The Canadian Champion, Fiday, December 10. 20104-5 ilousiiîg sililatage worse un MîhI'ïon than other parts of Halton: Schau j ri By STEPHANIE THIESSEN taciliie such as Martindale Gadens on "Alack.ofaiffrdable houing hasramf .....& tM t u'- The Champion With o lack of' attiirdahtc housing in Milton for seniors and prou tnp waiting lis for suhsldiLcd hosîsi ng, Word 4 Coicillor Wcndy Sehau said sometbing accus iii he donc -aind soon. "We'rc bccoming lîkc a midi iii hîgh- inc'omc ghetto," said Ms Schau. 1lis impotant that seniors %sho have hivcî hcrc ail Iheir lives tinci a place iii live." Thai wis the messaige ,hc dclivered 10 a lew dttuen people ishî aiiended an infor- matioin mccting addrcsstng atfordahlc housing (tir scuors last scck ai thc Milton Scnîors' Aclîsîly ('entre. Ms Schau - who's also chair oftihe Milton Affordahlc Housing Coailiion sait allhough she's hccn ctinccrnced ahout affordablc housing for many years, shc's bce lhînkîog about it cvcn more latcly as she and hcr husband conlcmplalc clownsiz- îng. "Now thal l'm gcîîîng 10 he a senior. Bruce and 1 arc thinking, 'Whal happens ncxt'?" Ms Schau wcnl over the various offord- able housing options for scoiors in Milton, which nclude seniors' condominiumus like ihose oo Milîside Drive ond Drury Paerk, which are freehold condominioums; apari- menis. both reniai and suhsidized like the oîne ou Bruce Street; and assisted living 'I 'il, W LUC ETÈý Marin Street She said thc -horioge of attuirdahie hîns- ing is defiînitely a loîcal issue. "The situatiotn is ssirse herc ilian tither paris ot Haion," Ms Sehati saici, adding ' attorclablc' is delincd as shclter ibat cinsis no mitre ihan 30) per cent of* stîumnone's grîîss inctîme. Accttrding iii 20011 figures trion Stattstics Canadia, 25 per cent of Halton rcsidcnts uncler the age ol 25 who are reint- tng are spcnding 50) per ccnt or mitre ofi thcîr income on sheltcr. As resîdcnts gct oldcr. the stosîstie drops and then increoses otncc ogain fotr seniors. More thon 25 per cent tif senioîrs over the age of 75 rcntîng in Hoiton spcnd 50) per ccnt or more tnt thcîr incomc on shelter. "Seniors and affordable hcîusîng is where the hippesi difficulty lie," she saîd, addîng Ihere arenit enough sabsîdîeed apoctrieni buildings in town. There are currently 55 seniors on thc woîîing list for o subsidîzed apocimeni, she saîd. There are jasi 125 apariment suites aI the Brucc Street and Harmony Couri build- ings. "lIl's a three-;ýar waiting lisi." Ms Schaa said. No subsîdized housîng bas been buili in Halton since 1995, she said, adding Milton has just o 1.4 per cent vacancy rote. 11 1411 '11 minimum svage don't make enough 10 lice in an oparimeni." She saîid there nceds tn he a greater pub- lic ccsîrc fotr affordlahle hîîusîng. ,mnd atlded onne tif the bacriers to ihati s people saying 'Not iii my hockyarct." There is somc hîîpe ion the hîorîizon, Ms Sehan saîd, with lantd set aside toc tîuture apariment buildings in somc parts ot' Milton. Elaînc McGuigan was one of the senîiors who aîtendcd the discussion. She saîd tl dîîesn't make sense foîr thc ginvemment Io focus on health care and educotion, but nînt affordahlc housîng, because the lîrsi is inecessary 10 ailain thc sccond tand thîrd. "Wc'rc losing out on a building bloc). ot whaî me're îryîng 10 accomplîsh," Ms McGuigan said, odding, "Thc type rit placc yon're living in has aî hage affect on your qualiîy of lifc." Wall Elliol, who mas o local MPP from 1987 to, 1990, saîd the key is to blcnd suh- sidizcd housing wîîh non-subsîdîzed. s0 those necding financial aid aren't sligma- lized. "1 wish I was youngcr aond had more energy, because the timing iv riphi tu pet things donc," he said, Stephanie T/îiesseî tati be reat(ied a) nîhiesnen@mltîotitoanadiani'hanipiii.ioni. foe!!!, , ['4CHVfff 4 dr. 4x4, V6, ato air. pw, 4x4, V8,auto,pw, p,U, 4drV6, auo, air, PW, PI.,lIR, 4r AO, air,pW, PL. tilathor, 4dr, V6, 0autairpw, ptl,, pl, Ri oaudil 57 COlon Ioadud ioaded, 30000 km. 54,b55 km. StkM137425A ladud, 87,000m St# 2 3,97 600i4 2,4 niU 3, Sk#207*3 '0 CEVCVAlEý 4 dr. 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'0CE / WCB VO, auto. air, PW PL, toaduil 138,000 km StP261A$47 ý,O tswm SuhAfnican .33/1009g T Tompson 49z SRaisins * 1 lb ~NaturaI 0/lO SSupreme48 Almonds 4M lb Neilson .66/1OO00g inniuding ac ilos OChocol ate2 * b ~flrni4assorted 1. î100g Dre favouro 29 Cranberriesg.9 lb iPistach ios 3I 1 Pure Chocolate .84/1a009 OCovered :379 SAlmnonds a* lb .retZeisi I3 Mlbi no puanuto, roasted, salted or unisalted 1.08/1 00g SDeluxe A891 0Mixed Nuts4. lbI L: .. _-iann&Hra SpinetSe Swiss Herbai Evening Prumrose Oit 50a mg, bnus an + 30 caps 9-59.1i ~1Swiss Herbai Apple Cider 1 Vinegar ana mg, bonus ano abs 3.91.1 OEHN O3mega + Fit or O3mnega + Pumnp 60caps 14.49.1 AOrganika B Complex 1 High Potency 60 tubs 7.79.1u P.1catiowbi an nnc ise ictfo,;v i 0 MILTON MALL (905) 693-9207 SSQUARE ONE (905) 897-1210 OAKVILLE (905) 257-7987 ERIN MILLS TOWN CENTRE (905) 569-3629 SDIXIE OUTLET MALL (905) 891-0976 11gW*rddnii t pW naýW& ýU o ohdw« 1'91 PNMC G ý99 POWIAC SUNFIRE '96 CHEV BERETTA 1 1 '03 BUICK REGAL LS ]