24-The Canadian Champion. Friday. December 3, 2004 for Beaver toumney Alter iru ing iii dfrm leai.is ni recen eas Miloi,, icvrHockey fîurnamx.ni niti scc ns Ioh irne li %e. Cinccled in 1999 and 2002, flic hiti dii citmpelitiin iiii oli cia ti iid the Miltoit GiidLîif Filuosi Beax ci iiiîrnîicni --i-ucbiiiindo-ii ia.,i ycir le atlrici ic.inîs n it m diticioni agoe dii oi l'fiai niîinhei nîlgiti iniicisc siii 'cit[l1ii vea,i aci.inting tii tIIIIîiiliocni chaiir Riin Piiinîan, il utig.nicrs. ciii md one molec 0.11ii I cîîiplete iii enitoil iitinl. iTiiiigs lookil ier or od i gui am. suit Puîlîîîar.i, titi %xx. xlii iti>y c îicericd xi ii flic timiing ii lii i cals tiiirni.t field D)c 27-,30. iho tiiirnamni is 29tiiîîsialiiicîî is sialcit Io bcgînîion il Mîîîîîay anid cîîiciii oni i Tiîîrsiay - simchiiîg tuiai poli liiils, coiflicis \xxiii iiîîîk scliîciîic' ofi parenîx its nd ichs ýil siiiii i0 Icaîtîs aireconfîi rme(d Io coiipeic ii Ivkc. Miie tit itce anid minoi iiîidget iN iii iikeiyspcit iit sqii.îits v FtcIeaiiiis areîîicîcîint lotîthh flic mîîîîir aiiîm anîd nîîiîî hamnî ii iiis. %o iti iour icanîs liiicîi p lir miii pccv.e cc ty. iitit iiirîcxxks ticiîî' xxiii cîinpeîc iii il i iisiiiiix xihiic ictîtîs frnit tirti îghîîîî tic TiiCiutiiy aloi. Pctcrbuîîitîîiî1. SLîI(btîri Wellanîd, ('ictrgîna andti hc (rcaicr Tîîrîuîîî Hickcy LcigLIC \viii roiundii t ieft]. Pullman hiîpes iii atîraci scvcrai nmorc iclrns hciîirc Dcc. 12. ai whîci pit h oii determine the atixiuni xiitce limc nccssary tior thc lturnamet. The buik tif gaines \viii ho piayed ai Milton Sptorts Centre, wîth al fexx ciniesis schciiuicd ftir Joîhn Tonell Spitris Centre. Thoros ici shortage of voluitcers. wîth mauîy hîgh sohoot stidents iakiiîg theo îpportuniiy lii put in iheir commnîy service hîturs. As file sponsor. GuîodLife Fttncss Clubs mviii prîlvide a ttme iii giveam'ays for piayers. înciuding skate loweis, water botin iliuques, rtbhons and metialiions. The Canadian Tire Events Teani anti Unioîn Energy wiii aiso proxide accuracy shooting booths dur- îîg flicte îîîmamenî. and skiis compeltiins wiii ho field fur al piayers in lyke, novice and mincir atoni. Sciiuttr's Snack Shack. 001 ciperationai tirng the 2(1)3 tourna ment. xviii ho ready and open for Ibis year's competition. In bis second year as Beaver chair, Pullman sajd the loumament provîdes many advanîages lii participants and residenîx aiike. lits providtng an important event that beams from all over southern Ontario gel 10 participate in and enjoy immenseiy. The almosphere and skiffs competition are a poitive experience for the piayers- hc said. "Ils (lso) wonderfui for the îown. We're îaik- ing about 2,000 people (coming imb Milton) mben you conxider tbe piayerx. coaches and parents comîng in for' the four days. Il reaiiy beipi out local business and aiioms Milton 10 sbow whaî a great town il ix.- GO TOOLS T DEEPLY SNTASTIC PRICES! 18V Cordless Drill Kit $39,99 iitudex Dritl Bdie Charger LtN Bit &t ; $99 h ptto WVii hi st 10"1 Sliding Miter Saw 1189,99 Sopr t299.99 Variable Speed Jîisaw 129,99 îlîîîtxdc. ncai & ut> xi tixî hiaxt is Pit Bull 10" Saw Blades 40-100 Teeth dintcte, Drill. Baitrt Charger. t)itt Bit, (, v(e,e o BitSt 16.99- 1O.99 Aiit/orized Outiet for Home & Tool Clerance Depot - Conduictorç of Heritage Park Barn, Sale, Sept. 2004 Ili Miitoin Mall niti Btulk Bairn è$L Is your coach tops? They're on the ice -or the field, tir the ctourtl eariy. and they're the iasl ones to ieave. They leach us 001 oniy thesisbu aiso how lu have the lime of ur luves, mbeîher we're m.ntn or... iosîng. Antd they donate their time lu make a major contribution lu minoir sports. So flow ix the lime tlu remard great coaches in a big way. Local teamn memberî (and iheir parents) in any sport are inviled 10 submîî their nominations for Theo Chanipiîtn's Coach of the Month. a new feature that wîii atm the spotiighî on the men and women mho make local teams shine. One coach wiii ho chosen each month, and they miii receive a pizza pacty for the team -on us. tn addition, Thto Chamion/cî miii mun att article on the xxvtuner. Submîssîons sitoîtic itîciade the cîxach'inme, the icain and division naine, ani îîby lhey make piaying the game someihing spectai. They can ho e-maile Io slebianc@a haiîcinsearcb.ciin. Milton Lacrosse COACHING POSITIONS Taking Coaching Applications for the 2005 Season for both Rep and House League for ail ages. Coaching clinie provided and paid by the Association. For application please cal Randy at 416-420-8786 or Kenny at 905-693-1680. Deadline for applications is .January 7, 2005. TROT OSAT.N FJNAY WA.C FO OU. A. IceHawks (20-8-1-O) vs. Streetsville (10-17-1-1) Game time: 7:30 p.m. at Memoriai Arena Last meeting: Milton won 5-1 in Streetsvilie Nov. 9 Who to watch for: Sophomore Mike DeMarchi ix due for a breakout. having scored just once in bis lait seven games atter a productive tirst haif of the season. The skinny: Fven xsith a banged-up rosier, the iceHaxiks shouidn't have much trouble disposing of the defensîveiy-chalienged Derbys. Champion's pick: Milton by 4 V_ 1 Taking the man An unidentfied mem- ber of the Miltork District Mustangs (right> is checked by an Oakvlle- Trafalgar Redi Devils opponent during Hafton hlgh school boys hock- ey action Tuesday in Oakville. Milton, whîch went winless In fta firat four games th15 season, returna to action Monday wlth a home conteat againat OakvlIe's Abbey Park. Game time at Milton Sports Centre la sched- uled for 3:30 p.m. Photo by BARRIE ERSKINE