The Canadian Champion, Tuesday January 18, 2005-23 A JU iL iMU~ a 1u* tMKVVmrdU TrEAMIS FOR SPRING. 1 l ii u ri j i nu rtir uc-ani id paie iiir-iilrlpi itii t c p ~ psitionrs rnisi s'ii r' as sîirra. BUILDING TEAMS IN: Sares C asîniers, - lii, Nîglir plinSales Speralisna GREAT BENEFITS: lu eiertoîn rLrrnrbrrrserîneiî *[ISP (ree/lrnn plan) *Branus inpiereranieies *A carrer wrer groweh irînîneri nrrees COME TO OUR SPRINQ HIRING EVENT Ancaster a Hamilton e Burlington I)are: Irida>' laou vi 28tlo I Baron Aprîn I Scion erî Cr tdclc i place (06a0 Bartie SAc Gt i i cti îrodt nl Sto q Crck, ()nt. Apply in persouaI le îîî stor e r nlîcne îu n. HOME DEPOT US GROWING TEAMS FOR SPRING. ere nri seeking qiilaifiud itidsirtais nia jin mrii tearr luir the laus>- spniing seasuin Fri-ti nir-aînd pire liin up pîîîrîirîreir as ailable poîsietions ni is n mn las astorec BUILDING TEAMS IN: ,Salis, C asiniers, lii:, Nglar ()ps/Frerght, Sales Spacralîbss GREAT BENEFITS: * I nue/un raiiboirsniie * )lISl lrnîireuinin p îlan) *Beiiais ippeîrliiriîs *A carrer vrrh pi rowi nîplitaesiiesi COME TO OUR SPRING HIRING EVENT 1 )atc. sîrda s11î1113usY 0/rel S(OC meloîn: I llidis hIrri C)iil sillc- ( ciric 590t Ani Rua \AppIaln Il 1cr sir ae an) C0cI oviir oiiiic nidà i An Exciting Career in Fitness canadas o eadîri w orneis o tîtîeso criantr soc r:l sîg lt/son have a strorrq întarnst in tîtneso ansîre ta ssîeed, anthurtîss/ personaîtty fns: may efovnt-s s We at/et hsqhest contspeaOStil pag. ptevîae a pooltilot chalettîg as eniosssîrimet 00100in trainirg -Supervisors*General Managtrs @Program DirectorsaSales Consultanfs eFloor Insructors*Aerobics Instructors *Fitness Directors Fax resomesý 905-761-8542 an eaat lv saek:ng an ecaergatîr triandty, aatga:ng PRODUCI CONSULTANT For ta O0shts, par aeek. This is a permanent positin avaîtita irnrntiataty, The soccasstot canidata s pri- mary rasponsiilitiaa asi înictoaa prnviding axcaptînnat costamer service, tgi administrative aark and open:ng and ctasrng duries. cifting ls raqoîrea and knotiga of food praparatnn rs an anse: Weekeni ana wekîlgat shifis ara part af tise package. istease brîng a remamne and apple se persan tar 211 Guelph Street, Georgetown Cr, reaa taCat'oals 0/rer bais Ia a grnain Lribarn centre as wel as sunnnrting a rental cente a sea- sunal garder cennre hardware store and a Pet JasSct ion. vie arc mern o t (I Manageen t Positions In ou: q-De ng peratne. Preterenc wiff Le qîven te ric iiuals naa:nqg expea s R e:ail sales * Snsai equîpasent inta * Agricoavura backgrondn * Pet tond sates Pe sc fa, rn ,airs risqt éjr xettý Fax: 905-846-2217, Entait address-: peeaseeac-apd.pathcmcern The Difference in Distribution" CAREER EXPO 2005 Tech Data Canada Corporation 6911 Creditven, Ioad Msissauga, Ontario .Ianuary 18th. 2(005 and januarv 20th. 2005 4:00) p.m. - 8:30) pari t,:a-I ft ana Cia niai) front, )Ic,tt ic ha IS. ,ad anC-',,:n iornei-r-:: ria:t, Ut5a,:,kct Ili 1- t ,i: SCtir (lieî: * eneiReprentediîns, *AIîexdaie Pmdant Manager *PnaIad Marketing Miaiegers - lltîluOn -iadf *Priding Speiait - A curitnag Repre-entaive S'ianae s. National Accoant Manager rît qn,:tificd apptvriaî aire cn,,raFea,( itLa (c-eaeer -i I wm i ancti. nia: ,u:r ,,ien ,ec:Lî:j aI Nv»w.ttelixdaana.1 PERSONAL ASSISTANT - JOB COACH - LITERACY TUTOR A yoîn ar a':29: ciil atisar and his taiaîty lBur: ::glt a' ut , s atn tiekn ug ht * Fopitt attît erttnast:, iridi-îOtaI hon ones ta ftef- wotk gente fl'îtasta extite, ctitv thînet vitlte nolttst, & integrty:eOnt ivSt, sottýses nt nt: t: * T:::: prtvicn rt 5Ist J: tttt j)rd OOat airJ asýsi tance aVtaý dail h 'v ng activit hIave ctoativ: , teas r:, ao::tt tara dnvctîptrt : aetatrane n ' an at5 et:c tPaa: -Cliaîtannnt Prs:::t:s1 sot MS Ottice a-bta ta hVale at a se:: tat ace, a Recated Univetsity deg:en ana :nact:ng expet:n:tce pre tae Avas abre ate alttatîoans evety senonnt Sot,:: ay ane evnn:ing/we Have os:ý cr $20 00/nt 10-20 brs/aM Abie ta