Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Jan 2005, p. 24

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24-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday January 18, 2005 Hmp o ee Hep OMC52 el 52$ 530. e»M Sales MP Sau ffl Sales ip Sales He Is a full service inanciai institution wifh 4 branches in Milton, Acton. Gueorgetown & Burlingr iv servis0 over 10,000 merrîbers. We are currenffp accepfîng applications for: PART TIME MEMBER SERVICE REP Milton Branch tapprox. 15 hours/weekl Th e socceso fui candidate will have a Grade 12 diploma, f-3 yearn refated axperience and/or t rain- ing or equisufent combination of edacaf ion and eeperience, excellent communication & customer service skiffs, abifîtp ta procese tînanciaf transac- fion rs in an accurate & efficient mannar & mast haee gond computer ski n.Oeufifed applîcants siof forwerd trier resumes f0. Carol Orpen Prosperity One Credit Union 44 Main St. E., Milton, Ontarioa Fax: 905-878-5500 We thank ail applicante but only those selected for an interview will be cantacted. Ne telephone cais please. VETERINARY RECEPTIONIST Fel f ime end part lime position for e bsy enimel hoxpitef. Fulf f ima ix weekdeys end efterneting weekends. Part-lime ns 2-3 eftemo'ons/eeeningn pet week and afternalîng weekendn. Computer and office experience preferred. Ment be entkenî- aslîc, enîxy workîng wîlh peopl e and their pets, and be an exceltent communîcator. Sead resumne te Mainview Animal Hospital, 17 Wilson Dr., Unit t, Milten. Ontario. L9T 317 DUE TO AN INCREASE 0F SALES WE REQUIRE *EFI RECEPTIONISTfi5 STAR C;O-ORDiNATOR *Knowledge of E. *Basic competer skiffs *Generaf eccountîng auperience *Good lelephone ski Af f appt icanlu mut be self motinated & hune e eut id drixeru fîcense. Fax or E-Mail resume: Fax: (905) 876-0297 E-Maif: huntftd@hunlchtyser.com Phone: 1905f 876-2580 CORPORATE RECEPTIONiT/ ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT Reporting ta the General Manager. csi iC, a S il d afddIS vii r aVp iv atilIf[ I iî, f (150f PoiuSafid of E9gî sh aifigog arr tLte fe!ii i' v oiaf îor skiffs Self r or varvu ah, caoi o of i inom sapo vi sf00 flou vifih re f0poi ible for arisueririg and difscfioq ai ircoio cails greof cýI aOfai d Oaae MS Office skiffs orfaudiog MS Word. Excel aind Oufioo Salary eepecrafioos aifl se discassed arof comrrray cf-fois ho e) if s foreresfed dppficdofs pfoase forvrd resanres ruo Iscar Tools Inc. 2100 Bristol Circle Oakville, ON L6H 5R3 Attention: Office Administrator or Email admin@iscar.ca No fefephon caffs pfeaso. Romno Corporation, an Oukeif fe baned compunry ns fookîng for a Receptionist/Admin. Assistant for a 6 month contract, milS ponsibiffty of pe r- manent empfoymant. Outien 50f ude ansmar- ing phones, graeting guasîs. generaf cf erîcrt work, etc. Must posoons excellunt computer skiffs and Pave a fifeasant phono mariner Pfease sabmit our resume and caner latter ta Ms. Denon Gilbert, Sp fax ut 905-339-3407 -devetgilberiOýremcocorporatiott.com No phone ,îf pua- fi/ rhý 1-,SI-IR)N COýNSC 101 S REC lEPT "Il)N 1 S'I h itùci fu ,i yaî, Fu-of frire.'oisfr ici Mat. lave Podiatry çfînîc. Exp. wîlh MS Offfce, OuickBooks requfred, Keyboardîng & Medfcaf fermlnofogy an