Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Dec 2004, p. 29

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or) Mb - -. -~ W V W W * - A -. eIndex: Real Estate 100-135 a Business 140-169 e Rentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Comnmunity 240-29Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: cIassified@miItoncanadianchampion.com 9 Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 50!0-5 Mo.t d a-p OU!Alcasfe d loapa nwwhknerhcm e Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cail: 905-878-59475 Ad submission by mail er ie persn The Canadien Chýampion, 191 Mars St. E., Mltion, ON [97 4N9 beadtines: Mon. 1t a m, for Tues. publication, Thons, il arn l ot Pr. publication. Spocrul Feature & Holiday deadîrnes may oaep. Peymenl: We accept cash, cheque, Interac, Visa, MasterCard, Americas Expness. Business Occoonts cao Se opeered mite an approed credît application avaîlable trors our Sales Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRSO 08V CT RUNS te encore the information in correct, Contact youn Sales Consultant mîthîs 24-Cours if an enter appeurs Se nerrer in a Fni publication mont Se nepoOed se later tSar Mer il1 arn. BIRTHDAY HAPPY 6oTH OIRTHDAY CINDY LUNAUt Vrdsrrd.y Dsurobri ou. L004 t.rrt.n -t Ps H.iros Cooney I... s.96 S.ith L.o,. N5 .... qt n Homtrd be 4ir, ci Brr irr, t tJloyl y-osre, er, lnpnrmcsr/ ýf- lüûOsq.h orucdphidrsdcd tie gres fom Hase. Central tout ad ai, StOAetnt plus a/Ohm Cal tee @ 9OS- 878-83 us proee Mone Makena t-x 800-537-1931 ema.seses- satgeonna PROilOls ymcur es qe perhuipteouee4..W adult radeors ir Soutr Crenral 01- taes Boo yor ackihersal di am 60M&bdciommuna- np seergoapers ortioe plier oui Cal boap fr nm malon se weekty rd ad packages (ilondis liigs in- cbale 416-493-1300 ent 237; www.mehat.cees WORK aI Home $529.27 Westty. Mai mork, Assem- bte producrs or Computer mcdi, /416/703 5655. 24hr message www.ThoHome- Job or Or ente: Consumer, 5998 Venge Orient, 8259- 222, Toronte Ms/O 124 $MoeygS 100% St, nud und 3rd Montgages, Bad credît OK. Cuit Ontuno Wtde 1-888 307 7790ý 8-PR @ 48%, Aise, eguilp moirguge progreren regard- tom etf incorso or cre011. Cuit CHRIS @ 1-800-328- 7887 orerisituusamsum.uini clairesdebsm.com SELL Prîvaeo und Save Thessandu. Rosuts ure guurastoed. Pevae MLS comng Jas/OS. Cati 1-866- 414-0017. uunmhabo.ca Richard & Brena Adamsof Milton are happy t0 aunouece BI theDAYraeo hi o B«Ior ounTracy I3OWNTOWN Milton 2- bdrm apt.. avaîtabte Jan. Itnt a neo pet henltage building. t brîgni cuzy bacheor 55mIS rnclud- îngsoat. 2 modeml 1bed- rooms muSh balconp 5790/mIS înctodîog Seul. Cai 905-85450401 loi de- taris MILTON 2-bdrm leniced pard, ucrose Item mati,. ta Ste, & ail a/Mitres îsdsded. $1 000/mIs. Cati Craîg >519) 239-9973ý MILTON 3-bone main tiesi & 2-bouen bmt. uptus ton rosI. Ca/t Mamtne 0416- 433989. MILTON tueuneus doms- toms 2-boue apt. miSh ail rOc eppliencen, dec/i tildes/mS, plus utlios Cai Tegi @ 416889-0548. VERY spucious. newty ren ovated t boue 1 bathroom api n panrt t areheuse near deentoon Milton. S895/mth indluding ubtliis. avarlablo Nov. 23rd. Cuti Wesdy 519-5817537. thuton upartentl 1 & 2 bogrese aparomn avait abie Nom ana futnt e Prîdge & Sicue. taLndrr lacItiený No dogs 519-853- 4374 vpen 7 da/ismeek same day apervat DOWNTOWN MILTON Mîlisîdo Tomens 82 MîtisiOn Drue 1t&2 Oedroom Spîs Newr applirures Close le Domnown. hon stop aI Pront Duer 905-878-1249 wwm.reaiuiarca GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Branle Street, hSCuh, Milton We are nom acceptîng applications toe 1 & 2 Bedresm Spartmenin Fat moe information anilan le mafie as appoinlmtrt Pteaae ocCl 905-878-5375 Building Managers Leanard & Penny 1-BEDFCIOM apuOtmeni, P/idge ued stoe, t path- îng. Nom carpet ie UR und 5/R $800/month inclusive. 