4-The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 21, 2005 Omtside Labourers = Engineering Dept Minimum G2 license Standard First Aid Must be able 10 start May 2, 2005 Houriy rate: $9.01 Facility Maintenance - Communily Services Dept Assist with janitorial duties in facilities Weekend and evening hours Hourly rate: $9.01 \ith ulore es ents and activities sitl plarunned, Ehe esponse i in our taiton Caîhul ic sehoouk and oui schuol commit niities has heen ahsotutely exeeptional,- said Directur ut' Ecucation Loti Piovesan. S-ummer Camp Counsellor Posi1tions Communiiy Services Dept Standard First Aid CPR Level C High Five Certificate required Leader in Training Certificate an asset Previous experience with ohildren an asset Please IndIcate the position(s) you are applylng for and send by Friday March 4, 2005 to: The Corporation of the Town of Milton Coordinator, Humain Resources 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontari o L9T 5H2 Fax: 905-878-4231 Emeil: humanresources@milton.ca In acordonn wMt lhae Frearlom of Intormaiio< and Pirvacy Log"oaion applîcnt lifomation is Cct.ldnder de aulhofa the Municipat Ad and bW/Ibe used sà frcanddate saciin. White wu afalac a4t aPPlIcaon race/yod, onl #hme invted fer an interview mil b. contactd thanks to local high school t)Onations t'or souiherit Asia tsuinaini rel tel'continUe iii trickle i ai tlic local Red Cross uuttice. Allison Goerteen. community services cu ordinator for the north Haltun Red Cross branch, satd they've received more than $1 6000(( trorn area residents, np froin the appruxîmate $150,000 repurîed last week ni The Champion. -We're still seeing a lot of dona- lions coming in," she said. Yesîerday. E.C. Drury High ,Sehoot mnd the Emiest C. Drury School l'or the Deal' huusted that numlber a len ilîey pi esenied ihe Redt Cross wiih mure than $11 l.111 Principal Nanîcy Syer said thec schotîts responded lu the fundrais- ing challenge îssued hy the local Red Cross, and the money began puuring in quickly -mostly frum indivîdual studeni doînations. 'Il was reatty pretty incredible,- she said, nuting she saw une stu- dent dunate %(X) frum their own pay cheque, another bring tn $300l, and su on. -We're qutte pteased." Ms Syer satd students also nderouk othet lunndraising initia- tises. snuch as Loonie Frictays. a here es'eryone parking ai fic school had lu pay $1 lu do su. and an art sale. As a fundratsîng uncentive, stu- dents, lthe schuotl liaison police uitticer and even dea) schuol Principal Diane Magee volun- teered lu shave their heads. Donations can still be made tn persun aI the local Red Cross office tir mailed tu I(X) Ntpissing Rd., Unît 5, L9T 5B2. Office hiturs are 8:310 a.m. to 4:31 p.nî. Monday lu Friday. For mure information on ihe tsunami relief L fluiris. caîl (9015) 875-1459. Monlght sale event La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries' will be offering their LOWEST PRCES 0F THE YEAR on ail stock and custom, orders during the incredible MOONLIGHTMADNESS SALES E VENT! from from fmom froa $9~ $399' $7-99 $1099 Floor models discontinuted items, speciaI order return in, scratch & dent pleces are ail puriced for immediate liquideo' 12 MONTHS SAVE NO INTERESI NO PAYMENTS' OM0 on seletedfitemns throughout -------------the entire store please Note: store loctios w'Il4A close early la puepate for thîs cvent.SONL NO o)ne will be admitttd befare 4 A SO L Mhursmafl(aln Sharp! Thursday-Sunday 9.5-88-94 leO an t..w wmitnc -'Ylu4,cýýe e" THE CORPORTIONoO THTWN OF MILTONn TTY:l 90-7815 905878725 PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES The Town of Milton is currently seekîng qualified applîcants for the following seasonal positions: more than $ 100MOO Stuctenis andI stai a 1h fic liton Catholic Distict Sehool Huard.( expeci lu donate mlore thaiî tI re.0(1 lef efourts fulluwing fice isuiai disastei n southeast Asia. Board a de Iundraising etforts have already collected more than $96.tX), oMm LýA&JB 0 y FUR NI TU RE GA L LE RI ES