1',relimninary hearing date to be scheduled for Moore's ex-wife 'l'tie formner Liimmiiiilaoý %vt cof suspcted iurderer and coit s ictcd pcdîîphlîe Domuglas Moiore wîll retuu Io Bramptoîn coîurt Janiiaiy 6. Foirrner Mississauga resalent Sandra Martin, 30, last appeared ai O)ntario Coiurt (il Jistis.e in Bramptuon December 17. Ms Mai-tin was charged in May o'îîh îwo coiunts ofi accessory allter the talet iii mîrder iii the deaths oii Mition's Joseph Manchisi. 2(0, and his fiend. Roibert GrewaI. 22. oii Mississatiga. Mr. Manclii's reinains isere disciisered iii a rural area siiittt of- Miinttcal Aprît 27. lîvc ntîîîîîhsý aller the pair oenî îîîîssîng. Mr. Grewat*s reitiaitis weîe iisc ue red ilîree daysý aller lis disappear- Primiesuispect atid ciiivicted pedoplile Douiglas Mooire. 36. kîicîte hiiseil ai Maptehîirsi Ciirrectiiinal Centre Aprîl 2 betiire lie ciiiid be etiarged it tith1e tnircers. *First-degree murder suspects in court T% osi mnt charged ss iti lîsîde reendier iii ciiinection o 1lh flie stayitig îîl a Miltoni resiilent oL il appear ai Btrîtigion court via s îîeîî Jatiiary 6 Ioi bc spiikct i This ss as diciteit i theur Deceinhber 16 appearance ai Ontario Cut ii JUSoiIte ini Bîîrlîîîetîn. Brian Stîîckîîîîî 48, o ais ltîîîî dead iii a t'taning car Jiite 17 behiiîd 'Tralus transpoirt coiitpany oii Regîîînal Riiad 25, noiirh of Ho\v . -40<1. llaltiîn Huis resîdetît Michael James McDonoiigh. 39. and Poirt Crelit*s Joîhn Kevut SltClatchey, 47, ocere charged vvith fîrsi- îlegree tuurder in Juie. they ocre arrested the day aller the turt Lie il ter hones [CARRIERS I WANTEDI Halton Regional Police are investi- gating a break-tn ai a stnip mail under construiction in the Mattamy subdivi- sion on Derry Road. Overnight December 15. suspects lorced open a makeshift door t0 the construction site and stole numerous ptumbing and etectricat supplies. An Enaglovv dual tank air compressor xas also stolen. The total loss is valued at $7.(t0(t. you liai ait.\ infin îîîiin that li'ads toan ai icît iii tii or aiîiî ithi'i niatti, * ou inav be cI e îli ibin a i as li'iald. Yîiu a i/I iei', hiavet' iiiy suai14 iîaiî ori te.ihj iin coeurt. Cimu Stimpper 'i1Halti doesi't' suhîî ai'e tii iail dîsplav. (ail I 8(/<)222 TIPS (1-80)0-222- 84177) ori ilii'k out Crimemi .Stiqmp)eii. t'î'e îî Sit au'lauii'ii.t Crime Stppr of Ha -Equipment stolen from construction site t j 4VMlton man joins Peel police force A Milton resîdetît ovas one oii 33 new Peel Regîsînal Police olfucers soi un Tuesday in Missîssauga, Daniel McCarthy, along wîth bis fellow officers. hus successfully compleîed a total of 11(X) days ni training while aîîeudîîîg the Ontario Police College and flime Peel Regportai Police Training Bureau. Mi- McCarthy wîil noo% enter the fiuaI phase of his recruit training attîl u be assigued 10 a training olficer ai a Peel divi-