32-Tha Cavodian Champion. Tuesday, Docember 14 2004 f yotî have any questtons i 3e ueea a "s)ISi * these professionals can E aseplease write t: hall offame here "Ask The Professiortals"1 F7~1 Dr. Ron Strohan Optometrist ik IWakefield Professional Centre 106 Wakefield Rd., Milton Dr. Ron Strohan 905-878-5882 Optometrist Mun-Tirurs 9-6, Wîil-Prr 9-5, Tues 9-8 Salurilay AM irp appurartîanît December Our Professionals Speak Friands I have baen pracivup Opiamaary fir citer 25 yaars. t hava iaaudi aira nat stragglrng aird vr lire mat banalicial panri gauirais ta ra coin- manreare ru my parieurs andrr aa caanmanrry rire uead fru evnatv irealair cura. Wa iaserrira sacrarvaofhphivetlviug. Byfinrsi1meatrmeiave lr rtve lite styles. lake hmues, clatiras, tfaod, and acarlahalis rai servicesý Mmcli igier iran mny airer coauntry ru aire martd. We aara [laave ara aria caianai aysiam tarumore adavarîcad huai auy ratir atti tlia ptauei. And yer rir te uudersîmndang ai aye cre anil ieailîr care are stil aura- randerstaaad Ithave venîarad aud cantinuea ira min riris coatiî Sarme rnîeaeaîing mnd catiiraa adge informaion. anal stue rapitve iradereing' yuu shauld have saur ayea etaminad lue rire heairir ut yaaarseii and yur eyes. Il taes a liai ut anergy day aitr day mark airer mark îaflrng peupla mirai ru du mnd iata Iu take cane ai atimetig lirai iras bain damageil ile ma ruagiaci Yeî day ailer day me haie rire excus- as ai. rai nuan. my ayes dont han.t 1 tuai eine, t drani uaad auraihar puair ut gretr OOPS. Wherr am I puîng croup? Or ami 1iryrng to ha saper marmad hava aaaryunr andrsaud aumarirp micir ara braken ceur b ha ludt Badli ru my mauihiy îdacaîra cu rs Naam peuple hae ru ha matie acuniairle cînce sonme services ara nu langer conared by OHIP. Il rs gondl ra tee thata peuple mira lirsen. t am sra mmny mari doua Iot mander hewmnmy reaibisn calamu. mnd tua ihisa miro du. I asir yu du ailasi cansey mny rhinp yoa andarrimil ta yaur 1avril oret and fienis. Prasentran is tire uniy may. Yoar ayea ail te othr heath ra tiffuersae er 128 hula O ve ai Mercy Mimnhmaugiî. ON L4W 1M8 A GMAC Cumny - ohn Carme. AMP 9()5.878.7213 Maunaure Consuatant www.stresafreemorigages... Your motigage coîlti be a goîdmîne of polenhfal savîngs "A penny reued a upinny eutuit..o ni the aid prea i lii O hrcurie, Ohe alaio ah petit hur itauttit ninealat frtaeinie Men ytari lia crer frie eIr arsiam n athe valtue oi keptig nitaI Vraoitir lTldy, ya crutld tai ihiasaidi il dollars Il ranply uai tle agt mrtile lîrarara tf yar ai tae nMost Curaitu hînruanîrs liaiurilrtate an a tîtdinî il rtiatal utv arts, tillhe pull lia iattie, we aioluI aboit lhe imuprtncer il ior nautuîr ai rît ti liai viii sinifticat inanid deatîrint. lutte exptial the avauio il tg ira adse il a nîttgaît prties sinaît rhethîr yiiire lattIn a home ut itueaing anitarg nulgate, Titiy, ltis taire a Irak ai île tru ie in aii nags yoacrai înîry Sp vuiting the nght rutilge deciaîrrîs Il i nhe prniiry rite il a nuigettihler o ild yra lt rht pridct fr yaaa pîrsna sitationr A noItati irriter isae tananial prlissaisut unr tai liai iurinetaiiit aianr- hi or tht i wantr la aîdîîîtîît liai pita itaueain and payait prrtîîîencesr ortaigei Irrita tas aritit ir a lniraif ipiru ifltendit ittutrions. nîo on do e nraituabit cruparnan shoppig fI lhe imit coiniain ofttratais rttt aid naîgag options. Oit lIeu aluis ahirc taiat ippouaius ro taie mnry rata ttat dt lia yur lgagi. Ifao are tie nosl hînîranen, pic are