24-The Canadiar ChamDior Fr!day Decemtvr 17 2004 i Royals iay mamrnoth beating on Ac toit ,,Correction By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Bîshop Reding's basketball trams used equal parts drama and domninance to tum back the visit- ing Acton Bearcaîs Tuesday afiemoon. The senior Royals provîded the latter, humbling iheir guesis in a manner transcending any and all coloorful terms tor a blowouî. Massacre, annihilation and thrashing don't qoite encapsulate the senior hosis' 77-16 victory whîch set new season-hîghs for scoring and point dilferential, while pushîng their league record to 3- Enjoying a clear-eut advantage in terms of both size and sheer nombers. the Royals had enough sconing tor the wîn before the game soas tour min- utes nid -and wiped oui the game's suspense fac- tor wtth a 30-4 Oirsi quarter. They scored 22 and 19 unanswered points over two particularly potent stretches, and held the thor- oughly-outclassed Bearcats scoreiess in the thsrd. AI Alilovie who helped Ontarto's Under-15 team win national gold ibis pasi soimmer -led the onslaught with 17 points, whie Lee Maîhe also bit double digits wîth 10. A whole siew of BR cagers fînished around the hait-dozen point range. 1n Stark contraNt to their setnior counterpacts. the junior Royals snack by with a last-minute basket froco Gerry Giddens -shading Acton 40-38. The lead changes hands five limes in the final frame alerne. whjle neither team had more than a Oive-point lead beyond the midway mark of the Second quarter. Zak Scboltz helpend put things away with anl insurance free theoco and huge defensîve rebound. oshile Giddens led oftensively with a dozen points. Like the seniors, thetr scoring was spread out lib- erally --with eight of nine players getting on the score sheet and five of them stnking ai least two baskets each. The narrow vtctory -unoffictally protested by Acton's coach, usho feit a third-quarter basket was tnîssed by the scorekeepers -evened thejuntors' recorcd to i I. A sportu photo cutline in the December 7 Champion contained incorret infomination. Thse AA peewees goulie waa identi- fied as Daniel Waller, when in fact il was cail-up Brandon Bodam betuneen thse pipes. Waller's namne wsou taken from an outdated line-up pro- vided at Saturday's game wits Brampton. The Champion regrets this error, as well as any incons'enience it may have canard. Who Does It... Pioosioi Spclty Smnics mpeCoutier golotioun Sales -Repairs -Support Networking -Deliver-y New & Used Computers Onsite sgervice n & Business gimpiifytuig 5005r computer bsyang experieuce. For Great déals. go to ww.imuplecomnpoters.ca emaijl alyosimnplecomnpoter.ea 55L5 main 9t. E.. Unit 13, Mlt onl Phone: (90) 875-&814 1 axn (90) 87s-M81 LET YOUR CHILD AAZE YOU. iSamue is a iiterenot aisdof u atter-schoot tearelsg programn. tE iumus, chiteiren master teS bastes ot mathn andt reading. Pltus, they aiso bud the tearnieg siffts, siudy habits. and cunfidenue tbey seed ta sacreed in schont. ...and beyno Milton kumon Centre Miltan Seniors'Activitti Centre, 50)0 CSiIds Dr. Mitas 416.818.4288 Il9trr Pet Sittingy Se' et Ta! iSuIe Ocal) e AvaflahlelaysAWeek J i Imrei and landed Gale Bock (905) 876-4304 1Servng Mifton and Cîinpbeilville www.ruffnpurr.com Bakkeeping Services Available EXPERIENCED Please Ca/i Ann 905-454-5885 WH DOSI THIS $POT COULD BE YOURS FOR C.ALL 905-878-2341 EXT. 23 Oring in this ad and receive for omore details Cal! Gus cupoin expires Jan. lt/ut DESIGNER EYE)ER R CONTACT LEsSES EYE EAS ARRANGED . REPAIRS SPECIALS FOR CHILDREN AND SENIOTRS LsRGEST SELECTION 0F FRAMES ON riSPUN IN THIS 7ARES D)ALA OPI'IIAL 88 MAIN ST. E aMILTON - 90j5-87-0553 Alway s FI~ Prfem c-7e DRVE TRAININ ~ WHEELS DRI VING SCHOOL Joie our mostadvanced www.tearntodnie com Driver Training Course. We wilI teach ou the most modern technics lu sae and defensive irivmng. Course ruas Dec. 27-28-29-30. Cali 905-878-4135 ta register. Locallv sas ad aoased. ALWAYS SITTING PRETTY Pet Grooniing for thar le Specia Family Member By Donna 1892 Edison Court, Mlton 905-693-18911 HALTON HILLS. ONTARIO 888.522.2875 www.glohalpa.ca Affordable. Name =rad.Cs emsbroidered Et screen peste ppoiret * Nova Business Sevices <905) 691-8229 novabusnessiervi(&svtTtatco.C Boatkeping and Tax Preparattefl Services. *Accourflowkkeupirg .Govemmnt RemOitnces *Accounts Recu,VabieiAcoounts Recoicaliabn Payable .Financia Statements Iflvoicingland Month.y Monit Endear End Statemnents Preparution Payroil iluding TAs and RCE's .Persona] Ta Pruparabon Reconciliaorns .Contsurng Sensncus Pieuse fel free ta cali us iodlay for a free nO obigation quote' Professional bog rooming q49O5-875-Tail (8245) *l 438 Kingsleigh crlxMîlton ISSUES? YOUR VOICE PAIAUEGAL SERVICES7 0 Seat daims. tendl aapfaais - Divan. a wdii - Camusal paras IU"- a Miscdaaasa agraaaaas & aSatatt * aaiaeca *Laald tassai &es;s ___ Cali: 905-878-2068 ~Whsou Yom Nead Appiance Servies Cal! ,t ThseComnpay Thme Manstacuters Cali.. 0 07-7733 !b 1 PET siirrING & WALKING