905-5855033ý 1-'BEt3ROOM baisement apanlment. Spucînus tur nished, preint single per- son', ses-smoking. $700/month plus l13 utîli- tien. Cai 905-873-9584. 1-SEDRUON Georgetown apartmont, wrth inoen parking $725lmoslh plus as/Ortes. Pirseduasi Seuilable Otecember nIt 905-877- 2698. ACTOA 2 bedroee sart- ment. Anoltaba/ immediate- py 200 Churchll RouO, South. No pots. Cuti 519- ACTON large tue bedmomr apt. $775/menthe. Aise large 1 -bedroere apt, $600/mthe Cai 519-853- 5080 or 519-853-5352 AVAILABLE Junoutp lot, Actse touehouso, 3-bod- mo, t 1/2 buth, 2 parking spuces, liished hasent appliasces, smoking eh, se polo. St ,200lmth. (519)787-140 DOWNTOWN Gesegetown, large t bodroors avaîlubie December 6th. $760lmonth plus bpdro includes ap- piiascnspurhing. No smok- irg/pets credît check tîrst/lastorelerences Cati 905-877-4427. FIRST MONTe FREEI S beauttul em kitchen and bathroom in thîs 2-bedresm Scteni apuntment. Chooso your omn peint cetours Aoarlablo December 151. No smokersîpen. S8OOmonth inclusion. 905 702 3301 GEORGETOWN large i bedrooti en Saune Park ingiauirarycacle, utlities includnod 5525,montS Avalabe Januaro 1515 Cati 4165 43 5187 GEORGETOWNOnCe bec- roomn basemont opaimoni, unry dlean close t0 Mal $700imonih plus utîlîtîns Cai Sinon at 416-898-2902 nonnîngs or daytime 90oS 877-0050. GEORGETOWN spacieus, 2-bedroom apuntmont. close oe Hîgh Oches. Sp- pitances great neîghbeors. No pets smoking, 5908/menth ail inclusive. Avaîluble Pebruury itt 905-873-1174 MILTON. Ontano St. Laun- or Sue, Large 2-bedresm busement unit /ome enrg Pull kîtcheni, liing & Sut/i n ciudes utirtescabe Pîrst/Last rnquîrod ShOO/menth No smok- ing/do9, 905-876-70805 TRAFALGAR Road in Bai- iînalad 2 bedresm apaot ment, frnge/stov, iaungry lucltSes, parking, otlOîn ail inclusion S1000/mrh, Pirstlanr. Pos- seson Jan/0h 416-248- 110 aSller 4pm. \MARRIAGE 7 r HOUSE in Campbellvrlle, - I room plus access le kitch t n & living room, non- smoker, firtlast, S45Olmth includes atlties. Cuti 905- Stupak-Hagen - Cethy Colin, big suter Kathleen & 654 5415 big brother William are pleased te announce the bî90h ot their niew sue arnd brother Lucas Nelson Conrad. hors on Novembor 10, 2004 ut 5:56 pm, weighisg 4lbs 7ozs. Proud grerrdparests voonne aod Edmard Stupuk LOCKED indeor storage, et Miltes and Jeoe and Brue Hagen et Cumbridge. willaccomodae lage ' Speetul thunks te Valesie and Daddy for theîr support, miiir hcomedaelrge and aise thash pou te Dr. Hanter and Nurse Susan. bouts. Prom 545/mo. Cal! 519-855-6880. LO prs lhe ass MARTIN: Peul Maths Sti/Main St., nean Peaoetultp, se Wedsesiup, Deceoter t, 2004 ut the 59859e ap. CaI 416-889- Milton Disrit Hospital, Paul Maths in hos 63rd peur. 2362. Lovrsg husbasd nf the late Maria Matis and casreot m hasirasd of Muasa Matis. Baeve4 ther et Sems (Jeremie> and Daniel (Jassie> Lesrsg step-tather of Tm SIPNMMGLE r uan Casdice Ce/ Dear bmother et 7 siblingts SNL? Mt 1uMt Fsiesds will e received fmtire J. Scso Eadp Fuseral Call Litoates nrm! 881 Home, 21 James St., M/huen, 905-878-2669 se Psdcap, 046 2837er Visi us ai December 3sdtro 2-4 & 7-9 PM. Vigil Prapers erîl ie 3 bedresmn tully detachedi Seuse avaîluble Feb t/Oh. Appliances, dock, garage, teeced lot, double dniemay, Central Milton. 51400/munS ,. utîlities. Cali Femande 905-878-3007 MILTON EXECUTIVE uase. 3h00 sq. ft 5 bec- resm, nere, Maetamy eeecu- euve home tee 1 peur bease. $2500/month. Cali Putsich haety Re/Muax Blue Springs 905-87877777 MILTON, Nom 3-bedresms, 1.5 baths, 4 uppianues, ga- rage $1200/mt n utiities. theailabto immeoiiatep. 416- 704-2785. SPACCOUS beutulp asn- eoatod 3-bdrm house, coutry, misutes tu 401. 