icitad tifr floot tortn- ai itri the Bit positie rte toua iaingagi. Youm ngagi re liritcier tyc rt lint range iorte aplinan itenia teà nmnrgge lrkrrai gel pu rît prent ol ithîe pastrat tilt ou rtrarstalin a ri finira lit00 in aiaterrit pea $100,000 lraite rata a lh-îiara moitîr irîrtair tf hantait lic brtaîte tuai vint nipgig tra arr laiial îhe sai trir anianitutioni lttai ui liii art- cier thr tact niai trin au ragitao a piait dierec in niai rauca rOta sagniat avlting rani lhe iraît il lia yurionage. Bai ir aIra imrteta t iat îolok lyodte laie TItr are cite way ta iait atiga in ,U Moatai- rugi tir vidtage limier stil t-ate oauret lieras art rer afpaolitrri asniai assaut alli th Mdart tsi aways tisane Moruey inarigugi la tu gîtai alitai litas in yut ailt u May raillt I ai lilas l ay t tari hi ua- par oi lita maiQula Il tac tuante Oaas talid aarsirtty lait t rie il Iori naigagi, îaa ati tai ihituitns oi tallais in aintrait ypuaing liai nilgae ahf samiet lAi voai hui a eeitt or lamnthtt Catidrai a cange Irant île actai mnîly tgiaga lut mira SetU tîtut vaigalgi patniil scuitale la coiint ril vara pa eri Ogua air ai sa ear as ilf titi nIguge. ait m titouast oi tallais in raaîgs Caniatihe ait petit laineSb uaan ivitlc i aIr lire easy' ri saigarianeo rIi iry. aiUreptet b-itta uie san tuy ave aur e r meni nie cOit e latia rk m i mori taa lurae thuai ait a mna ril laiasu aepert in luilin ria e tan rat ut ns lIai tar hake ait tas aiearai nluri il ira naimgaga rarchî a arr notaan mît vasa triat acreý, tiel à, Cramfntnil ik tit,.. INtelliaeeua. wmheaiao. Ic/o The Cartadian ChampionF 191 Main Street E.L Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 r CHIROPRACTICU 180 Ontario St. S. Milton ,(905) 878-4994 s D ,g1 -- Fax:(905) 875-4485 Emai: drabarrow@asympatico.ca THE "1NINE TO FIVE LABOUR" PAINS Anymvrnim hhasarraa.preUnancy iori a aitasisii he vary rai laixon pains ofichiidbinh Bui the ~labouraina s ass aied ith avarking ai a las-o-iv job ar ut iry aii aaapiad oraundarstia Sumeiiea ilh. oîîlv difece utasmen fic mun abost te paa hathsan dihe ria insi ih nccumupug eck, ami, mriso haidrpauinithe aavach aaadiiaaus iierveived, Uemngprea iis quietiuaiicaabi. Il i alcm u kîramladge ihai pregnaîs.y and rahîdbirh aiseoiva pain and dascomfoea, and wiii requira souti finie off'ail. Bsaaauiaai.t anyona suai r nt ta n sc"cn diions usnh as reparirase maninurieas (RMI'st and cumulativeatrauma disaai clan (aUrDar usaaiy hrave trublea bug luirai aaiaraiy Faa people îeaIty notice, uudaisiand, or cmnidio rire conditioins satoat atiegh ao inipada mar or warranti sri lune off. Tomk aiesw e srtie daciars aciaailvsapgesiihai people arih sull iounes fid eaaaieraniilravuiaiii.aarh asaai.îalial ra fficesarrk. Uutaaatnataiy. asca the saraningiysaimpia iasks. am.h asa heuding ava a daak. i11p1g, iaifineaasaiapes osanene theaphon, mrainipivsitairira r iranasicail- adperuad afi nie on a peau0y pasiîanad chaian lbi diicair paipou for simienneasaluapriatmmijurisassocaidmihtheanck adyar extreanîitia 'Ma "difficaiy" in completia a rush as nai atmava relaird la tire p ain alana. bai allai invelsas aaaacîad sympattia aac h as uaaaaa. haadachaa. ilrradvion meaiaessaor uamhuaas ofinilsaoriaaper. aaseaseao iiaagaiery drioued, and rvn oal iboiy poun Diffiieniarpe miii auperrinv aigdprsadsain -rsm.m miii mr y ha aneaifiabhi, tai aea sIl iii rsian rtiufieas. soreuaas and airiahiiiî Ir ati llaihes murh mare aenuas canditions, ir miii heccline aimmisi