6 -The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, January 4, 2005 Farewell to 200411 -Surely. 2004 will provide even miore challenges, although it will be dificult to imiagine aniother year so soion that was as eventful as the past one.- We penined those words on tbe final day of 2003 as we looked back on a year dominated by SARS, mad cow disease, a blackout and the resignation of a primie mirtister, and abead to 2004. To be sure. 2004 didn't present the challenges posed in 2003 -thank goodniess. Ilowever. wbile Caniadiaîns were col- lectively able to catch their breath this past year, that doesn't rnean il was an uneventtul year. We went to the polis this past year, and what was expected to be a Liberal cakewalk becamie a Liberal mninority govemmnent as tIse Grits under Paul Martin had trouble distancing tbemi- selves (as they still do) fromi the nasty sponsorship scandaI. However. as bard as the Liberals tried ta throw away con- trol in the House of Commons. Stephen Harper's revamiped Conservative party couldn't capture the imagination of' Ontario voters. ibhe tinioti,îs niiloritv goverrnaent cosîld faîl arlytime. but I arper's teaîaî bias much wo o (Ido in Ontario, in our opinionl. tf lie expects a better îesult in thc îaext election. Provincially. Premier D)alton McGuinity celebrated bis first aniniver- sary in power this past October and lis o the past few mionths. avoided breakîing any iniior election proîises a problemi that plagucd himi carly i bis mandate. TFo tlie Liberals' credit. tliey bave îabled long os cîdue legisia- tion 10 ban sîo in ail public places and privale clubs. Whilc unpopular to miany. the Smioke -ice Onîtario Act is the proper route tu go --for aIl Ontarians. Here's hoping tbat 2(X)5 delîsers a year filled ssith ft- more bighs than lows. Happy News Year! *Our Readers Write Thanks to ail who supported book festival Singleton famî«ly's Christmas dîsplay truIy Deu ditr: td. Mitons M&M Meats, Zak's a wonder fui gîft to the entîre communîty took part in Mfiîton'a Book Festival for Childres. Fd like ta take this opporturuty ta say tbanks ta aur organizing spansors, incîuding the Town of Milton, Milton Public Library, Halton Hilîs Public Library and the Milton Community Resource Centre. Thanks also ta, corpo- rate sponsors O'Connor MacLeod Hanna, Kaneif Properties, die Writers' Union of Canada, the Canada Council for the Arts, Mattamy Homes and Loblaws. We also received support fram Solex and Karmax Heavy Stamping. Thanks also go ouI to Steve Nease, Mike Boyle and Kwik Kopy, as well as aur many valunteers. without whose help the day's success wouldn't have been possible. Finally, a specially thanks la extended ta committce memrbers Janis Marshall, Cindy Lunau, Sharon Campbell, Latie Mandalrino and Janet Davidsos. We look forward ta doing it ail again in 2005. Lias Huziger, committee mambe Miton's Book Festival for Children *The Canadiean Champion l)ear Editor: Mly tanilv aind 1 \ isiled relatives ai Mltoîn foir tîne holidays and ss anl lin take Ibis uppounily lu liank the Singletoîns. My noîher-iii ans iook us including a -ise year-old ansd îbree- year-otd lu so vi'.i Ieir Christmnas display on Guelph Lise. Wbaî an amazing gril to ihe com- iunlri and quile ubs îously a labour ut lose. The inîricale displays. glnsslag Iigbîs and holiday music bnighîeded tip a snowy esesîng. 