20-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 18, 2005 S'Hawks, can 't shake E.C. Drury graduate Marlon Jamieson - now playing for Sheridan College - goos up for a spike against Humber Lady Hawk Risha Toney in OCAA women's vol- Ieyball action Iast Tuesday nlght at Humber. Jamlason's Sheridan Bruins lost in three straight sets (25-11, 25-20, 25-12). second-ihalf struggles By STEVE LeBLANC flte stonît and tnted haek 28 shots overîll The Champion to gtve his teammales il psyclîotogîca edge T'le IceHawks' playofl piognosis cotîtin- over theit lîkety openiiîg-ronnd rival. nes Io losok n'llygrim. At Mernorial Arena Friday tîîght, tlle Dropjiing tîso mottre gatines this past leeHawks clropped their ihird game tlîis weekeiîd -h oui hy a single goal - nîontlî to nl teamr helow them in the statnd- Miltuili s îlots ini genine ireai of slippiiîg îtîgs --tIis litme Io the liarder ssorkiig Io sixili. wishl wtînld mean a lîrst ronî Brampîtin Captns. clashi wtii reit but Nentralieti iii ligh-îî ni Hamnîil ttun. lit. areis andt almîist coîiît i lien aginit tîo pitsn 1II 4 T 4 pletely destidt ol'erentisi- 'titi iatcl-up is to> appeal- i ty, Milton mxatde ttg iig, these tinys ftir the quite easy (tir opptisiiig ol eir lst 12'v gis tt0 depie liigndr dietWilshnîts ofcteH asst"es 1 ) tîcinmsanîdesifrntr )nsen is laini't beatet i toip-six îîppîîîîeî lit ls way. Mîîst o) thîse, hîîsses et iii tierly Iwoî îîîîînhs. were strnight at hîm. ,,tt iinaiility ori uns'tliiigtess lii get to rehournds \àits theti higgest shtirtcoming iii hoth weeketîd gantes. particutarty lurttîg Sntiday's 2-1 deleat against hosi Bttrliiigtoti. In one tiIthetr tess reniaiiiing opportuitii ties tii gaîin grîîîîîd oit the ltinrth-ptace Cttngars. Miltoîn snrrettdered ain earty tend -estahlished with arn upstatrs wrister hv Adam Pîleggî - aîîd were nselet tiff the pnek (tir itncli tof the last twîî peritids. Burliîigtiii wittltl ese eihttîgs np svith (ttst liio secotnds leIt ini tlie firsi and then gît alie.d ai 16:22 tif tîte second. Bîîth goals agatiist Tomn Fentoti came tii litge The lceHa\,%ks îlîdn't get oit the boiard until the elositig moîmenîts uit the seconid pet iîd. when stîne îîîlty wîîrk behind the net by Pileggî set np tîte first ol iss mark- ers by Shandor Alpliotsti. Jason Dtipaco wîîîld finish ti the setîr- îng wîth 1:0)2 remannng, ctepositing n eross-ice pass on tîte powerplay antI ssîtt Fentttn puillet]. Former lceHassk inlian Sarraîno dît] tiiosi of the danînge l'or Bramtpîton, nettîtîg tlte lit st tssu goa.ls and assistitîg tîn Dati Lekas vMhs lengthy slnpsht jîtst etglîi se. tîtîts left iti tîe miiddle staiie. Nuiss tîly six games abos e .5(01 itIi rehonis. seven ganies left iii the regittar seasoti. Ctingars cager Chrîsý Rîiwan hetd tilt n Miltoîn us iii Streetss'ille tîtiglît. VýPrice commits to Boston College for '06/0 7 play Mat Pre is Beantîtisn boînîl. Actiinlly tlîe lcefassks' rtîokîe wîineer isnt gtîîtîg aniwthlere any'tiîiie sotin, tit lins c uinfitiiiiedto pice tîni ptîsset ltîtse Boistoni ('tllege of thle NCAA'sý Htockey East raiiks liii the. 2(0(6/1)7 stl îtî tyean. The 16-y enir tld Miltoiian m'atie lits cliiice last Ttiestlay atid sait] it's grent iii hasve tîte lec isitîn hlînt (uim. "li's a pretîy big tseighî offI