anhaaraeeria ilth paint fafelimg anabia la air. stand, orcie mrîh simple mark deanda. la. mirai de peu do if vaa'mea vicim ai such oaa refise hiaest The firai ilion -aa to l du is t, èyar hirpralai, Ciiaicior con pinpeiniitheiapr cille pmbirm area and hOUag meivame reliai, hinca, mehing bath yaar job and yaar de monranjoabl.ahoa.e sffering fronmiok-miard innais iir dasai- drs mhoareacansi ring canunaig a sialiiiii hese aesshaid nsiaIaon making chiropractie an anirera pasri dfhiri treaimani plan, aire mat ai ihese nyprami are eggiaaed. if rai indacea inby itranca r ihe ravir area. Cimeai siadias hava demausiraîrd a dircuoreacian heime ami, mrisi, and nhaaider p air. anl tha nervis finai en rraoant the ravir A spira frra tram nrra aurass mdi ha haiir eqaappad ta ieai lire hndy frram arasa paiai ad aller clnp- plin coditions. In masi cases, lira dug-frai. rau aurpuca ap<juiaci ef dira priais. iihbctameeffaciveathan dia mari iradananul meial options. ~HHEN&BBATH Milton Home Hardware & FenEas Building Centre BnDein 385 Steles Avt Eaxi, Miltun _ el905-299-3376 fevans@cugucu.ca Kitchen Renovation; Where do I stafl? 1 kovtha tkin ona pojci rfae kîrchan renoaaîjn eue veam like an ovrhlin ak pu rairte limie a researchr and plan can aisa ha fnadrwrig her ss mach infoamation avaiahie naa rirai darng sme preartry rsarc i asier rirai aser. In Canada me hase avariairie fantsi rde oagazie boh Canadran mnd Airrencan Tire Ienet iras nie ite whe yo an gai pradaci infanmation tramt cainets ru appianees. Tire are ceir viles lirai affer îîps in kîtehen planning. Tire Naioanal Kichen & Batir Assaciation alto iras ireiptalianfarmatian. Mat cainet manuatîrers hase mair sires chere yaa tan serail lirug heanlifai phatas aI fahaloas kaîcirens la dram% ideas tram. Dîseasaer N oar stle. and îhrnk airaut howam lia eb appied la taour spaca. Cansîder tire pasirirîras of nrasrnp rire appiaucas pIamirg ara waii Clasrug are ai rhree aunres inia tour krîeheu. Depaudrug au tira agi af yaar hame, Lichen iayaai may have baan desrpned ra fit a mirale dîffar- eni iifesiyie, aomiral is essenîrai in 20)05. Amail ramaa and vtle change cmn insiporale a krîchen af a saneraria aider hame. Yaa van da iras mîirh aat addrnp square faaîaga irat addrng nea fle and characier ao a elosed in space. Tis ses ten ffr ogirrns ap a space reat atng nararai lîghi iiraag a arr- dawrm trahlr adjacent room Lrphrrug isvaery imporanu a a kitcirai rai- oatian and cmn greai rpiae fornctian ru tire aorkspaca. Ih a;,,a ads la rira asaratI design and aini-sphara. Siart eakrng taur crash liai, nacra araae. ampraaad rucrian. birrglatrr If yac naad ra replace applrancas tai uaatd ioý stnam a onne, ri tac aocid iota a Aas la teatare a rîavcîad clletaion perliapa. tiia v, thaie \ou start. We should have a Miltonu Sports Hall of Fame. Il's about lime ste recognized r special achieve- meula by our air- O 6 ut in letes, officiais. coaches and evan et il t've seen people in g every sport in Milton miro have made enormous contributions of their flme and etfort l'or the sake of others. They don*t do il for tire accolades, but perhaps their accomplishments cao be an inspiration to others. and it's a way of recognizing and rememhering our sports heritage. An area in the Milton Sports Centre that people cati look ai as they're waiting for hockey games or other activilies would be fiee. I cao name six possible inductees off the top ot my head with- ouI lhinkîng about il, such as those lîsted below. Bruce