1 especiaîly appreciated the facî tbai the Singletons accepled dona- tions for Halton Womens Place. ls niee 10 see such selfless car- îng and shaning. Hope and beauiy are obx ouslv alîve and sscI! in Milton. To the Singletons. thanks f'or sbaring such a beautiful scene with my tamily. Jody Johnson Windsor Support for Salvation Army much appreciated Dear Editor: l'i like t0 lake ibis opportsnhiy t0 thaînk local resi- denis for their much-appreciaîedi danations to the Salvamon Armv in the Miltn and Campbeîlville area. li's bo kiad peuple lîke yourselves Ihai sayîng ihank you justisn'1 eauugh- 'sour geinerusity enables us lu assisl mrit peuple ii lîne aiea We were able 10 reacb outIo 1so masy wbo are in need of assistance -fmnancially, pbysically and spiri- îually. Wilbosi your kîsdness it would bave becs dit- ficuil 10 meel the demands due la a lack of resources. Tbank you for caring enougli 10 gise. May God richly bless you an the aew year. Laurie Good, tamily services worker Salvation Army of Milton 1 Malin Si. E. The Caiiadian Champion. puistinn evei iinc.au ai i nt. L9T 4N9 Main SI G Mion Ont a9 4N9 (Bu, 2485 is rira Tri Mprian Prini ns Publisiring & Distribuionr LIi gi of imirI)a barirpGir sinini. iode nuran siasprng Nows GAdvnaiser Aisoi ra ,u ia rie 8 -2 3 4 1 GAnance, Bolto Enternîri rBrampton Giiainian Biii iii.oi Post Suir i rti Shnpping Ns City Pâann City ni Yonk bGuii Coliiign.i il'Wisain 905-878-4943 Conrerion Eas York Mîîrrr r Gdî'rraeCrGrr. Reioriirsnbik, 905-876-2364 liraepenaniri tcn brpr Prnss, Hallrr Businiess finis unia B iGi iri Times. Linnasay nris Werr iariian Enonon roi G Sorn M niai a Pr rtui 905-875-3300 uishe, î nrir m Mîrtaîr Sopping Nemis MisSSI()L Bua i 5is i nsb Mississairga SNaraparme Guide. Nassagaan-.i Snes Neriiakmi Guin 905-878-5947 Fra Sarirer SNrthumbrlandi Sqe us Surif Yrk Mli ne TOur ir 5rP ris lr uibpiar.r.b1unirsb Hùke rira.' Bai.-uraini '1io Publisher Tua! r iiaWpb riu iri in T,, W..5t. usrua Th, Wee Priurn'iiibinde Riciri rifinmiH,1Tiiniiihilinan bhnir car .1 îrrnan P/li/i braria Miiiý, Stnuni r Uridnai uibti ie Edirmnîîni-Ciua Aeriien iras irrlpdu na Gih- cur i rai i i une .ariit ni graphiiiai irai Ila:r.iiu if itr aiinmiiisiin sinuir un , ibti.u Iluiî,iiing n unir rlenis ni rumiel mn irisa unabln raniaiîn fri an r,. .. i[ rai ai. Advîr1iî,'ifI iiri uhargrntifr n thh aný tt n diirnnisrninl n eni ai d fri i t piî cabierante nui piibisn.iruisrv tefýh tn aa.ýj Idiýr ir iýur i Projjjici ran V(liiiuge?* GînIrre itînri/nîuiu,î Maiagii' Eaisoiaiaira airanriirbiribi ontn GfTm Caiaiair Champin is nrirrina OfieM n gerb opyrighn Gnaarbmrrana os xi roite 1,fr Ofic usTh le Mie Caeadan Champon is a epsiae ProSartilll Letters welcome The Champion welcomes lettars to the editor. We reserva the right ta edit, ravise and raject latters. Lattera must ha signad and the address and telaphone aumbar of the writer îacluded. Latters con be e-moîled ta miltoned@haItonsarch.com, faxad ta (905) 878-4943 or dropped off at 191 Moin St. E. J'ud by Steve Nease Box 248. 19 Milton, 0h (905) 87 Editorial Fax Advertising, Fax Classified Circulation Ian Oliver Neil Olier Jili D)avis Karen Smith Wendy NMcNab Tim Cales Charlene Hall £ Teri Casas mmamok,ý",