Gounty Attorney W.1. Dick *OUJR RLEADERS RT jtakes oath of office in T.0O.WRT ('Ti Capsulet are geni, o] t]orniafton extracted froni past issues of The Champion and other puhliîîations in order f0 provide a windovi into Milton.î past. Exp!anatorv commnuit os .ontetflte pro- eided to place thte sation tit conte if JuIy 1904 County Attorney WlI. Dick went Io Toronto on Tuesday and look bis oaf h of office before J.R. Cartwright, Depuf y Atin. Gen. M. Dick wil I iot take possession of the County Attorney's office in the Court house ai prescri., as if is flot ready for him, but wjll be found ai his office in fhe Dewar Block. He cuîmmenced hils official dîîfîes yesferday evening when be wenf to Burlinglon to attend an inquesi on the body of a litile girl who drowned. The old building of the Church of Scotfand was purchased somne limie ago by the owner of the Bennett House. wbo received permission fromn the town counicîl iii remove it along the sireets to the rear of the hotel. If was pI aced in position on Monday. The work of removaf. afong Main. James and MillI streef s. was fedions. On James Street, whîch is very itI e wider ihan thbe building, shade trees suffered. Some damage was also donc on Mill Street. The councîf appears 10 bave neg- fecied fo have mneasuremenis made before granting tlic permission for removaf and may bc asked f o pay damages. Town Councîf reccived tenders for gra- nofîthîc (cemnent) wafks: The Guelph Paving Co. 15et per square fo00f; the Orangevilfe Co. l6e; the Forest City Paving Co. t11.95v. The Forest City Co.'s tender was accepied. Streets are t0 lie sprinkl cd lrom G.T.R. station (Bronte Si.) along Victonia Avenue and thence In the fair grounds hy 3 p.m. on July 16 for the Halton Old Boys reufion. Mr. Syer. of the Canadian Carpet Co.. has purchased the pad manufactuning busi- ness of Wm. S. Morgan of Hamilton. and look possession on Safurday. This industry employs a number of bands and ibis îown may profit by Mr. Syer's enterprise. as he says he inîends to remnove the manufactur- mng plant to Milton as soon as he can secure a building suitabl e for tf. Milton wore a gay appearance on Saturday. on the occasion of the vîsît of the Milton TIme Capsules Ofd Hallon Boys'Association of Toronto. Not only the public buildings and business establishments. but many residences were decoraf cd witb flags. bunting. etc. The 0f d Boys arrived by a special G.T.R. train ai 4 p.m. and were met aithfle station by the Milton band and a number of citîzens. A procession was formed, headed by the Milton band, wiih ihai of the 48th Highlanders a f ttfe in its rear. and the two bands played altemately on the march 10 the fair grounds. At the grounds welcom- ing addresses were delivered by Mayor Anderson. Warden Peacock and Public Schoof Inspecior Deacon. Dr. Fraleigh. President of the Old Boys. Alderman J.B. Hay and Dr. Harrison responded. Wm. Gould of St. Paul, Mînu. was in town with bis sister. Mr. Gould was in the carniage making business here in the '50s and '60s af firsi as a member of the ftrm of Little & Gould and afterwards by himself. He has been a resident of St. Paul for 34 yeirs. He was a prominent figure in Milton ii the old days and was known as a greai joiker. Old friends remînded hlim on Thursday of some of his jokes, sach as advancing the cf ock in the town hall on the day ofl a municipal nomination, witb the resulf thaf the limie f imît having apparently expired. bis vicfim. a candidate, made a speech oif tbanks 10 the efectors, after wbicb the cfoî.k was put baî.k anid aiiother candidate nominaied wbo was elected on pollîng day, tbanks 10 a great extent 10 Me. Goufd's assistance. Mr. Gould was a mem- ber of fthe dramatic club organîzed by the laie Thos. Regan, wbicb played Henry IV in 1860 and old timers say, played il well. August 1904 Edward Cote is removrng the cottage ibat bas siood on the corner of Main and Brown streets. next 10 Wallace Bouse, (for- mer Milton Inn) 10, the soutb end of the ton. ls removal will improve the appear- ance of tbe botel, wbicb wif I look wcll, when the improvemenîs now underway have been compleîed. Thiîs nîaterial is as.îemhfed oit be/ialf of« thei Milt on Hjaforîîal Societev 6v .1/m Dilis, ulto tan hi reaîlied 6v e-mtail af îjdills(didiiîeîf I.ttii . PitbuII muzzling a step in the right direction Dear Editor: Id like 10 congratulate members of town counicif for the excellent work tbey've done in passing the new animal control bylaw, whîch among other tbîngs makes tf mandaiory for pibuf fs 10 lie muz- zled when ouI in public. 