Ar Committee to create housing strategy 'Fourth Line closure planned The Region is forrning a steer- img committee ta help create a comprehensive housing strategy for Halton - a document that wili detail regional council's vision for bousing and ita priori- ties for this council terni. Last week, council approved tise teama of reference for the commintee, which outlines its mandate, goal, acope, purpoae, composition and terni The committee wil deveiop a work plan, co-ordinate thse devei- opmenî of thse housing strategy and pretent thse final version ta commitîee antd council for approval. Communication is critical, said a report from Commissioner of Social and Community Services Adelina Urbanski. "Mlie commu- nity ai large, aa weii as iîstereuted utakehoiders, must be conuted with and provided the opportumi- ty ta, give feedback ai key mile- stanes in thse procesa." Buriington snd Regionai Counciiior Rick Craven snd Oakviiie and Regional Councilior Mike Lansdown were appointed ta the committee as representa- tives of thse health and social serv- ices committre. A member of thse Halton Housing Advisory Committee and regional staff will make up the rest of tise group. The strategy's expected ta be done by next fali. The Town and Regian hase prîiposed closîng Faurth Lîne tram Derty Raad ta j usi sauîh aI' Main Street East sîarttng Tuesday for construction and ta mîtîgate the high number cilcar crashes ta the aveu. "This clasure is being compieîed ahead of the scheduled wîdenîng af Derty Road as a resuit ai the number of matar vehîcie colisians that ave occumrng ai the intersec- tion of Derry Road and Faurth Line, whîch is a resuli ai hîgh trattic volumes and speeds along Derry Road, as well as driver inatîeniiveness. a report tramt Tawn Engineering Services Dîrectar Paul Crtpps said. The cissre is Llso necessary ta complete raad work far the future extension ofi James Snaw Parkîsay. the repart noîed. Thase ihat ice in the rrsîdenîîal lira north af Derry Road. abuîîing Fourih Line. ave being direcîed ta use the signaized intersectians ai Trudeau Drive or James Stîaw Pavkway ta access the subdivision. A detaur route ta Thompsoa Road will be set up tor Fourth Lîne thraugh tratfic. A byiaw ta authorize closing the road will came befote Milton councti Monday. Those wîshîng ta speak ta the issue ai the meeting shauid noîify the clerk's depaI- meut in writing. -New clerk appointed at Region Last week. i-aiton counicil appointed Monica Wailenfels as the new regianal clerk. Ms Waiienfeis has worked as an assistant carporate caunsel with the Region for aimast seven years, pracltcing primarily in land deveiopme.ît and municipal finance. The appainîmneut fliiws cauncil's appraval of a reargantizalion in the legal services department, which wîil see the regianal clerk's lunclions delivered in a different tashion. Given the mapid growlh in Hialtan. the raie of the regianal clerk has chaaged sig- nificantly demanding the cierk passess an intimate understaading of legal require- ments related ta municipal aperations. statutory and common Iaw rights and obli- galions, procedural issues and informatian management. The cierk's pasition will aow be sîaffed by a iawyer, who wiil serve a dual raie in the arganizalian as bath clerk and assistant carporale caunsel. 2-4 pm, 280 Pettigrew Trail, $242,900 Durothy Truman, Raya LePage 905-878-8101 ai]:I 2-4 pm, 280 Peltigrew Trail, $242,900 Adina Nonis, Royal LePage 905-878-8101 2-4 pm 282 Peltigrew Trail, $262,900 Kim Scott, Royal LoPage 905-878-8101 2-4 pm 1663 Allan Cres $364,900 Mike Imrie, Royal LePage 905-878-8101 3-5 p m, 177 Ellis Cres, $344,900 Andrea Seenikidiu, Caldwell Banker 905-825-7777 2-4 pmn, 1286 Cartmer Theresa Keates, Remaa Blue Springs 905-878-7777 2-4 pmn, 16 Anne Blvd., $262,500 Diane Bagnell, Royal LePage 905-878-8101 Your life is in your hands . . . PleaSe Don't Drinik & Drive %~Dkîe Vounteersf always E needed, Hafiou/PeeI Chapter 905-84-00O96 e-mail: maddhalton@sprint.ça -0