4 appliasces/umple path- ing/tirepiace. St,l00mth plus hydeo. P/dtp 905-804- 3563. MILTON 3-bdrm house, available immodiotelp, 423 Goge St. No pets/smok- ors, a/dot cosple proterred. $1200/mth hirstlast n uhilt- 905-878-805 Miltion. Avaîluble imme- diatolp. Greospark 4-084- resm home, 2 '5 baths, c/air maisPfoor taondrp resm, tenced, double garage. 905-854-2357 SMALI bungalow Wînston ChurchîtllSteeles, $1250/month c utîlities. Outsîde maînlenanicelup- pitances înciuded. Decem- ber 1thh Roterences, 905- 455-8530 MILTON So(rrte cn- Saune 5 oppitancen. ionced/yard garage, avail aS o imeiately 90/5878- 0860 MILTONI Proole neslnp aiea. avurlubie îmmodîatelp. 3 bednesm, toc noem, 5 upptîancscentral air. cable TV/. garage ho smok ers/pets. 51250/mtn plus tiliies 9055854-2770 OAKPILLE 3 Bedresm iomnhouses anaîtabte Im- mediately threugh January, 4 applianices, Hopedale Mal aiea. Lokeshore Mas- agement, 905-876-333h Hop 25/5 Sîderoad. Auait- able îmmedîatelp. $400imnnth utiliSes inciud- e4 905-878-3632 MILTON large carpered /ro (umtshed), 5400/meSth Shared accom- modaties. Cai [aura @ 9058693-9007ý FURNISHED noom near Milton Mall parking, taon- drietc 51i0meek Pieuse ctit 9050878-0882 MICHAEL MARLATT WEST COn Nouember 23, 2004 ut the Toronto Western Hospitl en hîn 78th pean alter a brînt rlismss. Hîn mînh mas lo be cnemated ane o fltusenat service te bo hald. S celebratton et Mîke's lite miii tuke place ai a taten date. tnt Cet tisting oervtvrs. Tttey 600w whon they are ued Chut t love Chere. Emoyea/ ieving - oortr Ce eeave" S celebraton of Mîke s lite is betog Solo on Sundap, Docember 12th itemn 2pm 5pm ai the Nassagaepya Communtp Contre, 11264 Guelph Lino lt-lm 40t e exil 312 (Guelph Liet North on Guelph Lino ro She Cors unir/r Centre os the West sîde. LYONS, ALLEN tn tovinmg memory of a der huanid, ftler, und gesuigalher, enho pamed areap Drcrmler t, 1995 Wr rrOled upon pour trragli Each und evrday G7iig yurrlealy directio la peur kIid and grolle way Wr mise pas mare thut reords cur tell The cadires 9M1 haro biLi Yaur mrmary held enthhs ou heurta <iris as thrrmgh thr dupe and aigLis Wr musi go as togetr Supprirg and ena/ng rach tber Ahieays rrmemheetag hlm Atapin sOur thoagrte Wie ShCrleyr Ch lOren und GrandchiCdrro LOVING methon & ceiftî8 ECE ptooidrsg dupoure sn mp home. Circle timo.story tîme, crafhs & trips te play,, gnoup. 10 peurs expei - once. 905-878-9950 Montessoi & ECE Hom Preschtot Home peesehesi progiam offered such as Monteseori practice achoîtîies ucude- mies, chrîdren's compa/er progrurs, language toamer. Nutntieus meekly piasned meols Sncursd lonced bacirpard, Currently accnptîng chîldeen 12 months h yoars PIeuse contact Samaha 905-878-8524 MOTHEB euth Firsi Sud iooking toi Ora/mates loi my 3 nîtadreni DaîIy oui- ings grats, Sol mealS & snacks, Infants meicome In the moolmard[Wiison aiea Pieuse cati [aura 905-693- 1315ý GLASS table and chairs, white soe heom lkea &52 bar stess 51.005. 080 Cai 416-721-8564. MUST unit boauttol italien stle glass dînîsg tae h mths oO, new condition. Cent 51ý 050. sacrifice 50. Cai 9055633-9391 or 905-876-2108, SNOW iirnsîsms /4/. 195/0 R15 Michelin Srtiîr Alins on 15" stel sms /5-bot) 50% meut. 418-5609963, WOODEN play sases,2 tort ameas, 2 stîdes, 2 swiogs, rochet nider, 2 tope tudders. monkey bois, Stand nom in box. Souls te tait ior S1500, 0e are unit- îng loi $50 Plouse cai 905-257-4390, The Canadian Champion Christmas Bureau Fund la for The Salvation Armv Th, t.nrraoiîun tluerr.roff- n itc." atl ~J Oi.rsi 191 MAIN ST., MILTON et Christisare euri ll bo ceiebrated ut Ha/p Rosutp Church, 139 Matis St. Miltes se Salura, Docomber 4th ut 10 SM. Cromnatise lo fa/tom As expressons et spmputhp, doatos mup be made te the Long Asse- elaties or te the Miltse Distrnct Hospitl Pourandses Love 11v'

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