The Canadran Champison Tuesdav, December 21, 2004-5 LHIEN wouid divïue regional health care D0pi va Away Today lu Voul' New Networks wou/d splt Ha/ton into four areas Regacînal council as delîverang a strong message Ir the Ontarieo Ministry vif Health and Lcîng-Term Cure tIo preseirve Hatton's beatth care system wben îrnplemenîang tas recenaly announcecl Local Heath tntegraîed Netwurrks iLHtNs>). 'The ptan states tbat 14 netwiorks wcîutd be creaîed across Ontarior as ccammunity- based organizativons wath amandate an plan, co cirdinate. integrate, manage and fund heatb cure ut the tocal level vvithin delined geographie bounduries. But these networks dîvade the Region up antis four out of the 14 areas -somerhmng thaîts flot satang wett wvitb regiconal coun- callons for leur vif' wbailt covtd do to the qualty of bealîh cure. Regavonal Ceouncattor and f)akvîlle Mayor Ans Mutvate brougbt fvirwoard a motions Wednesday cattîng iri the ministen of healtb and long-tenm care ais estabtish t16 netwvirks, înstead of t4. resultag as the Regiion being in one netwvîrk. "l'in cleurty aryîng Ioi say Halton shoutd stay an ose local heatth integnated net- wvrrk, Ms Mulvaîr saad. Council also took issue wîeb the tack of consultation the ministry bas undertaken on LHINs and as recommending in a motion that any fture discussions inctude intensive consultation witb the Region. al Halton beatb care providers. othler regions and municipalities across Ontario and the Association of Munîcapalîties of Ontario. The lengihy motion approved by council Wednesctay also catis on the mtnistry to place a sîrong emphasis on ittness preven- taon and consîder local service detivery ini- tiatives as key componienis to any health cure systemn transformation. Regionat Chair Joyce Savotine oviti son be coneucting Halton's MPPs to arrange a meeting to discuss the proposed LHIN modet. The ministry adentafied that LHINs woutd co-ordinate service deliveiy, but clinical services woutd not be provaded by LHINs. Existing heatb care service provider organizations well continue to delîver the services. At thîs time, tbere are n detaîls os to what the LHINs watt specif- acatty do. For more infvormatioin. cvontact tbe Region ai (905) 825-60011 cor visît www.region.halion.oî or Region to spend $10,0OO on clean air initiatives Regvoîsal cviicil approved $10,ii188iil iunssing to supporithie initiatives of the GTA Clean Air Coîîncîl Wednesday. The cviuncit's mais goal is Io prîrvîde an oappvrtînity l'or stakehotders air discuss issues ail concers and participiate ai strate- gies Ioi impove air qvalty, a report frons Hatton Medîcat Offîcer oîf Heattb Dr. Bob Nosal exptained. The tunds will go oard researcb on issues netating an air iguality and witl atso support the Region's participation as a memben of the counicit. Dr. Nosat's report noted tbat Hatton will have a ctsansce toi take part ai an air quality iiodarttiig piiojeci. whtch wmît invîotve shar- ing and acqoiiring locat data taa in tam ancreases the potentialto anmprove esti- maies of the pubtic health impacts assoca- ated with poor air quality. "Partictpating in a GTA-wîde air qualîay modetting projeca as an oppnrtunîty an leam more on bnth a local and regionat scale,« Dr. Nosat's report said. 'Me Ctean Air Councit bas membens frnm, att levets of govemment in tbe GTA. At meetings, Hatton is nepnesented by bealtb depariment staff. ALL IVEW 2004 MIODEL CLEARANCE ON NOW!R 2004 Optra 5 speed manual transmission, 4 dor CD player 2.Legn 2004 Impala 34L 180-HP V6 engine, 4 speed aatvrnatic. air condi- biong power locks, win- dows, mirrors, trunk, remote 2004 Silverado V8 Engine, 4 speed automatic w lbh overdrive, duaizone Air Conditining, power ncks, windows & mîrrors, remnote keyies entry, 16' aismînno wheels, ABS, croise controi, CD Siereo, 40/20/40 spiit front seat witb castom cioth t r _____________________________________ Mg' SM CAMAUAS DiSET VEAR 811 CEL RR TMO MVE. Automatically receive a minimum avvard oef $1,000 on mont 2004s and select 2005s and a minimum nf $500 - on mont 2005s. And wîth other tantastic avvards, you could min anstantly. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO PLAY. trOR ' 0004 Epica rotincras-vas 1 50 grand prizes eliuatie purchase or iease or os à4z= c 2o0as ara 2005s Holiday Hours: Mon-Thurs gam-9pm - Closed Fri, Duc. 24th & 3lst, Sat. Dec. 25, Mon Dec. 2lth HWY. 25 S. AT DERRY RD. MILTON[- N--f---- Servirtg Milton For Over 3 Generattons Caîm1aliiçi 'g