NEWS schI0r fit( SPORTS relief P'age 4 1pýage 19 i~ ARTS & ENTERTAIN MENTL, P'age B I A METROLAND COMMUNITY NE pion WSPAPER VOL. 145 NO.88 RIAY JANUARY 14,2005 $1 Go (GST ncluded) 40 PAGES "Using Comnicnuation to Build Better Commrîunities" A collision Wednesday allernoon lefi a 56-year-old Toronto man dead aller he loat contrai af his vehicle and veered into ancaming traffic on Regianal Road 25 in Haltan Hulis. His Saab was struck head-on by a tractar trail- er and the man - who was alone in his car - died instantly. The 41-year-ald truck driver wasn't injured. ,/Toronto man killed instantly in Regional Road 25 crash A Toronto man is dead after he lost control of his car Wednesday and veered into the path of an oncoming tractor- trailer driven by a Milton man. lt's n01 yet known whether the freez- ing rain eariier that day was a factor. Jusi after noon. the 56-year-oid man was driving northbound on Regiona Road 25 in Haiton 1-ls us north of St. Helena Road and south of No. 15 Sideroad, when he moved into the pass- ing lane. He lost control of his black 1999 Saab and drove into the southbound lane where he collided with an oncoming tractor-trailer being driven by a 41 -year- old Milton man. The driver of the Saab, who was alone in bis vehicle, was kilied instantiy. His naine isot being reieased until farnily members are notified. The truck driver was unin 'jured. Dei. Const. Paul Davies of Haiton Regionai Police said it hiasn't yet been determined wheiher the weather or speed piayed a role. Road conditions varied in the area at the tirne of the inci- dent. he said. "There were sorne hare spots, sorne were siushy and sorne were sn0w covered.- Regionai Road 25 was ciosed for Oive- and-a-half hours between No. 10 and No. 15 sîderoads for the investigation. Any witnesses are asked to eail Dei. Consi. Paul Davies ai (905) 825-4777, ext. 5202 or Dci. Consi. Mark Freernan ai exi. 5056. -Armed robbers hold up grocery store, sub shop Police are looking for two suspects on the loose after a couple of armed robberies took place early Tuesday moming. Halton Regionai Police said two men entered the Subway shop on Market Drive just before 1:30 arn. One man was arrned with what appeared to be a sawed-off shotgun. Employees and a custorner were confronted, and one ernpioyee was sprayed in the face with what may have been pepper spray. No money was taken during the incident. Police said it appears the men abandoned the robbery attempt. Police said that about Iwo hours later, two men entered A&P on Laurier Drive. As in the previous incident, one of the men had what appeared Io be a sawed-ofl shotgun. The empioyees were confronîed, and an undisclosed amount of money was taken frorn a cash register. A dispiay case containing cigarettes was also srnashed, and a number of packages were stolen. Police saîd they believe the same two people are responsible for both robberies and are exarnîning the possibilities of the sarne sus- pects also being responsibie for an Oakviile robbery Saturday at a Harvey's restaurant. The Oirsi suspect is descrtbed as a white maie in bis early twen- ties. between Oive-foot-six and Oive-foot-10. He was wearing a black winter jacket with grey matertai under both arms. a red base- bail cap and dark gloves. The second suspect is descnibed as a white maie. aiso in his early twenties, between Oive-foot-six and Oive-foot- 10. He was wearing a three-quarter length black parka with a hood with fur trirn, as well as a black tuque and dark gloves. Anyone with information is asked to eall police ai (905) 825- 4777 or Crnme Stoppers at i 800-222-TIPS. Inside Comment.............. 6-7 Dateline........... 13-15,17 Classifiled............ 22-25 Real Estate.............B85