kAMýILI tilïWio (ii(ll CAËL under my roof 311 Martin StreCet, Milton (905) 878-5165 Life is a do-it-yourself project. -GEORGETOWN z CINEMAS q f 235 OUELM4 STUIERT- 873.1 PG Daily200 p.m 6:45 p.m.& 9:00p.m. O MEET THERFCKERS EDaiy 200p.m. 645 pm. &9:00p.m * POLAR EXPRESS WÉ Daly 200 pm OOCEANS 12 Daiy 645 p.m &92Op.m. Theat Pukng Available ater l in 10Owomen wiII develo CANCER The risk intruases with aige. The Ontaria Ireast Screening Pragrant provides breast examinatian and a mammagran i ao fio(st ta wamnen Wha are 50 years af age ar aver. Make yaur appaintmnent today.! For the centre nearesi you cail: i1-800-668-9304 0. èrf S * = MIe.uci %N"mTM~ -e, C4"#t A rts&:§Eh#ertainment Jk Longtlme beIIy dancer Diane -eeBanetor shows on@ ot hur mow et Dance Elt., wlueeb tuhesd. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE iBelly dancing great stress reliever: teacher By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion D iane Bangerler's greatest compliments as a belly dancer camne when she was perform- ing years ago at restaurants and was asked by Middle Eastem men and women what part of the Middle East she was from. lu fact. Ms Bangerter isut Mtddle Eastern at al -but you'd neser know il by watclsing lier exe- ente <lie trademark smooth. <lut 5 motions of belly dancing. "I losoks easy. b<tt il's not as easy as tl looks, Ms Baugerter said. Four mnlls ago. Ms Bangerter began instrîtet- iug as Dance Elite on Nîpissîng Roact. teaehîng ssîîneu isf aIl ages hesss tîs practice the aiment art luirt. Eaeli class lasis one bour atnd 15 minutes. and rîus sseekly <or 10< ueeks. Ms Bangerter began taking belly dancinsg class- es in 1977 and pactieipated in as mnauy norkslîops as she eould before she began perlon-ning i Toronto for a year. Then she decided to teacli. She first tauglit out of lier Milton basemetît stu- dio, but then left town. About ftve years ugo she returord, and caught <lie teaching bug once again. The Arabie naine for belly dancing ts 'Raqs Sharqi., which in Englisb means 'Dance of the East'. Tnday, enthusiasts terni it Dance Oriental. Movements in the dance are natural to a woman's boue and muscle structure, Ms Bangerter said, and <bey emanate from thie torso, rather than <lie legs and fret. "Il oflen isolates dtfferent parts of the body. moving tndependently tn sensuous pat- terris,- she explained. adding weartng the often- exotte costumes is part of thie ilirtîl. TMe many styles ut belly dancing can range froui ethnie lis alnsosi cabaret-lîke. Belly dancing is olten misuneestisod. and Ms Batîgerter satd she hopes bo shed somne lîght osu what experts say is the usîdesi <ornu of dance. -Tlere bas been for many years a stereistypical attitude. Ise alssays berri <icse. ou tryîîîg to chanige tbat aîttttude by shsîss ng ushat a beasitiful art <oin tl is she saîd. One of the bîggest nusscouceptios i s iliat belly dancing ssas traditiottalîs dlise Io entertatit men. lit faci. ssosen hisisrically <asseed <cîr otîser usismen at parities to prepare brides-ts be <for marriage. Belly dancinsg eau lie enjoyed by usomen of ais\, age. Ms Bangerter said. adding she lias women iii their twenties in her classes as well as seniors. The dance is easy on the joints, and Ms Bangerter was qutck to point out it doesn't marier if students have two left fret. There are many lienetits to helly dancing, she satd. First, there's the exercise compontent, which Ms Bangerter said provides a great Ldrdtlsvascular workout destgned to strengthen muscles and increase tlexibility. But that's just the ttp of the tceberg. There's also the sheer enjoyment of il. as well as tl being a spir- itual actts'ity and an outiet for expressiug creatîs i ty. lucreased self confidence is another beneflt. There are otten students nho choose ai first sut tsi bare their midritis. A ho -by the end -go t'or il. Ms Bangerter said. She added the dancing isut about women liaving the 'ideal' body type, but ahout appreciating the bodies they do) hase. Belly dancing is ýilso a stress relieser. Ms Bangerter sad. -When 1 pour my metntal energy itis ibis ancieut dance lorm ni sy dadly trosubles seeni tmiles ma a. 1 <case refreshed. ready iii take on the %%srld. For more itîtormattitu on classes. cai (905 1878- 2410. Step<tiusii T/s essit i utu ii tiss re us1i ii ssti'.isseil(atliusti a iiluuii/iilitoiltt Decorative Art Studio 77 Mill St. E., Acton Looking for something fun to do this winter? Try Decorative Painting! Contrary to popular belief there is No artistic talent required' Ifs FUN and EASY to learni And you don't need to know how to draw! I www.pointinfriends.caJ 519-853-0777 Open House & Registration Thurs. Jan. 6 - 10 arn - 9 pm Fr1. ian. 7 - 10 arn - 9 pm Sat. ian. 8 - 10 arn - 5 prn