commit ta: a pla ta at yFea: Efsrant :nn::me attd cave: tetter deta:ln ou eaat:natd :::te:est> epetten: e and ski/to hy Jattoato 28 2005 ts gentle.options@sympat!C'Oca P:eaae noate ne are, a tarai/y ota:: apen::y Wr 'hastek ail St::: n ::vra :Iq/V ta:ao /ste: /0:cpi as:e nlteV/pw e:! , 'es ntas tea NOW HIRING - PRO QIL AND LUBE SHOPPE Foul Time Positions Avoulable ismal: narjampost n bettret ca Cat 905-873-1640 O r cro 1),, 34! uetph Street Cea-je: v a s eC rnwlk a t usy Wood Sacp Somn reaoy tifting hasicoondaarkng seqostea Mont ato ise orgarnea depndahte and natety canscious 12 Armstrong Avenue, UnitB Georgetown, ON Our portfoio csisof REAL chariiesj] NC eperenc neessry,15 entry level positions. For an interview -0 aecl 958412 HA VE A FLAtIR FOR? DECORA TINOva? Hiring P-r & Fi Days, naveilinîg /wveeke nds Dri, al esunîn lu Managen W~d w ai Bad Cuvera 2-7-5 Hays Rt1vdl Oakvitte3 Ot: siec Misssssasga tacity es hrtteg Licensed & Apprentice Mechanics - Truck & Coach or Trailer FatI-lime positions Avaitabte -- 2 Oays, 2 Atternon, and 3 Evniag Shiffs Qualifications*WrsrqkottgotMntyrettan " Stra: prîstn sov:ttg skst/os *Protnss tai Service Attrtssde Duie tsilngtsasn :5 an asset tCegt a: msainstenanrce ot ctsntpatiy trucs arrd trasters, at::1 ocer a:sr'ra We Otfer- r:: ides PM's MJC 0inspections, repasîs aird brnakdawes " Attratitve Sosary s aorresoanntng ta peats ot expattence Apprentice Mechanico $15,75 to $t9 25/:: Lscensnd Menstarsîs $20.00 tto $25/rt " Canspettsan benettts package *Ptnductntty premium " Sit premsnrn tot wn:king thse evening a: n:gst shirts " Atîtroa tant attacance ut $600. *Sately bout attacance * We ssppy amptoyeno wrts cosenatts BrSand rrew 17,000 59 ft garage, egoîppea wsth rtew aonis :nctsdnsq hydtasttc iftt and service pst tot trot/ens Contact Cheryl Denny Human Resources Depariment 905-564-9999 ext 1586, Fax 905-564-2338 BAKING TECHNICIAN eHa RpiitOt cI ondct tLai t titrti testo srsorsd :1 akpa; mixes55 * iotwIea4r , ot 0 conrt spruuriirs aria pa:. ne s î rtfrrr ri 'FtaO OR PAO RESOIMES 10 J.M. Smacker (Canada) Inc. (a33 K~I~ Home of Robin Hood 4370 Harvester Roai o& Burl mgton, Ot 7 X We tas a/l afp/casst tar tAnin inteet ntt teta. e a'a,ýp ioa taot inrterview ns/t On cent5, ted set We aller an exceltent wage and benefts package wihan extrema/y dlean eark enaSteemenlt If yao are a motvate perfctioist iste abisit no work la ea- trematy ctose taterances and apprecrate a cisatlenge, ptease tan yovI resome ta 905-873-6681 Prazia (ttc. START WORK WEDNESDAY! Liln fsrt roa snOne a: pcopie ta train ao AIR OULTY TEHNICIANS WE OFFER: è Camptcte Comrpany Traininga $14.95IHour, I$25OO/Month au starte PatO Ga Vacations- Fullttime ours, ta ay-oalan Pralasasana & friencat Wotk Eirstnmant YOU OFFER: * Wsttsngness ta narr, - Postive attitude " Ta9y appearoîsca 0 Paacta sty " /aod aark atasc MiSt hava oaa transportaiî Col 905-561-8631 Mon & Tans 9-5pm for an Interview CARPENTER/ CARIPENTER HELPER REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY RIs r ,ir, r,staîrs-n wý îtcà/a h ni-s tiui i t 'ssI ni s a ii a- , j Iý ! s: J isoses NU vs rV Fao resume te 905-632-7036 Enfaul: No phone catit please LEISURE FOREST PRODUCTS Ski<Nid 8ü or Career-Minded Accountants- Corne Join The lndustry Leader! BOOKKEEPER PAYROLL PROCESSURS ACCOUNTINO CLERKS SPaized Finlancial Staffing' Cal o inquir about our excelleni benefits program, Ph: 905-319-9384 Fax: 905-319-2095 M B Oakttte Autohaun Fuli-time Parts Delivery Driver aotgatng, tttencly perso S with gnond tino recasa andi knoateage et tOn, GCA Must hase thn ahiltit ýo prmoe ornes sett -ai rampany, Fan rais Lu Dan Borasîde Bsor/'angten C:srpast, reqoîras persan c'ah aver 3 years ep fo operate CNC PLASMA sostîtto AND COCTING TAisLES Most have kac naqi- 0/ CA 0/C AM Please fax resume: 905-765-3353 sale Cosulstant Rf al xeor t ce cliso elîrine ar sse Ses Manaege Cai905-63-815 or Casfie 7p ali95-6-21 accounLemps $10 sio G«WWHelp Genmi Holp