asset. Sfart date Feb. 7, 2005. Wage $11/hr. Fax ONLY 905-631-6623 PAYROLL / ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK " Mos)ot epdyof xpeffonce " A/P A/R, exporfence " Good phono mannerism " Computer koowfodge " Trocking compaoy eoperîeoce Apply ta Box 6466, cia OakviIIe Sonner 467 Speers Rd., OakvIIIe, ON L6K 3S4 RECEPTUONIST Locafod noar tho OEW in Buoington, ae hae an immedi- ale, tuff foue opaoîsg for a recopfsoîisf Doffes încfode aosweriog a bSy phono opofent, as wef as other gorora office daftes lenpafîonca wifh MS Office synfamo wsafd Se roq d). Business attfre, Hoors are a.d pm. If you love rocoptian wark and bave an autgolng and onthuslastic personality, smnd your revuenn ta: hr@sylvito.ca WANTED - F/T RECEPTIONIST Reception and clerical dulîen, experience mîth transportation an assaI Piease repiy toi c/o Milton Canadian Champion Box 248, 191 Main St. E. Milton, OuN. Jit 4N9 Quole tbos # 10 181 525 52$ OmfioHelp Offf icelp CUSTOMER SERVICE! TELEMARKETER Buisiness-lo B[sinous Tefomaikefiriq on a pusifive [ipbpa foarr errorîfîvo Wofî esfabfîidc fii îgfoo Markcî gi Comrpaniy requiros overai expf-cricf d Cusouir o Sera ce/Tcforrarkefiiig flops f-r fo Oi rrI ro uicaioni anid Ca if) aer cki11 a mst coiii t erni CUSTOMER SERVICE REP. PI T WVe1 e faf fsFed turf îîr]Qs if a if fi ek r t-il it Ctifîr,i ii fier EocIkîiil uoriiiwiicafur fuid I i ir ,f' ýkili ro i c i l f , iii ali fi l i f i Iu Uaf 5 ypai il i 5 i i ref ORDER PICKERIPACKERS E-matil enf@cherylcratgcareers.cem .iutt a cati away 905-332-1600 SSaturn o/' r Mississa uga We 7are seeking, experienced sales people to jofS our dynamic team. You must be self*motivated and thrive on good financîal reward for your expertise in communicatton,1 sharp lIstenting skills and strong closing ability. Your choice of pay plan and compa- ny demo package. Seli Satur îs flot about haoing techoical expertise or mechani- cal aptitude... - ts about enjoyf ng people and developîng long terni busîness relationshîps. tf you are a successtul commissioned salesperson sellfng electronics, phones, stereos or furniture, mayb ils time you mosed ta BIG TICKET sales! E-mail resume to: iobsPfsaturnmississauga.com or tax 905-607-6611 TELLERS WANTED Il flOu are tîteet III afl ifftrfcew olease O0rit, your restiue ta Annette Seoton 0)0 Manager emaul astîtonuýkwh.oef Fr5. 905 681-8767 FOR BOTH MEN AND WOMEN SicsiIy s lur arýrr Cg ýw fi pe pl Iav[(d Ip tffff ufifO VIf ly CIff1f Orfe. or OiiiaruoS loes) aufoîr offue, rîea er lips ls sean f iiif tfo "New Age" Sales Praf essianals. TOWN E Please came inta Tawne Chev-(iids and visit Paul Trimbie or amai: pauIt@tawnechev.com in Pakurifo on Trafafgar fluarl, 0us Soufh of fhe QEW DRIVING OAKVILLE Î 4 .,l, USEO VEHICLE T-OWVNE SALES MANAGER OPPORTUNITY Are you fîîod of your years in aufomoîve refaîf salon/mat- agement Se xtrecogoîoed and unrewarded? Do flou go f0 work esodorîvo Meno if wff Ser heur chance o rutako tha bof) Sp tho homo' and rua tae doparfinent? Noe is the rime, Ihîs is yeat chance Towna Chourofe in fakeif fa nods an entrepraneuria spirit lv hoad up the Uoed fiericfe deparfmoof Theto is a fut more eo manatîno a sfroog used ehîcfo doparfmoot fhao simpfy fookitog after