Zoning change to accommodate busin*ess Milton counct approved a zoning bylaw atnsndmstsnt Monday night to tnake way for an lequipinent sales and rentaI busineas in a building on thse nasaide of Steeles Avenue at Thompson RSa. The change also aiows haif a dozen addition- ai uses on thse 6.5-acre property - an automotive dsslup, rentaI agency, repair garage, waahing establishment~ drive-through service facility and restaurant. Mils would bu pursuant to site plan approval. A public meeting was held last month on thse amendmnent, at which only ans resident voicied concernas about excessive lighting, potential 24- houe usages and unreasonable increases in traf- fie. "Site plan approval wili be req&tired and IMay of those issues will be addressed at duit fi=e," said Town Developmnent Review Planner Christian Lupis. The property is cureentUy occupsed by a ware- bouse with a retail office. Mie equipment tales and rental business will occupy a 620-square- mette space in the existing building. 28C pkg7-3.3L VIS, auto 0/D, air, 7 pass, floor- mats, roof rack, tilt, crule, AM/FM/CD, pw, pdl, p.miftors, dual sliding doors & much mort. Stk 106910,106911 [OURÏiIWEST [RICEEVERI NsUa.stU*m CASH 180 i SALEKO 181,MI uW248 i OVER 200 NEW & PRE-OWNED VEUILES MARKEO DOWN CHOOSE YOUR MODEL ANI3.CHOOSE YOIJR DEAL! ME - LfU[ V 0111" 5veuli .ulud devin teuaM V cbu'umu wulrut m mat vaUdou g puia trai $8 là q V 08111Mular VI Fr"a Wakm a clumau m.al oeu 8w CarUla Pr04Md V01111dIIII g 1mw Ruea Rnuckg cu DMu. ion sum &- 200 cMYu.a le 200 ciMvu -m mm JE vU'9I Ti 200 ciMYma MACA SN 2.0 2000 JEEPlT M00 2005 JEEP~ EVERY CAR, TRUCKF MIM VAN & SPORT UTE 18 MARKED DOWN TO SELLI BElB TIam TORONTO PRIHCESU1 Quarry operator denies any wrongdoing -frorn TOWN on page 1 M. Guerrieni said his licence was again suspended Tuesday, allegedly for disturb- mng a berni that wasn't supposed $0 be touched. "They (the MNR) are stopping 1,000) people froru working," he said. The ministry has put forward plans t0 amend the pit's site plans to prohibit further extraction. limit the fuIl being dumped at the rural property, along with require a proper final grading maximizing the use of on-site materials to relsabilitate the land. "The reason for the required ameudment to the site plan is to, mamntain the exposed waîertable within the limiits of Use licensed pit and to reduce thse amount of off-site materials required to, complete site rehabil- itation," a notice fromt the ministry stated. Mr. Guerrieri said he doesn't agree with Use ameudment. "Fin foilowing Use site plan rules," he said. "I've tried to do Use best 1 can." Milton counicil passed a motion support- mng Use site plan ansendmnent Monday night. -in very pleased Usat Use Town has been proactive on Usis," Ms Lunau said. "We have a stewardship here Usat is profoundly imoportant." The Region and Conservation Halton have also put in a request to Use ministry Usat monitoring wells be installed to find 0ut if there are any impacts fromn Use fi11. Mr. Guerrieri said he aleeady has a mon- itoring well - a large pond that he noted can he monitored any time. Mud on road a concern Eaclier Usîs year, Campbelîville Sand and Gravel pleaded guilty to charges for track- ing mud onto Caruphelîville Road. "Despite this, mud tracktng from ihis operation conttnues to be a prohlem and further action will be taken by Use Town," a letter from Mr. lovio to the MNR said. Ms Lunau told council Monday ntght Usat Usis mud has heen a htg concern for restdents. 1$ is perhaps only a (marier of) ttme belore a senious acctdent is going to be caused hy some of that mud," she said. -They're (drivers) not travelling on a road -it's a mud field." Melanie Hennesse v con be reached air mhennessey@miltoncanadianchampion.co M. CORRECTION NOTICE Ep'n hot Pinir 86 1005045 Ths prdu, sd 1-orec !y ad rtiý on g 28of o 5 mbi 7th fiye n 4 ap 9 to thi s hd 9 1.t. cs. , .,I --f,9 . $20 0454a- n9'9 i049 O ne574S5I55f block"9494 9$490s'es9~04x7a499'4495577454'i'04 09 9,44444497 9 5771'5 9510599, 9055,5.,499,p9,sssss444g50 495909955 -8'44905 78-885$54977479-L'954 , 0tFD590947 s"Y5' sa9s S L E -7 9454444 499 J E EP549 8 199 O N T A R I S T.97 g9 9 99 9 N .~49 M ILT ON9- 9 19 5 04 459 979 9 M ,99~9 9-7 9 9 n or095 4 9 79' ~ 4' 4 9 4-977* t 79 o f aoe0 Csa95sa7949 99s09,97t9503 us4 A9,s0754s. a 4O7744475t51t 4,944995975044548747 -577554799749 sierord C997'.9755954 9,45599 D.4W 3 104 Suw5a e An 3-D O CD Cagehs pr54uC S 'g 2 .1o 5Dcme 9hfyr s acul 29999 SK( MHCGX45 1004221 ffyer di Omb49V 1tta oefmbw 23(d. IPruc:Tshba 27'TeevisonThis prduc sl inorcl detsdas «Fat-Ocreeni on pg 10 [fouraOecembe 1th fye. nat, fhas a crved SKUer 27A34: 10043857 FUS UP TO dpF 2M î