flood: 'Me fîrsi referee to offictate 1.0(1 games in the NHL was învolved in Milton minoir hockey ait its roots level, reas active in the conimunty for years. and has been a champion of lire game of hockey anal outspoken ertfle agaînsi violence since bis relîrement from the garnie. John Tonelli: Easily Mîlton's besi and mosi successful hockey player whîch is why we have an arena named afier him. He woîî four Stanley Cups wîlh the New York Islanders, was sensaltonal in the 1984 Canada Cup, and had a 10(1-point season in the NHL. Larry JarasIawski: As the wreslling coach ait E.C. Drury sînce forever, he's piled op s0 many championships even he may bave lot track of theas aIl. li's a sport thal would be easily overlooked if 001 for the efforts of one indivîdual's dedication. And without fi, aIl those people who received Iheir own reriards and awards fromt participaling wouldn'î have had that opportuniîy. 2004 Milton Marauders: There's a long list of accomplish- menîs for thîs football leamn, which includes knocking off the perennial champion Oakville Longhoms. Mosily, here was a teamn from small-lown Ontari o juai a couple years inîo their existence going aIl the way 10 the national championship and winning. Il's almosi a movie. Darrent Haydar: Haydar's hockey career is far froas ftnished, but bis accomplîsbmenls rehîte playîng with the Milton Merchanîs are sensational. He overcame bis biggest perceîved obstacle b is sîze -and scored 71 goals and 14(1 points in one season. That was followed by a successful career ait the Utniversity of New Hampshire and an excellent start 10 bis pro career. Dave Anderson: Lawn bowling îsn'î exacily maînsîream, but Is another reason for a Milton Hall of Famne. Il helps gîve the spot recognition and maybe Anderson's accomplishmenîs ai the national and international level eau ire an inspiration to others in lawn bowling, or any sport. Juveniles dispose of lowly opponents Milton's AA juvenîtes iuned up for a baille for first place with iwo decîsîve victories over inferior competition laIe lasu week. Pushing theur rein streak Io 10 games -abter back-to-back lotss as 10 Thorold early tat month -the Winierhawks whiîewaahed irosi West Lincoln Thurîday and Ihen dumped Waterford 6-I Saîurday ut Memorial Arena. Jason Sn-oug reas un net for bouir gamet, as tandem partuer Cory Curtis uursed a groin pull sustaîned earlier in the week. Agaînsi under-sîaffed West ILincoln, Milton amatsed four third-period goals 10e put tira game ont of reacr- with Mark Galîck ieudrug tire way wiur îwo goals and an assist. Kyle Strong alto tallîed tice, muile other multi-point nîghts wire delivered by Chois Coules, Barry Kosmalskî and Kyle Scott. Two nnghts later ai home Siroug, Thomus Patrick and Julian Rîcci had tbrea points each 10 snnk tire short-siaftad vîsinors reie Cîrates. Scott and Wes MeDougaîl huad imýo aprece. Miltonujamped ont lia a 3- O ead mnd neyer tookeal back ir lifting is record 10 14-2. Tire Vinterhaioks irase eto1 St. Cathartnes Thursdaiy far a gaine nrati trkely deenda first place materai and home-ice advanîage for tire playattis. Mitont mai uta darabi hase ,îdded treanînsa ths lime rard. sînce ana rutemet giîci hacl Iheir league litas cvacrn i utthree insteacl fma la- tiras ailatvtug St. Cathurines lIo take their spot in Iins reir's Iriler Stick Trraamenî ru Mîrorencacu. The local jus enles mon tire shorecuse last seascîn. making lire error tirai much more difficuit 10 trealias. E 1rý