my shîtul- tiers," lie sait] Wednesday. Price was nîso seriîînsly cîîîsiderîng bîîtb the Unîiversity tif Michigan and Ne%% Hampshire Uniîversity, (tnt felt 'in hts gnt' that Boston College was where he'd ent] np ever stnce vîstiîîg the campns in flie Octîther. "Jîîst everyîbing aholit the pro- gratin antd schîtol mtadie me (et comlortable andti îk tlîis was tîte rtght place (or me," remarketl the 1Il tI gratter. wbo's tentativ e- ly eyeitîg bussiness stîtties. Ciirrentty ianiket sectîndt natitinalty ,îlîer reactting tîte FrîîLeî Fîour semnifinats last "pritig, Bostont Cuillege vNas tit tionhi i tit us et by Prîce 's speeti andt playniakiiig îîrîssess ts wliiclklhns hit i n i ent pointtt- n agatine 1iace tîtis seasnst ix it 10 gîtals a'ntd Juveniles tops in Niagara District - again Miltotî's AA jnvenîles clîncheti iteir third straight Niagara District regnlar season tille ibis pasi week- endi, doing so witb a 3-0 whitewash of hosi Fort Erie Friday nigbî. Wes MeDongall broke an 'èveuing- long shutont stalemnate with 10-anti- a-half minutes remaining -on a aomnewhal flnky close-range serarn- hIe - while Kyle Burreil anti Chris 'Whiting notched unassisteti insur- ance markers down lte strelch. Steatiy but not heavily testeti heîween the pipes was Jason Sîroîîg. especially wiîh Bnîrelt hack trîm, Setting np MeDongalî's tatly was playing Jr. B hoîckey tint wesî anti Sehetinleti games in and] Harley Mouscos Watnfleet Tbursday anti ai _-À showing a bigher level of Memorial Arena versus dusepline these days. Hagerîville were bolh for- That conît] welt (te the feited. . tecitiing factor heatiing Losing just lwice this mbt first-rounti play season - with back-to-bac@k . againsi St. Catharines lter tiefeats to Thorolti - the this month anti then a likely Winterhawks appear 10 he in strong OMHA remnaîch wiîh the AAA shape for the upcoming playtiowns, Windsor Spitfîres, who knocked off Milîton tîte phisi twîî years. The recent renoîm of depetîdable sniper Bttrrell anti somne consistent tiefense oser the pasi month -as well as liome-ice ativantage through- ont the playoffs -are among the Winîerhawks' other key assesis. "We'ti like nothing more than to give lhem (Windsor) some pay-back, anti if we corne t play anti stay away from lte rough stuif t think we can,' remarked assistant coach Dave Burrell. 19 assists in 34 con- tests. ITe Boston -collegel vete look- ing for il lîîgl - skilleti np-teinpo pincer. ant itaîs deflliteN ssAtint Mat is," satid Price's tep adv' nitsor Mnriay S Kutiz ot Matt Price Mi SS i SSanug ilS Octogon Hockey. "I thiîîk they see him heing a top-six forts ard two years dossî the rond."* A tnumber of other leeHawks are current- ]y heing sconted by NCAA schools. incînti îng star-in-the-nîaking cn11-nps Johnî Tavares anti Sain Gagner. Player GP G A Pi S. Alplioisi 3"5 21 23 44 M. 1)eMniacli 39 23 19 42 J. Dopaco 38 16 -24 411 .. Caister 42 9 31 4(1 -K. Moroisoiî 40 tIN 20 38 A. Pileggi 38 t-t 20 341 *M. Price 36 101 20 30) A. Dias 28 8 1 6 24 *J. Tavares 16 1l 1 2 23 J. Fortîno 40 3 20 23 B.Robinson 23 1l 1l 22 R. Bernardi 39 6 16 22 *M. Davis 39 7 9 16 -S. Gagner 13 5 10 15 J. Jenîsh 20 3 Il 14 J. Jenish 30 6 8 14 C. Gilholm 36 2 7 9 P. Clark 18 2 5 7 T.J. Moore 4 O 2 2 C. Bain 4 0 t t indicates rookie i