2-The Canadian Champion, Frtday, January 14, 2005 PLE S ALNERTE LOT NODED! ASIN IDonations exceed $150OO By MELANIE HENNESSEY Thie Champion The local Red Cross office h as noss received smore than $1500110 in donations in the naine of isusami relief. North Halton Red Cross Transportation Co-ordmnator Judith Dobris saici staff and volunteers were inundated this week, taI, îng in $60,000 in donations Tuesday afone. "The response really lias been outstand- ing,- she said. "This week lias been reatly overwhelming.- The I 2-hour rush Tuesday can be attribh uted 10 it being the last day the federal gov- ernment was going 10 match personal donations. "We had a lot of husinesses, individuals and schools corne in that day," Ms Dobris said. 'We ended up needing a police escort i0 the-hank." Stories of Miltonians' generosity in help- ing those lefî devastated hy the tsunamni sn southem Asia continue 10 roll in. Wings Up! owner Mike Chuchmach told The Champion the fundraiser his restaurant held Monday managed 10 raise $5,273 for the relief effort, far exceeding his original expectation of $2,000. The restaurant donated 100 per cent of its Monday sales, along with cash donations received from customers and staff. Mr. Chuchmach satd employees also donated 1018 hours of ttme for the fundraiser. The Milton Salvation Arrny has also pitched in on tsunami relief, raising $1,400 in one day ai NVal-Mart. "We were really quite pleased with that,' said Salvation Army Capt. Bill Blackman. It went very well." He noted the money will go 10 the Salvaîton Amty's efforts in southemr Asia. There's also heen a continuous outpour- ing of support fromt local children. Ms Dohhs said carlier this week, six kids came int the Red Cross office wîîh a $150 donation. -They had a potluck supper in their neighbourhoodi and raised the money,- she said. She wenî on 10 explain to the generous youngsters their money will essentially keep 12 people alive, but wasn't able 10 finish her thoughî without getting teary- eyed. 1I lost il. Jusi the looks on their faces... fI means a lot 10 have children corne in," she said. "For children 10 actually want 10 raise money is really ama.eing." The largesi individual donation the Milton Red Cross office has received so far is $10,000, up (rom the earlier $3,000. Ms Dobris also expressed her gratitude for the many volunteers who've given their lime over the pasi few weeks, answering phones and processing donations. "We've had people just corne in off the street offering 10 volunteer,' she said. With the rate of donations slowing down, Ms Dobhs said she thinks the need for more volunteers has dwindled. Donations cas still he made in person at the local Red Cross office or maiîled to 100 Nipissing Rd., Unit 5, L9T 5B2. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. 10 4:30 p.m. Monday 10 Friday. For more information, caîl (905) 875-1459. Melaptie Henîtesae v cai rie reached at mhennieaaey@&miltonc(anadianchampion.co w-