1 cormnend counicif lors for sec- ing tbrough the smokc screens and -in my opinion -the irrelevant, inaccurate nonsense ibai was put forth by the few people wbo arenit happy wiib ibeir sensible choice of action. I appreciate the faci that I can now take my kids for walks nortb of îown witbout loose dogs bound- ing down the trail toward us, only 10 sec ibeir inconsiderate owners walking far behind. I appreciate the ftact ibai people can now walk tbrougb the Milton Fair Grounds wiîbouî dogs running toward and jumping ap on lhem. And I greatly appreciate thai plit bulîs and mixed pitbull breeds wîll be muzzled until tbey're gone. It's obvions ibai our new provincial and municipal dog conîrof fegisf a- lion wîlf evolve over lime and improve. but ibis is a great starl. Banning pithulf s is a big firsl sicp for many reasons. and is long over- duc. In my opinion, pithulf s have become a symbol of defiance for their owners. Many pîthull owners are simply aiiracted 10, the status tbat their dog provides. Many pithull defenders would like you 10 believe tbey're guard dogs. Tbis, I bel ieve, is a lie. From wbat I undersîand, pitbull breeds f ack tbc intelligence and genettc siabîlity 10 be guard dogs. There are other breeds Ibat are mucb more suitalf if Ibai's whaî you prefer. In îny opinion, pithulîs arc figbi- ing dogs, and there's plenty of cvi- dence in bistory 10 back that ýp. The firsi pithulf s were of British deceni antd ased for a sport of cnlertaînmenî cal led bull-bailing. Back in fthc t 700s, British pub owners would offent rent 'hulîs 10 bce baited' 10 draw large crowds to their business. This wild affair încluded 15 10 30 dogs and one mean bull. These feroctous dogs would allack the bull, bite and bang on for dear f ife. The crowds would roar in delighl as the bull would figbt back and fling dcgs up 10 20) feet in tbe air only 10 land on the ground and attack the bull again. On occasion, Ibese dogs would have their bellies spt open and continue 10 attack as ibeir guis bung oui. In 1835, bull- bailing was banned. Now let's move on 10 the 'rat pli'. This was the sport wherc the Ipif' in pîthufl was first dcrîved. Dogs were fossed inb a Plît wîith hundrcds of rats. The objective was for the dog 10 kiff as many rats as possible in the shortesi amouni of lime. However, ibis secdy sport neyer gained the popularity of bull- baiting. Today. dog fighting is a common sport of entertainmenî in Third World countries. 'Me dogs used, includmng pithuis. have attributes that are sîmilar. They attack witb- oui warning and will continue the assauît ai aIl cosîs. Ant îey quîck- ly go in10 a frenzy that's aIl but impossible 10 stop. Il should bt noied thai in Third World counîries the îîwncrs of' fighting dogs dttni consider tlîetr animaIs as pets and wouttit expeci tbem 10 be in the puic realm. Only in oursweseri socîety where dog f îgblîng is if fegal dot owners feef il's their right 10 ossn figbling dogs, kcep îfîem as pets and parade ihcm in public. In Nortb Amerîca, pithulîs wcre neyer a popufar family pet. Owners of ibese dogs necd 10 be higbf y expencenced and responsîble. This breed. in my opinioîn, is îlot suit- able around chifdrcn. However, plîbuf Is have bectime mainstreamn and now represeni per cent of dogs kept as pets. and accordîng 10 my research nîîw account for ncar y 50 per cent oif dog attacks -bningîng new nicatî îng 10 tbe terni maulîng. lits not surprising -but certain- ly uinlortuntate -that many pîthuf f breeders refuse lto recognize the problcm with ibis brecd. Some pi bull breeders dlaim t0 self 'human friendf y dogs', but il's foc, laie. The only hope for pithulîs is a masstve culfing. A f cw of the mîîsî sulimissive pithulîs sbould be saved and bred under controlfed conditions, away fromt the public. Il will lake a number of genera- lions, I helieve. Io tone down ibeir dangerous genettc traits. T Andrews Milton Here's complete budget for Iibrary's l5Oth celebration Dear Edifor: The continued interesi in Milton Public Library's I 501h artniversary celebrations is appreciaîed. I hope everyone knows Ibat any lime ibey bave questions regardmng the lihrary's operalfons, tbey can contact me directly, or chief librarian Leslie Fitch. Wben the lIfbrary board approved tbe lisI of monthly contents, events and special programs relaied 10 the I 501h anniversaey celebration ai our September mccl- ing, we did so by cstablisbing a budget of $30.000. Ai tic same lime. we asked staff 10 find ways 10 bring the celebraîtons in under ibis maximum amounit. The approved budget - funded via the library reserve -is as follows: $2.300 for contesîs, $5.850 for puhlicity antd marketing, $9.000 for legacy projecîs (includmng a publisbed history of the library), $4.850 for the Milton Santa Claus Parade (whicb includes the purchase of six special book trucks to be used ai the library followîng thc parade), $5.000 for promoional matenial and $3.000 for a special eveni during Ontario Public Libraey Week in October 21105. The Milton Public Library board and staff are excit- cd about 2005, and look forward 10, sharing oui lSlIth anrtiversasy wiîh the people of Milton. Ron Banyai, chairperson Milton Public Library board ZOOMZOO ZOM zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom O A XACHIL LES 351 Ocson Si., Acten 519@853M0200 halo@achiieumàzaca Our &loa(rnhfp à Hit *h &Mfst O fisqol is to hothe &stt!