-Ail wrapped Modal Elizabeth shows a pair of Jo. Boxer plaid flannei -J-. ciq1ka pajamaes wlth a blue brassiera undlerneatt to two shoppera et ~ f the Cypresa Man'a Nlght Christmaa shopping avent Tùey The annuel evening at the downtown store featured il« mod-31MwStez /o ais* to showcss inntt fashions for ChriaMas shopping. (905) 878-5165 Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Ever stop to think andforget ta start again? The Regflonal Hlo A~5O Munlclpaltty of Hto A ,Partnership That Works! " N Help, Ieep Halton Beautiful Blue Box Recycling Tips You can heip raduca iitter with some simple steps f0 prevant your racyciabies from taking flight on windy days. Please ensura your blue box matariais are piaced curbside in a sacure manner. i -On windy days, place your blue boxes out for4, collection by 7:00 arn. the morning of collection day instead of the night before. If possible, stack your blue boxes on top of one another to prevent papers from blowing away. - Fi boxboard boxes with other boxboard material. . Place heavier items on top of lighter items. Flatten and tie large cardboard boxes and placee securely underneath or between your recycling boxes. YadWate Coflecton id Yard waste collection is now complete for 2004 rftI Uar u kÀ11fYard waste can stili be taken to the Halton Waste Management Site. cV UflIRT I LEqi 5400 Regionai Road 25, Milton Furniture, Horre Acceniti & GifV.5 MonayoStuda 8:00 arn. to 4:30 p.m. Lot~ o Gr at kftIcIa& Fee: $5/vehicle up to 150kg and 98 Lot'5 ofGrea Gif Ide E51cents for every kg thereafter. * Oramen.e PecraVlrl0(Commercial loads $98/tonne) * FrIte Pa0IonYard waste B3ath & B3ody Limie collection, * Teche'~ GfVewil' start agair ln April 2co5 * Frlnt0 Calenclar & Frame *Gourmet Food Producte Halton Region e *Jewelleiy & Acce99orIce Recognizing Youth Envronmental Initlatlvn * h ia-~ th lo CI ve. T he upcomîng holiday season provides the perfect opportunity to think 5uv 2 r~ of the gifts provided to us by ou aua niomn and to reflect on a KEE 0!F-r!" Region in partnership with the chairman's Round Table On the .~, , ~,,E nvironment, is offering two awards programs designed to support the efforts of Halton's young people and encourage them in their V ,- EXTENPEP HOLIPAY HOUR5: environmental leadership. We urge ail parents, teachers and iJ Mon4ay ta Wedneeday..9-7pmn tudents to visit our website at www.haitonbusiness.com or contact us ~ ThrsJa & FlJa........-9pm-'~ Scholarship Awards and the Ha/ton Youth Awards For 5aturday ................ 9-6pm ,,,,*,,à Environmental Excellence. S5'unday.................11-Spm Jnyn. S-11. FrlJay. Pecember 24th ..9-5pm Halton Reglonal Dcme 5h Rgoa oni :0am 2 Great Locationei Meeting Schedula: Deeme lSh Rgoa oni :0am 265 Main 5t. E.. Carriage 5oqaare, B3urllniom Mail Flu clinics: Tuesday, December 14, 4-8 p.m. - Haiton Regionai Centre, Auditorium Mlton *905-878-1070 Guelph Lire *905-8578-1070 115 ...nt R a Oavle aNLM3- 90 .2-000. . . . ..e:1-664aLO 1 -86-4-86. TY 9058793