the froenfory f amn fookîog for the poîsori haf aoderstands Shis and sants to ueo tho fofe ds 090fn Oi oitsn used vohiclo deafatohîp Boîva abfe to aoîk wilS, support. motîcato and coach safospoopo is a bit part of Sfs f00. Wo citer exceffont compensatîion benofîfs ao indastry unitque pension pfarn corrpave uhîcfe or car affowanco This is a compaoy fmar ats to trou and do rl wif peo- pfo who af tho saoîo If flou are an onorgofîc porsoo chu hooesfy OOfuys auto- mififv reraif safos aird yoî have tho qualificationrs pfOdOO drop if aîîd aoc for Pauf IrioS o or emaîf mrr a) puft@gtownechee.com Towne Cheeroiet 547 Trafalgar Rd 'lest south of the OEW" Oakvilie, Ointaio SALES, MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS Eyropiiofial apprîrîîîî ify Fou is If geierafo soc s sinus FfT MEMBER SERVICE! FRONT OESK Pin f-iai f c Lna i) ffhi 90 f1 4-10 ttndaburden@faurfortyfttness.ca i f-f Ff-PTs Firfl f l' AOfJIM Chiîdrens Choice Chiîdcare 00e acceptoro rfsmmes for F/T ECE POSITION Jo/'n our team Call 905-849-4769 Fao: 905-849-7456 Don't Be Left In the Dark! Don't forget the dýeadlines! A.M fo Iusa' Ediio Ihrsa @ 11 I. 535 535 535 HospltaVMedical Hospîta(MedlcaI HospltalMedical Qua tYof lite and service. thoue are fnfereît n th seprtaice îtuîote puiipt fultu0 ine ctem ett p flo s a tdb n s rlen eume fanfdt of tlexil- Wereselt ouare Ataes atted pfede hoed pourreanoneme o sfa 905-44-855 tclesinhearlon@baysoec Persnal upprt r ers/hubih Liar ie Ifc boaeshoercate 3 insti Rpo ad Et , Bvieyuoi tn on fUJLL TIME HAfRSTYLîST Trdçey aýufcatrs i l iii' à î 1 1, iÈ f O ,iiit iâ fin iiOti i i ii ith llti fi' t i n r iiitait 1 job Fir Tueaday Januaty 18f h, 2005 11-00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Comoar Hoeth Services Office 302 7 Harester Rad, Unmit 104 Burllngton, Ontario Tel: (905) 592-4469 > RNs&RPNs lfer shift narsing program & pediatric nursing) >RNs& RPNs (for vtsitng nursing program and pediatrics - weekendsl >Personal Support Workers >Home Support Workers We stronly befieve in cf îent-focuned teamwork throughout the oruanîzatîson The renultm Carne and committed personne who respect and invofe thaîr clients. lf pou are unable te attend, please fan pour rasume, te: Fax: (905) 592-9476 e-mail: sachart@comcarehealth.ca For furrher information, caf our recruilment fr01 fina at: 1-888-655-6428 [ qured inGeorgetown Pracc 1 forrMonday eengs. Please fax resume la: 05-877-4001 ResUuraff Hft Return*H Cashiers Varfous hours & Shifts, Apply to manager with resume: 276 Mai n St. Milton 545 "45 Teachlng Treachng The YMCA ai Oakville is seking EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATORS for Toddler, Preschotl Programs Contract & Supply position BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL TEACHERS & ASSISTANTS Reqaîred for children ages 6-12 COOKS Appîtounts for ai posftions must be mfnimum 18 years, Crfmfnal check & medfcsl reqoîred. Pieuse submtt resome: Supîrvistr of Pilgrim Wttd, 410 Rebîcca Sf., Oakville, L6K lK7 Fax 905-847-9598 Email: supervisa r pilgrimwoodCaymca.ca f Need a new lemployee?É . . 1 aiî- classif ied@mni ioncana nd ia nch mp ion. omj 525 .5m Offlre Help Sales Holp

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