ThpC., C ~ h s .. rîght of way lover autooie LI <AEJ RT I iw ssi ( uu/ sssîss ILfl/ii(itiiiiiiii.iij5,5 iSe s 1,s Occi phi i, /iti iiiiisii iiisssîiî, i August 1904 Il yssir hos is ,îcaiI Io lijce an ailtoifli fille on Ille mal, hold h/i yssîir hand and l ic driver ofl the m/stuc n/ss sti/ri îd ssist Yîmu fis pass. Sîich is the lin% ad anmong the provisions ut the lîcense nhich the owner tiI ,n auitomobile mulst have. The lîcerîse costs $3 per year, The provincial voluntcer firemen's con- vention and tournament look place. On the second aftemoon of the convention the del- egates were treated toi a drive to the terra cotta wurks, over the mountain and to the reservoir. On Wednesday evening the Milton brass and reed band gave a concert aI the Court House Square in hunur of thic delegates ail of whum attended. Thursday the town was gay with bunting and other decorations. Tbe competing brigades acrived by tht-ec excursion trains. The pro- cession presented a fine appearance and was about a mile tn length. Sbortly after I1t p.m. the last train left and aIl was quiet agatn. The meeting of the liremen was a big event in Milton's history. Visitors gen- erally expressed thenîselves as greatly pleased with the reception gîveti them with the gond accommodattons affordcd by the local botels. Angus, eldesî son of Wm. Sloan jr., was knocked down andl mn over by a rig on Main St. on Tbursday eventng. He was severely bruised about tbe body but no boutes were broken. An elderly man, wbose namne we dtd not learu, was also mun down by the samie borse, the driver of wbicb neyer looked back to sec wbat damage bie bad donc. On Tuesday two immigrants. Frand Le Mitnquand and bis brother, aenived in town, secured employmcnt at tbe Milton Pressed Milon Hýs, TIme Capsules Milti il. Mi\tlton had beni f n sis te cease for Misutreal ibis tnorning. F-rank went tii bis truuk. look a gold susser- eign t'rom t., laid the coin on bis bed, lockecl up the itîunt. and the heothers, nent out. lurgettîng the money. Alter they had got down tuswn Frank discovered that hie bad nuît the money and both wcut back t0 the bouse where tbey lound Milton in their coora. Frank saîd 1 forgot my qucenie." Milton satd 1 did not take it," and rusbed ont. Tbe brothers could not ftnd the coin and Frank swore ouI an information, cbargîng Milton witb stcaling it. it was afterwards found lying un thec ground close to the bouse. Milton was acrested by Chief Constable Bradley and brougbt before D, Haetley, J.P. tbts moming. 'Me brothers gavc evidence and Milton swore in bts own defense that be entered tbe bedroom after tbe brothers' retum. Tbe magistrate dismissed the case on the ground tIsai tbe evidence was not strong enougb for a con- viction. A heavy storra occurred Saturday. Rail dîd great damage in Esqucsing. Me. Peddîe. of Manscwîuod, says tbat the beads of the oats there wcre strippcd and so werc the tomato and potato plants. He saw bail stones wbtcb were over an tnch tn diame- ter. The windows, on onc sîde of bis bouse, were broken by the bail. G.E. Saunders, of Agerton, says tbat bis oats were tbresbed in the stems by tbc haîl and could be scooped up ont of tbe furrows. A new bamn on the farm of tbe late John Kîtcbîng, Nassagaweya, was bumi. witb t contents, hay, faîl wbeat and implements. John Wriggleswortb, county counicillor, of Asbgrove, bad five bead of caIlle kîlled by ltgbtnmng. Wm. Lawson, of Esquesing and Mes. Porter, of Appleby, eacb lost a sîcer and A. Claeidge, near Acton. tbree borses in tIse same way. Bricki works, and arranged toc board at tbe bouse ut' Walter Shîngler. They were put.. iiito al itiible-bcdded r/tom, the second bced Tbe Bennett House stables bave just being occupîed by James Milton. a Scotch bren compleîed. and Jus. McCartney says immigrant. wbîî bad bren engaged at the bie cas stow away 32 borses. îsoîks fosr lte pasi six neeks. Yesîerday T/his nitral/î us asssenîbled eut be/tai] tut evenîîug Mrs. Shîngler advised the bruithers chu' Miltitî Hiscuîî icul Soetvrs-hv J/m Dil/s. tus buy dînner ps/ils. Accusrîlug lis uheur i//o îau lu ru'auhcd hi e-utail t st/s/y they nent tii theur rit/m and luund iîI@idirtu tin.s TIIE CAAA CHMPO Recent letter about pîtbulls quite mîsleadîng Dear Editur: Tbis letter s in respîtîse tus I Andres' letter omn pîtbîîll mite zling that appe.iced in last t-riday 's Championu. t agree wîîh yîîu ni respect iii people who let ibeir doigs rti iid out in public places such as parks and the tair-grounids. This shows that lbey'rc irresponsible owners. A responsible owner wîll bave their dog under cuîntrol ai ail limes. However, that's the only tbing I agee witb you on. Thse bisîory of pitbulîs îs jusi tIsai - bistory. Yes, tbey used lu be ftghting dugs and most likely stilI are in somte Third World countries. But animais evolve and adapt in flic same way wie do. Just because of thse bad