brudients ïmproving: test resuits Resuits released recently hy Ontaio's Education Qsalîty and Accountahitity Office (EQAO> show Halton District School Board students hase împroved in the grade 3 and 6i assessurenis in reading, wniting and mathemnatics. The results ccîme lrom the siandardied testisg assessmeni cosducted lasi May for 3,172 grade 3 studenis and 3,354 grade fi students en the public board. Specîfically, the results shoss a greater percenage of studenîs ai tir ahove the provincial standard (lîsied as Level 3 and 4) than the provincial average. "Our resutîls show an impruîvemest over last year in ail areas except grade 6 writing, which remaieed the same," saîd Gary Sacîler, superniendent tif school programn services l'or the public school hourd. 'This inîprovementi s conesistent wîth the province and a cuimmon trend wîîh our neighbouring hourds. The informatioin provîded by the grade 3 and 6 assessmeets prîîvîdes a locus for împroving studeel achievemeet. The data is used ici improve classriîom instructioîn and taîlor instruction lto student eeeds. "Ail elemenlary sehiiols te the publie boarcd have incorporaird the goals of impriîving lîteracy and numeracy in their sehool elfectiveness plans," Mr. Sadier said. "In addition îo ihe provincially-led early reading and early math initiatives, wr con- noue t0 work wîth our school-basedi litera- cy and math mentors to improve classroomn instruion." Mr. Sadler wouldn'î discîîss sshich school dîd te best. He saîd the resulis "arc eut valîd ftîr a year-to-yeur compurisos and they are nîît valid for school-to-school comparison." They're stipposed to be used, he stressed. by individual sehools to better their îeach- îngs and/tor prcigrams. A research analysa wîll pore over the results and submît an analysîs report to the school hourd hopetully te February. Mr. Sadler suîd. The inlent will be 10 see il there are any areas Ihal need to be worked on, he added. The~~ ~~ Caafir Nvember 30 2004-7 .-Sex assault case in court A comuectional officier accused of providisg contraband to female lamate in exchange for sexual favours will retuffi to Burlington court January 26 to continue his pre-tria. The pre-trial, held to hammer out legal issues befote trat. began November 10 at Ontario Court of Justice in Burlington. Halton Regional Police charged the aduit male employee of Miltoa's Vanier Institute for Women with four coures of breach of trust as well as thee cotints of sexual assaut ini March. FBas naine ta bemng wifhheld to pmstect thc safety of the vir- tims, police said. Festival to be up for sale, but it must sell quickly: operatorI - from ONTARIO on page 1 For Adam. the festival aisti meant a lamîily conîtection. Hîs wile, Jensîfer, tîperalecl a business ihere as well called Tara Hill LDesigns, selling everything trom arîinatherapy scîaps ici woîîden games. Their 12 year old scie als> carne alosg wiîh îhem ici the festi- val and worked for various mer- chants. Adamt estimatedi their basinesses combîned broaghî in one-third of their annual income. "Ltst income asîde, there was a real sense of family among the cast and veedors ai the festival, and we shahl miss many tof itîose people deeply,- he said. The local festival is cîwnecl and operaled by International Renaissance Festivals Ltd., the cor- poration alsti respcînsihle for the Maryland Renaissance Festival. The Champion contacted Jules ut bis Maryland office for comment on the closure. but he had noce. Hîs letter to merchants saîd he will put the festival up for sale. but believes there's a small chance it will selI. "If the show does not operate. it will lose momentum and beoîie cînaltractive bo anoiher operator, the letter said. -"h ssoild have Io ho assumed s ery socîn tu hogin the preparations 10 open.- But, Adam said a group of mer- chants and performers have come together to discuss things like leas- ing the festival or turning îî int a co-op. "Il's basîcally a think tank 10 see what we can do to save the fes- tival." Mefanie Heniteeî.es ti fi e ru'au'/ed or nicennessev@rniloti- canadiauit'ampicis.iti. - -- - - - - L P lkac U SL lscE 1IIIIIÀ 5î'.,,8W SeUit., Mn. it. tfmýS MW* M -0 lii Tifs îupiu mm« b- iSd ««t My p'J.u 8r 1311« *5ppp« D-Mni5e 15,200 The Union Energfy Furnace Tune-Up. Get in tune with winter today.J Titi Deemrber 15th, get a furnace tune-up for only (reg. $189) $149 OUR GUARANTEE: If your existing furnace breaks down this winter, this tune-up is FREE. BENEFITS OF A TUNE-tJP: " A well-maintained systemn s more efficient and helps save on monthly utility bis. * Regular furnace maintenance can extend the life t of your Home Comfort System and help ensure sudden breakdlowns don't occur. " A tune-up includes carbon monoside testing to ensure both your furnace and famity are safe. W wwwunonnegyco mto rgy]