* - s : Indx: eal Estate 100-135 a Business 140-1169 To Pacean d C ll 9 5-8 8-2 41W Rentais 170-196 a Leisure 200-239 la Community 240-2Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: cIassified@miItoncanadianchampion.coM * Merchandise 300-385 a Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 00-5 Mon. to Fnî. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified adls also appear on www.haftonsearch.com: e Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cali: 905-878-5947 Ad su bmission by mail or in ourson: The Canadian Champion, 191 Main St. E., Milton, ON L9T 4N9 DeaddBnes: Mon. 11 arnm. for Tues. publication, Thuns, il arn m.ton tri publication. Special Feature & Holiday deadlîoes may vary Payment: 0e accept cash, cheitue, lntenac. Visa, MastenCard. Amerîcan Eopress. Business accounts cao be opened wîth an approvua cnedit application avaîlahie huom your Sales Consultant. CHECE C OUR AD THIE FIRST DAY OS RUNS to ensure the information is conrect. Contact your Sales Consultant wîthîn 24-Houns if an ernon appeans An ernon in a Fni. publication must 0e reported no later than Mon. t1t arn -, 27/, 7/ 7ý,L7/ Il "_ ý ýý// ý L 0ý 11111(WL 00110% 1 lit QU (011111110M FOR SALE OR RIENT, 3-0drm condominium apr. 1th flnonr askîng proue $184,900.,for lient $1300/mth inclodles al ulîlitias, 2 parking upaces, locher, use of pudty noom wîih fl kîtchen etc. Cal Jim Kerr 0 Kerr Ruahy Manage- ment 900 876-0407 or home office 900 978-9924. Do Miis reOc Bis oriel Champion Clssflîeds for PrImate Sales Oel1 91.20 fora booid word ad orcerrea d wftO .pfuoe for maxium effila for onli, $15.00 more. 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Call 1 866-414-0017 www.frz- b0.0a GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Breeste Street, Suthr, MiBeon 00e are nom accephing applications for: Jan gît 4 - 1edroomr Jan 150w 2- 1tedroure Feb 1gsi 2, 2 budror Fore more information and/or tc C iea an gapepbing An pale immdColip ACLTON 1urgel2 budroumn apt. $775/montho. Aiso lange 1 -hedroom upt, $600/mtho Cati 519-803- 5080 or 519-853-5352 HUTIONVILLE 1 -bud- ronen, nec, brnght, protes- sionai 005f om fînîshed basement Aocilahie F-ehru ary 10st Separute ntrorcu, laurdry, parkoug, cabtu, a/c, clu, proutie country livuing. Suifs single person. Car needed, rin smokinig/pets. Urique. must sees 5820/mS 905- MORSE stalls and 2-bed- mom home for lent $1 ,200irnth plus uiibes. Rochcoud area. Orval O. Gales Ruai Estate 519- 766-2996ý FURNISHED noomn near Millse Mail, parfing, laun- dry ufo SltO/weeh Pieuse cati 905-87800882. Craft Shotw Quauhfied Fohihiors Wanted 1 01 o iiil!cifoinai/on X/oisioi6 i(,-, f) hi dl aoi//Sni ilon Diti osplî Son Frid. 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WANTEO - Att China, Oit- oer, Crpstal, Tua Caps, Royal Doulse, Owanoouhi, Glass, Juwelury, nid tops, ottuctibies, ustatus. Cai JohaPTracy, 905-331-2477. CASH paîd ion antiques and oltectibies, china, fig- urines, jeceteTi, fumnturu, no 1rs, erc. 9056878-3140 cuti: 905-876-790 ADORABLE Golden Ru- ineour pups, fîrsi shois , du- cormed, CKC Reg.. mi- crochppei home ruîsed with hîds. $650. Ruay t0 go! 905-690-8942 BLACK Lab puppies for sale. Ouf chuched, flrt shot, de-wormua. Cai 5985-9078-87 Show Coordinator TRAVEL & LEISURE SHOW. Thn Toronto Star Traoui & Leisure Show i a Premier Consumer Shows). Canadas luigeot consumer liavel show, iO ekîng a Show Cuoodînaton who is drion A/th o locus oni meeting customer neudo and incrousîng revenue fromt enotlng and potentdl euhhitors. Repoiîng Ioothe Show Manager, the successlul appli- cari must have post -secondari edication A/th eepe- nience in saies and opulations veithîn the consumer or trade show industy. The candidate cii deoelop slrong nolationuhips neth clients and muot be abltoi1 proolde inniouation solutions toi muet thnîr needo. lime management, excnllent onga- nizaionul and communicaion 561115, and the ab/iliy 10 worh irdupendentlp are nsuntal. Knowledgu of Excel, Acceos and MicrosSof Word is rerTuîîed. Please fnirrard resusse includiog salary BxpectatiBBS by Jan. 9/05 toi: bdean@travelweek.ca We ei a nteds&eupri t Poc leao e apply n i to p erson 50 y Ma oe r etn3&4P fflitton ([apabiait z b jianpon DRIvERaÈS WANTED Circuation Dwparfmorint Driver: for in-toren bandie delivety of flOwspapOP 80 oar carriers. Shifts are Taea. & Fris. Mast havo a rohiablo vOhicIO and oeil phono. Forward resumes to Sandy Colo: Fax: 905-878-4057 Emlail: scoles@ miltoncanadianchampion.COm In person: 191 Main St., Milton 1II1*ý - 1, - M I __ - Il. - c;owqm cerillli" - i à. CD -le