practices and flic way these dogs were used many yeacs ago, tIsai docsn't meant tbey make bad pcts now. People make bad dogs, wbicb is wby we need to pusb education. And as far as I'mi concemed, owning a pitbull bas notbing lu do witb status. As foc pîthîtîls bas îng a lack ot intelligence," iy (log is imnly eiît nonîbs old and is priibably muire isheiient than mosi il the diigs out there -especially otheri lier age. I alsît bleve that breeders doi understand the problemn wîîh the breed. That's why responsîble breeders are regîstered and only breed purebred pîthulîs. The main problem is witb 'backyard breed- crs', wbo cross-breed Ibese ani- mals. And I would put money on tIse fact tIsai a bîgb percentage of pitbull bites are frum cross-bred dogs, or due to bad ownersbip. I don't agee wits buw îown couincillurs bave singled nul pit- bulîs. By not including ail dogs - or even tIse breeds tIsai more fre- quently bite - tIscyre setting tbemnselves up for a lawsuit. By muzzling unly une type of dog, tbcy're saying pithulîs are tIse only unes that are dangerous. t also question flic statisties quoi- cd by T. Andrews. 1 work with ani- mal contraI officers, and believe me pîthulîs diiiit represeut 5i) per cenit isi (lîg ,îtî,îks. li's nîîîcb loiset. Alss. nhere dtd T. Aitdress s get tîtit 3 per cenî t oail iliigs iissnes iii Cuanada are pîtbulls' Ut. îtl a prîsper pull is dunie. it's impossible Io say what percentage ofi dogs pîthîttîs represent. I wouldnît suggesî gettîng al pift bull unlcss il bad paliers statîng it was a purebred. Geîtîng a dog lîke Ibis second-band isn't a good idca, because yîîu don't know bow the dog was treated. Pithulîs rau make wonderful pets. Tbey're smact and affection- atc. But lîke any pet. they do require a lot of work - namnely education. training and sociaiizing. There are many peuple wbo dis- agee witb flic decisions of our goverument regarding pithulîs. I know we bave to, start somcwbere in tenus of addressing tIse issue of dog bîting, but let's du tbiiigs rigbt. John Cook Speedîng on Woodward is indeed a big concern Dear Editor: I 'm wnîîing in response to a letter in TIse Champion regarding speeding on Woodward Avenue. 1, 100, live on tIsaI stretcb bctwcen Matin Street and Ontario Street. As tIse motber of thrce cbildren, speed- ing is of great concem toi me and my family. I've been thse unfortunate witness to onc cbild bcing bit by a driver, plus several other near misses. I've also îîoticed tIsatin order to stay on schedute, bus drivers are some of the worst offenders of tIse speed limît. Please drivers, slow down and remember you're supposed lu bie senîing a gond example for ur kids. The prublemr is a notîceable one and when Father Mark Curtis was campatgning for cutuncîllor, bie prom- ised Ibat if elected bie would dclinitely work osu suIv- ing tbe prublem. I must also mention Ibat only once in my four years of living bere bave I secu a police ofi- rer posted to look for offenders in Ibis area. May I suggest Ibat tbe Town look mbt posting more sîgns indicating tbat tbis is a scbool zone u ne serv- icing two scbools. Pcrbaps a new stop sîgu before tbe Holy Rosacy Scbool entranceway cuuld be put up, or even speed bumps. Tbis is une of tbe bustesi areas for scbool kids. Let's treat it as sucb. Tamara RiIey local repairman's expertise and service is top-notch Dear Editur: I'd like to compliment a local crafisman un bis expcrtise, demeanour and sparkling conver- sation at a lime wbeu impersunal mass-marketing tecbniques seem lu bre the noms rather than the exception. I bad occasion lu drop in lu Thumas Julie watcb and clock repair shup recenîly. Il was is îlay off, but nul until bie was well un the way lu diagnosîng and repairing a malfuniction in my daugbter's lime piece did bie mention Ibis. I should't bre snrprtscd by bis expertise lu 19817, bie repaired a mandle dlock Ibat bad bren manu- factured in pust-war occupied Europe. The Enrupean firmi adv/sed me that il cîsuldn't be repaired, but Mr. Jolie fixed ut. In 1992, I was reliably advtsed by a bîgbly-reputable fir that bad manufacînred a wrisî watcb that bad bren presented lu my faîber in 1925 Ibat il wasn't able lu bre cepaured. However, Mr. Jotlie fixed if in îoîally satusfactucy anr I îbink Ibat Mr. Jolie's appruacb, capabiliîy proven reluabilîîy and pnide in workmanship will serve hum well fur as long as hie chuusses lu perform buts choscu craît. DI. Richardson Milton LAY'S SWIMk 4 cHALTON COMMUN 'lm B U ï~ REHAD CENTRE 4.AQUATIC REHABILITATION -I PROORAMS SWIM PROGRAMRESRTDN ,JANUARY 3 TO MARCH 12 Spr2Wr njre *RedI Cross Aqua-Quest (1 -12 Levelx) SprWok nj ie Parents and Tots ePost Surgery e Arthritis Lap Swimn n <8am-9am & l2pm l-pm) AdMore! *Private Swimming Classes A * " 3/Semni Class & Introducing 2/I Enroil Antm ! Semi Classes E Rookie-Ranger & Star Bronze 90 7 -5 5 Medallion & Bronze Cross