeiher numerous assigu- menîs, essays, and independeni siudy uniîs. You eau tell if's the bomesireicb ofîbhe semesier when laie nighîs speni on bomework are echoed by unofficial pyjama days. "6DATELENE DRURT"' Kim Hester Katie Bangay Erika Strome Prashant Naikcwodi E.C. DRURT 9189 SCHGGL I il o h utporn of lurd d s upport for tIe tsunamit relief ii southeast Àsta. we at Datelîne Drury have decided to put the spotli-ght on our own treniendous efforts and those of the comrmunity around us. The continuons gen- erositv of our school and our cornmunity certainly is a cause for ptide. Several of the corntunity husinesses in Milton have been excellent supporters of' Drury's efforts. A prime example of this was wttnessed durtng our week-long fundratser for Michelle. our Spartan friend ssho is fightin& cancer. A num- ber of local businesses includittg M&M s and Loblaws. helped Drury bo raise money for M ichelle and her family. They -,enerOIsly doniated tucan products. bunis. condimcntîs, po.pates and unenstîs for att S .A.S. harbeque. Fxqttistte itre l"Ioîs aI so pi tchcd n, cotttrihuîIins tn1S ol raStye Salads. Wiîhiîî otîr oss nl [)rUr fatnilv, a tremendous effort usas put forth hy Mr. Latte aitI] tîte SAÀS. ivho put a lot of tfîetlim itle ,trd energy into the barbecue. ihe genîerosiîv attd support svas greanfy apprecianed ttot only Iiy the ýpartans \vho etî;oyed the great food, but also by Michelle. More recently, Drurv hosted the antual "Holiday i thic Bay'festivinies.' Good oI' Tttn Hortonl's sent us a delictou s trean; hot chocolane to ratse soutie futîds for Student Goverrimrenn. Another successful futîcrai ser occurred prior to the recent holiday. Operatton Chrisîmas Chîld usas otnce agatn a huge success, witfr S.AS. sending ont plenty of boxes; for underprivîleged eildreti around the world. Student Goverument also r an flie always-popufar elf auctiott. taking bids for senior sîndenîs and gis ing the money raised to the Milton Dtstrict 1-bs pttal. Thts year. our cîves mati- aced to raise arouîtd S1400 an tmpresstve total for sncb a f un ex cnt. Oin tiosu to a mtore tecettt eveun. Last ssýek. sic at Drury begaît our efforts to fend a hand to the vtctims of the tsuna- mt. Atter a movtrtg asseutbly, Spartans began to gise ont of' thetr pockets, rnaking whatever cash donations they could for the Red Cross. Drury also hefd a benefit cottcert tn the Locker Bay featuring our own Jazz combo, and local bauds Classic Wave and We Caîl Tragedy. Curre ntly, first peri od classes are going head f0 head in a challenge to raise the most money. These efforts by Dru ry and also by the Deaf Sehool have raised a combined total of $8109 so far. This impressive total will be douated fo the Red Cross to help oui those sufferiug in southeast Asia. We ho pe that the funds we raise throughout the year will make a difference in the world. It is important to remember that ihrowing a small stone eau make a big ripple. aud the Drury efforts might jusi be that stone. lu closing. we'd like to bid a fond farewell f0 our felfow columnisi Erika usho is leaviug us due to graduation. Thauks Erika, and good luck! Bigger and better thtings awvait yon. "'THE ROYAL REPORT" Kaie Nadalin Siabhan Desroches DISHGP REDINO HI0I SCIIGOL Hello ftr.hop Redîng! Mes recided to mai, ditis oeiL's aricl a ltl Moireinieresting r an nroni. Hopef*lu ils iii iii son have resu, anil/or rrrr.inor ced. lie ne\ir miovie Airs fir iiit gend of' Ron Bnrguiidv bsair.re iodas ose ire goins fi brins >oii Aiicbiroimeni The t cgend oii fiisiiip Redirigl Enioy! Katie: Gool das SSiIlii. iliioki for îunig nibiis is lie Rosai Report? Airigbi' Whoi ispe'd a question marrk oni lie Teieprompierî Siobhan: i ilove amp. Katie: Great Oidîi' aveu Siihh.iii'r rci hli middle oît iniroiio Siobhan: Siinv Kaic. t gil r trile virried rois. Katie: ]'ni lor even nid. ifiaiis rnraiirgi Siiohhan: *iris ocki. rip sîrr PANDA VsÂTCHI Katie: Soir o i . hec qiig Siiifh.iii brrr' not iiii, ,seeks top siori. The Sorir fInýi ii.îkeiiilI liii iii uc 1ieadliiiî ilii ilicir iriîredlihii\%on o\er CurrlxiiCliriI fic Kinge l'tioîi lie biiîý plircl :ipe iiou n li lt, hll u iinic h\ Ma.iii ', ra i rirvir elînurîr issu nuire titn nougli iii le leur ([K hs Il' pirirs. uirh 1,1>" of f(-ý lic grie pîut lien seloirecrd Io i rire Rosai f5eport- caugi il %îiorîli 'eirsiis (irisv l as huitr im bro he riarrises r,, scr ln scers shiri Ho!xix sîrrpis ieepi vuir ese oni lie nefý They \Ç one sI xIe nII kiuiro Sixt. percenr onIllie lime il miirk, seerSiobhan: Vuom t iliriik ilies re fli est ealir iii the solrl Katie: Nio ors Sioihî,î the iciririr girls s il1eîbill leuh ix s yl*ai ruperi- Siuîhhan: Nor Katie: YES! Siîîbhan: iiki oeilI agres li iragrcee Iti rîber nerv,. liii Tbiirsdy iarrîrr il 'ý raile ciilit stidrents o ecs i lsrsp Rcdrrrg Ioi crrupere ii rire i o M nirrIrIrrir Riilîiiii Challenge.e 'irudifdesiguod bruit(. and pror rrinie robot 1o oles 11e brunl srisru sinchllenge' Mr.Mýiei aon, Mr.Kiîii iirgriiex rire cxciii, \\lîrer \%a .1 sient ucc,. I tir ib Rirsîl Reprt', elruile ilicoi coII o(ilic ýiinIiieîi i (iliie ChlirLýýe ikei îfrî ike, ilueur iir sucha ra iean. thir rnl iiis niriicir r%,ý Rirfi oniratiiult.ins i(iibriiisiirieîii' Katie: i5Y THE BEtARDOF 11 E/UiSi THISE ARF SOMF SMART KIDS! Siobhan: t LOIVE ROBfOTS' Katie: YEAH. THAT'S HOW f ROILL! Siohhan: i I)N'T KNIIW WHAT uE'RE YELLING ABOLIT"' Katie: Boiy, ihai escalatei quickis ...r1rerr. biat reaiv gril oui ii baud Siobtian: Yes. t gnus we shriutd gel back lu the nemi. The sbrrîny brick- ey grrrup bai bocir honing a monderfi utlime buildiug iheir horckey skiffs aud baving fun' Thoîruosi recut gaume max taxi Friday fromt 4-5. For the recrd. Mr Kelfy bas beu rforug a greaf jorb ot beiping nie mih ury iboor ing aud parîrug skiffs ai shruny. Katie: Oh, pris play? Siobtian: Yeah, t play. funi krnd ofi a hig deai ...people kirom me. Katfe: Weilt haî's Irise. Anymax BR,. bhars all the lime me rave fr forlavis broaricast. ji ui nexi fAeek. Srry claîss BR' Sinbhan: [hanfi i rr torpping hi fliliij fledrig!