The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 4, 2005-15 I~~~E 1llo L- è4 4' ~' >4 J-UtLy_--b Owners Jacqueline and Bob Julian stand in front of their recently-opened Spot Free Car Wash. Z±M Photo by GRAHAM PAINE vNew car wash uses reverse osmosis system By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Dreaims corne tin ail shapes and suzes. Bob Julianis drearn - which carne to fruition a little more than a rnonth ap-o b as eight bays, an equal number of vacuums and leaves cars spotless. . For Mr. Julian and bis wile. Jacqueline, build- ing a self-serve carvash wasn't somethîng tb do hapbazardly. It's been years in the making. "He was looking tor a fe%, years.- Ms Julian said of hier husband*s quesi for the perfect piece of land. -He'd drive around for hours on end." The results of that dedication cari now be seen at the Spot Free Car Wash on Steeles Road and Harrop Drive. Mr. Julian said the car wasb is state-of-the-ari. The *Spot Fi ee spec nic s roi ise uniiquie res er-rt 0osniosîs ssstei1i s0il bîea\cn e noî cli unoi o ir l-sp sediient on s elîr les. \M bruu. in of a1 soitu.ning, procerss, Ille 214 sou c ai sssîlias sile c> des, as opposed to ibe Istil si.\. Mr. Julian ;aid. The soap Lised s.ý biodegradable. and the car- ss asb lias oit mîtîepos shicb present oil frons goiog into tise sewer ,,>stem, be said. adding that's one good reason soi 1o ssasb your car in tbe drisevvay. -Ail the grime andi ol ibat's washed off goes ioto the stormi sessers, wbicb damages the lakes and streamns,- be sairi. The comfort of tbc svasber is paramnounit. Mr. Julian said. andi explains bbc beated floors and bays that are tbree feet %vider and longer than tra- dîtional ones -making ib easy To drive in and out. -We took bbc previous standards (for car and ssi. iasipgrlîci iienru 15 1sî cii ticros,1 lic huisi i. lieai liistead of Ille R iu 1ortunsers ot ii l1aîs c i IHn-\hiCd il ao Li. p ini ss nier - SpOt Fiee leaiuiies a ui eI.i u p su iili a kes1iud1,11c ulpgradC in Ille tItsiie, Nîr. JUiliaissar Tise cscles iscludc: tire cleaning. esuîe 'bain- Poo. pre-sisak. higbi pressure soak. triple boain hrîish. cleai coai. bot wsax ansd spot-irecrse Ain indoot s endîîsg machine and chasîgerniak- îng area adds turiher cons enîcîsce for custoinlers. elimiriating fumbling around foi change in the cold. Female customers are patltcularly appreciative of the welI-lit bays and s'ideo surveillance, Ms Julian sairi. -Women are sayîng il's so well lit, tbey don't base to worry.- she sairi. adding, -1There's a lot ol actios on Steeles. Eserytbing's out in tbe open -tbere are no bidden areas. AIl the hass cmea he secîs itîuîi Sîreirs Ascel. .1i iiebtir ilie licilits is actuats h ltuieli tisais u iejý la> i. jlia î,î aid, acdtiic es en pilice halîse c01iîisetded Ille JUlian. lit their As, ln the lîcaîtion,î Mîr asnd Nîs uias said îbcî couilis'i base riosen a heiter spîît. -We're tbnilled about being in Milton," Mr. Julian said. addîng iFe growing populations ssar- rants a luxury self serse car wasb. Ms Julian said ssNorking in Milton -tbey lîve in nortb Burlingion -is a natural lit for tsem, store tbey botb grew up in simall towns. Ifts nie to corne to work andi people smîle, as opposed to tin big towns,' she said. So far, Ms Julian said, tbe response from locals bas been great. "People bave been saying. 'We'e been waîtîng for you To open.-' Siephanie T/îtraarî ian be renu/ted ut suhiesseît@Cniiltot ranadiauiriampion. rouit r's Resolution ES AWAY Ta A New You"'ý 42 Bronte St. S. #11, Milton 905-876-2838 GUARANTEED INCH LOSS Have You Noticed A Few Extra Bulges We Con Help You.. NO SWEAT Fitness & Toning Sfudio " Fîrm, strengtben and tarie muscles " Shape & Tone your figure " Reduce iches e Break-up cellulite " Increase muscular endurance and flexibility. *Open to bath men & women *CHILD CARE AVAILABLE