The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 21, 2005-21 ê5p orts sleblanc@ -Local trio honoured at celebrity dinner By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion aîns 'ii eisii i1E! H Whitlock had nio'illutsionis abo0ut themî' sta tus at the t1il" R! annuazl Milton spots Celebrity Dinner anîd Aîction. l ticy kîîew% fuil iseif biat Ille\ \ucîclît sIlîle m h ain tutu ,s fi Ill chitibet o0f Coimtmer ce t undr.îiser --w bith i nclîîded suth household nines ais t)urryl Siffler. L.inny McDonatd nd Jirn McKenny. Nes'ertheless. the locaf trio i)s hold 111 cI S't believe the distinctjion tiff when these heing the firs Ibou- ourees lit ttile eet guys say I'm and as a result an inspiration grabbed i snîll but to, them. It's sigîtuficant cburnk ofi ,lie spuîttîght fotr just awesome." lhemnselves lif Glenctîjtî Golf Club ikHAMVY UMMIES I ,Sii~? Tuesîfuy nighi t... 'It s lin tiutiour to gel Ihîs type of recognition. tsget'sîtSclisi, ilutons., first NHLei. u\Iio pltîyed the entire 1Q948-49 season w iîh Detroît atnt eauuteit $i<,000l betu 'ii bis regulai seasi stilarv antd pîi ff bonius. Tbtit f igure touctted iff imore tltii i few gusps tfîroiîghout thte auitente w ho uio dolti sa\, the ittîtitiit as less, th,îît pettitits toitipatied It todus 's nuilti-ui lloutille puy cîteqiies -but the onuce speedy w luger stressed thut ifs, tiff reltîtîse. "My daîf w ýorked that w fiole year anti dit' sec $1i.00u0o- lie suîd with good-natutreti cheer. **Anvwa\y. btîtk then wýe playedi for- the lovie tof' the gainîe, anti lt e net et stoppeif loii if. If ytiu Cunaiîian. hockey's juis in your bloîîd.* Bîîîh w oî iiicitss raicers w lio're stii ltcti\te. tritilete Biftes tatt lîit-diîsttince ruiet Wiiltck receiîted mtotre ittu a feu itimpli- îîîeîîs about titeir stumntît aind iietiition -includiug stuc lîttît flic more iii-uut celebrit tes. -l cliîi't believe w hieu ihese guys sv l 'tin aut itnspiraion fIt litein. if's jîsi tiwesoie, stfld Btimes, the yourîgesi o ifcu gî-oup ail 58 aind the most titsptikeî ts w cil -ttîs'îîg been interviewuctiî,ui- lest finies foîr bis ntionul tand international successes. Titis is the firsi tiîuner like ibis Vv'e utienîtet tand il feels su ciîmitrttible. But wt i împresses me niosf is thitt the inoney gîtes f0 the kitU. with- otîî tîny bîîretîncracy." Tuie pîatîcs till sîîb-îiîee hoîi iîitrttonci n te 70ftt-a tto eî dlivisioin. Whiîlock was lis utîsai soit-spoken tand hunîble self fhroughout the dinttcr. "If's thîirouîghlv tîppreccîtîîcti' lie stiti -lt mulst thtînk the clîtmber for ibis. These type oif taccolades are eî faiîîiy nîce any lime lbey corne." The trio reccited pltîques foîr ibeir lîfetîme achlievemnieis tifter Mayor Gord Kîatîtl retît ti brie l syniopsis oftiteit ailîletît hîgli- lîghîs. Duiiifg bis keyutîte speech, McDîtutlti suit if utîs imporitant It rectîgîtîe sncb scasoned sportsmetn us the local honontees addiîîg "How doi yu embruce tbe future Lînlets yon honout f lie pasi.- Other loctal telebrîties iîîcinded tliree-iime Grey Cuîp champioîn Mike O'Siet tand tbrce-tinîe Cttîadian harîîess rucîug driver-of- t he-year Chris Christoforon. Photos by GRAHAM PAINE Miltonians (from Iett) Ed Whitlock, Mike O'Shea, Enio Sclisizzi and ChrisÇhristoforou 'gatfre?'riar-o -Tuesday's thirdarlnual M1Ttnthgmbgr Bf tôn-m e Sports Celebrity Dunner and Auction. At right, 15-year-old Miltonian Deana Sdao gets a puck auto- graphed by Maple Leafs greal Darryl Sittier. Ailing IceHawks blast Streets ville Fititli>, aii onittce pcriîiruttîce iii get excîfeti abo ut. îîîidssýa thirougit flic flîjît. lceHtîwk ftans fîtîse preit> itînel beeri îles iît ol tut site w'eil Jtasonî Doiptco anti T.J. Moote it îîld tutu stand ui wiii ti goîal before Ciiiisîtas -nd t tlic rîsk iistiin thîgie îîb\ ioits, tctke- tand iw ti týîssis e.îcb, stîiile ttet iitulfi-îîoiî gaine', siere tielis s ictîries outter îîoî-eîîtîîs Brtiitlei îtîî' citufif. eteti by Shittttor Aiphiiso, Ryuîî Beitrîfri. Mike Su i uesd.iy's 7- hI ietýsh îl iiStrccîss île ________________________DeMulaith tatd etîfîreer Clîris Btain --- hvIo w tîsat loîîg tîwateî n> of' lîtpe. îeîurîcd irtîti ti pie-hîilidty mttth penatîy fto Graied betig al eght-paceclu dos ieij set up Dopicu tîtît score uts fîrt s istit iii sectît like aiitfiig speciai otithle surface. Ieax 7scnsaatiiteiidl in but the siiufiuf Tîtut Feitiii's seconditn z î leau 7scîd itr iilt iidcstf eîghî itîglîts sîfîce bciîîg pieketi up il the irade Ctusey Gîlholm tilso lit the lump, w hile he dctidliiie --ceîîtîîîly iicluded stîttie proising tand Keviti MOîTîsutt dropped the gîtîves agaînst elcîtîcîtîs Ctitliit Roy ttnd Atitîti Sîtîtîtîs tespectîs eI Noli the lesi tif' w luth wvts tutu if ttarne t i Eu lier ini fliec titi Aiphittso tantd sophoîtiore tleicîcentîî Jliion Memorial Arena, i site of miore tîtn a iew Miltn JelIfCatîser wveîc îîtuîîd ali-l sitl for tuie Onitario provinicial Jr. A wosiii recent yeurs. A 47-I13 tuts oit goatl tliiierenitl tand îtt iLetîgte's Noîrth/West tcaiii, \fiicli'li fake on tbe Soth/Westi n trick by pres îîusly'sîrîîgglîng centre Breti Robinsont wcrc tînîoîg Cobourg Wednesufa. the tter brîglît spots. Bei ore ibai tbe lceHawks buse i ft, ogume home stand ibis Robîinson saîîk bis f12îl iif In 13ti goatls if the setîson iii flic open- wceeketid tîgtîiîîs Mitsitsaatinuîîîgh tîntd Brtîmuleî Suuduy tiifter- tng frame before rouuîing fbings tînt witb a toîp corner sutîpsbîîî îîîoî if 3 pin. r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ý ý ý ý ý ý ý ý TH BETSUND IN TOWN* i GENERAL REPAIRS e PERFORMANCE EXHAUST e * FREE EXHAUSI INSPECTION Dl #,~ - ~ - 4,,' -- - - -- A New Une of UNAIVERSAL FIT UFFI UFFLER PRODUCTS $21;99 pItPlus Installation 1