-j- *1 Milton hospital business office moves to Oakville Flic Mi Itou District tliispîtal t MDII> busiiîcss tillîce recetîtîs cliiscd ils clîttirs. but uit sUIt sscrc IcI gît iti the proccss Hîîspital Spokespersîin Trîsh Carittîn espiatned that an employ ce retîrcd n the cIlice, leasing il stafted by somettue from MDH 's sister lîtîspîtal lu Oakvilîe. She saîd now Oakvdle slaff have rctumed lu îheîr respective campus .îrtd othcr îinclliiiîs. like bih pay mettîs. has c been rcassigucd iii dît tercut alcas (il lite loctI bospitil. 'Theres uit skif> Itilpaci St Itaiso ever, she said "lis mitre tif a mîn solidation îtf services.' Volunteers that rau au inlonua- hou desk il ihe main eutrauce o> the hospital have now becu uîoved over lu whcre the business oflice operaied n ihe lobby. "The business tiltice ssiitdow s the tîrsî lhîug yotl sec sshcn yoîi corne lu. h makes a lot more scuse as tar as an inforrnaiiou desk Iota tjon' Ms Carlton saîd. Those who cîîme iii with bih inqîtiries wîll be able to use a cour iesy phone ai Ihe information desk iii speak wiîh accounîs receivable siafl. BuIs eau stîll be paicl lu per son at the hospital. Free turkey dinner at truck stop PREMIUM CERTIFIED PRE-OWNED VEHICLES ./ Ail CPOV Vehicles include Chrysier Manufacturer Warranties. ,1 Ail CPOV Vehicles include Emergency Roadside Assistance. / Ah CPOV Vehicies are inspected & repaired by Factory Trained Technicians and are fuily reconditioned. / Ah CPOV Vehîcles include 3-day/SOOkm exchange policy. As a way of lhankîng ihe Milton communiîy for ils support, ihe Fîfîh Wheel Truck Slop ivili hoid a free lurkey dinner wiîh ail the tnmmiugs. The complimentary meals wîll 6e served up lomorrow from noon lit 8 p.m. ai 16e Chisholm Drive lruck sîop. "We've boughl somelbiug lîke 35 îurkeys." said general manager Troy Newion. "The lasI ihing we waul s to rau ouI in 16e mîddle." Cash donations will be collecîed. aud will go iD the Inys For Tots program bemg rau by the Salvaîton Army aud Ballon Regional Police Service as wehl as Canadian Tire stores across Hallon. Teaming up for Ibis year's pro- gram are Hullon Regional Police, Ihe Salvation Army aud Canadian Tire stores acruso Ballon. Money raised ivilI provîde needy childeen in Halton communities wiih four or five gifîs, plus a stockiug. "We waul lu muke as mach mouey for Ihe Salvation Army as possible." Mr. Newton saîd. He added ail Fiflh Wheel loca lions will serve Ihe free meals. "Ils a lhauk you 10 ihe cusiomers n Ibe community for their support." Pre-trial date set in growhouse case Three uten charged in conneclion with a marijuana- growîng operatton ou ihe Milton/Aclon border wîLl appear in Milion March 22 for a pre-Irial 10 hammer ual legal issues before the trial. This date was decided December 6 ai Saperior Court ut Justice n Milion. Halton Regional Police raided a grow operattun in a bam on a Hwy. 7 property belween Fourth aud Fiftb hues in Jane. Tbey seized 259 marijuana plants wilh a potentiai sireel value of $259.000. Also seîzed was $2.000 in growing equîpmenî. Two Milion men Robert Popp, 36, and Troy Burton, 23 - were charged by Hullon police tu June wîîh productIon of a conîrolhed substance, possession of a coulrolled substance for the purpose of eafftcktng and thefi of eleclrtcity under $5,00». Rockwood resideut Weshey Whitford, 43, faces Ihe same charges. Dodge br ~ Dodge ,~ Caravan SE p~, pdl. AM/FM 6 cyl auto air p pdl tilt i~~1 Stk 24 552 *9,ggg.. Chrysier ~ Caravan SE Neon 38LV6autu ~ Y auuar, air p p41 tilt a uywhee CD CD deep S 6837498 Sîli 534575 Su. *9gg~. u. ,II-w..ê1, Chrysier Chrysier ~.- Neon LE Neon acyl autu ait 4vyI atitu tilt, ,~i.tIît diti ails> t heels alluy SerS CD civ kilts spoîlei __________ 51k 741699 ~ ~ 51k 259066 "' 1998 Neon LX Mystique ~ 53cr, Bitilet 6 cyt, auto a r 4 ryi aclc, ai,, p , pdt, iiii ailcyt, ira, tpOii pmr, ailcyt, er, ISM/FM 1997 Dodge ~ Stratus SE - Caravan 4 cyl, aîîtc, air, Spo.*t -~ p pdi, AM/FM 6 cyl, autu, a r p pdl, AM/FM 1W, cclourud Su. *5,9k.. key isheelt, deep 6u. 516 345093 AS US CORNER Cati Anwar Tha Oea! Maker For Details 1992 Dodge Shadow Turbo, as is $688 1992 Toyota Camry LEVO, as is $3,888 1993 Chev Cavalier, as is $488 1990 Toyota Camry LEV6, p.roof, as is $788 4A J CHRYSLER . DODGE JEEP [tierS iitttl"i ti-irtr',te, i,îrtiti.vt..iîei'.drîîriîîttitîîrq.riîsrilllcii'îe.îttîricîrtîpîsoî I