8-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 4, 2005 Connnunt Page 487 IautierAve. 878-2881 'Multicultural counci*l opens Milton office By ROBIN DOWNTON-POIRIER Special ta The Champion T he Halton Multicultural Counicil (HMC) openeda new office in Milton in early December to provide services to imnmigrants and refugees new to the Icommunity. Tise office, iocaied ai 550 Ontario SI., won't have ils officiai opening until Marcis. but work is already underway with the Settlement and Integration Programt and the new Host Program. The HMC was founded 25 years ago in April. 1979 by volunteers fromn several differeni cultur- ai groups to fi the need for muitilingual servic- es in Haion. but il bas been a very iow-profiie organizaiion until noss. say board members. "Statîstics show a 30(0 per cent increase in immigrants whose prîmary destination was Milton between 2001 and 2003- said board member and Ward 3 Councillor ian Mowbray. "The HMC has bad such a low profile up untîl now ibai tewý, people ns about tl. We arc hsop- îng tisai will chansge witis tise opening efttie ncw office in Milton." Funding is provided by f ederal. provincial and municipal goveoimeiits as well as otiser sources sucb as the United Way and the Trîliiumn Foundation. Immigrants are ofien referred io the HMC îbrough friends wiso bave used the service as well as border officiais. goverroment offices, police and various emergency shelters. The HMC offers eighi differeni programs to immigrants and refugees new îo Haiton includ- ing the Inierpretation and Translation Prograrn and Job Search Workshops. The newesî pro- gramis are the Transitional Housiîsg Program and the Host Program. "Tbese programs help immigrants gel seîîled and make the transition (f rom one place to another) casier anîd smiooiher:'" said HMC mai- aging dîrector Joanna Matibews. "Tihe Hosi Program is very new and pairs up a news immigrant wiih a resîdieni. and aiiows ibemi te sisare cultures, custorns atnd experiences. t is a reaiiy wonderful programn." The Seulement and Integration Programi pro- vides services sucb as translation and inierpreta- tien, sisort-temni counselling, information on gos' emrment andi community agencies and assistance n accessing services sucis as heaib care. educa- lion and obtaining a social insurance number. Tise informiation is provided by HMC setulemienti workers. who speak a number of different Ian- guages and are familiar wîth many cultures. There's aiso a separate Inierpretaiion and Translation Programt availabie for community agenctes and businesses that may bave a need for ihese services. Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC i s an English language training program that's offered to immigrants aithue HMC head office in Oakvilie, staies uhe HMC Web site. -Tbe Youib f'or Youth Program and use Muiticuliural and Anii-Racism Education Programn are oflered ibrougi bots ofthue Haltîsn scisool boards,- saîd Ms Mattiews. "They are geared toisards tise elensientary scisuols and tse nies Hosi Prîîgran is for our hîgis scisîsîss. Tise priîgranis iniroduce sindenis iii diflereni cultures and customns brîsugis tihe education systens.- Tise Ethnie Seniors' Network aimis te prîssîde services te eider immigrants. hl lielps te reduce isolation by primiting active living and increas- ing access te niaiy coinmunity sersices. Altisougis tisere's no curreni funding for tise pro- gram. future endeavours are beiisg miade ils keep tl active. saîd Ms Mattisess. Tise other nesi program. wisicis offucially start- cd in December, is tise Transitional Housing Program. Tise HMC lias acquired isie apart- ments in Burlingtos tisai can îemporarily bous"ý immigrants until a more permanent residence is found. Tisere are currently îwîs (amuiies from Cotembia. Soutis Amenica resîdîng in these units. bots warmnly svelcomed by tise commuoity. " Christmas. f or me. is for sisaring 50 sse invii- cd tîsese two fansilies into our home for Cisristmas dinner." saîd Ms Mowbray. "We isad a ssîndedful time and our guests were very polîte ansd so appreciative. Some famiiy members speke suîne English and ise isad ne pnusblems ls isa language barneri." In tise 2111)3-04 fiscal year. HMC served 1,5(11) iisei clientis and 2,600 reîumîing clients as well as 6,0(00 stuclenis ilsrîugis youtb prisgrams. Besides tihe oufficiai îîpenîîsg oîf tise Milton office iin Maris. isere w ili be tise atînual dînner/auction fundraiser ini late April. lFor mere infiormatiomn, cal) li905) 693-81458 oîr vsi suls Web site ai CO EC Cogeco Cable Channel 14 Programing Schiedule - Tuesday, Januaîy 4 - MondaJnay1,20 %lly Local Teleion ~ www.cogeco.ca Laurer Paza - " 500 Laurier Avenue Milton, ON L9T 4R3 905-878-9306 V_"g' Optimist TV Bingo returns tonight, 6:3Opm